

Eric Martindale • December 21, 2020


Our Constitution of 1787 had a good run, 233 years. Our Republic, our system of government, has been destroyed by Deep State forces which refused to allow the incumbent President to rightfully win his re-election. The Presidency was stolen.

As of this writing, all efforts working within the established legal system to address these grievances have been thwarted, and almost without exception the judges in question refused to hear the evidence. The cases were summarily dismissed based on “standing” and other legal quirks. The evidence is phenomenal, and has been documented. A good compilation was released this past Thursday by Peter Navarro.
Additional reports are due in January.

Under no circumstances can this be allowed to stand. America has drifted further and further from it’s founding principles of equality and small government. Various predatory forces have found a home, and they have usurped our system of government.

We stand at the edge of the bottomless pit of Socialism, and once we’re in, it’s doubtful that it’s even possible to shoot our way out.

Our sovereignty has been compromised by the Deep State, as follows:

1. By the Federal Reserve banking system,

2. by various federal surveillance agencies with tyrannical powers,

3. by a military-industrial complex wanting a continuation of foreign wars and insurrections,

4. by an abortion industry that doesn’t value life,

5. by a swamp of lobbyists and their corporate clients who have brazenly secured corporations the legal standing of a human being,

6. by an irresponsible tax and spend equation that has basically bankrupted our country with debt, no matter how many investors have been in denial of that truth, and

7. by a corrupted election system and the Dominion software.

8. Worst of all are the militant socialists who have taken over our universities, our public schools, our entertainment and fashion  industries, our tech industry, our media, and our social media. They are indoctrinating multiple generations into believing that our country and our founding is evil. The current young generation, age 15 to 35, is the most immature and Leftist that we’ve ever seen. The thought of them growing older and not wiser, and running things, is beyond terrifying.

Donald Trump has done his best just to stand in defiance of all of these forces. That’s why people hate his guts. It’s been a tough battle, and he’s been a bit rude along the way. Hard to blame him, actually. He must be forgiven for any mis-statements or attitude. He is our defense. He is our leader against the forces of evil.

None of these massive problems that our country faces can be solved by Legislation or by electing new faces, because half of the public has been corrupted and brainwashed. That brings us to the only option left, Revolution.

At this point in time, the problems that have corrupted and destroyed our country are absolutely intractable and unresolvable, except by Revolution. I’m not sure when we passed the point of no return, perhaps it was when the Patriot Act was passed.

November 3rd wasn’t just another election. Pundits like Mark Levin have been clear that there simply won’t be another day, or another election, to fight these public policy battles and resolve them within the system of constitutional government. If Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris are actually inaugurated, we’re done. Our country, the guiding force of western civilization and the Judeo-Christian tradition, is finished. We slide into the abyss of socialism and economic collapse, and into the iron grip of the Deep State. The real socialists are already scheming to impeach and remove Joseph Biden via the Hunter Biden scandal, and install the radical Kamala Harris as President.

When we say it’s time to release the Kraken, that means it’s time for a Revolution. The Second American Revolution is not a symbolic Revolution. It is a real Revolution with military force, and a populist theme.

When the final legal efforts to reverse the election theft fail, President Trump and the top Christian-minded Generals need to declare martial law, cancel the planned Biden inauguration, seize power, and announce that a new Constitution will be forthcoming in four years. Not only will I accept this, I am calling for it.

The Revolution is a two-fold process. First, Donald Trump, as Commander in Chief, can invoke the Second Amendment and call upon the gun-owning citizens of this country to “form your militia’s and be ready for battle.” This was clearly the intent and wording of the Second Amendment, despite a Supreme Court ruling that says otherwise, and despite the fact that no President has done it in 233 years. It can be done, and it must be done. If it comes to actual warfare, it won’t last long. We have 8 trillion bullets, and the other side doesn’t know which bathroom to use.

Second, Donald Trump can order troops to occupy Washington, DC, Manhattan, Port Newark, and a few other strategic locations. Yes, real troops with tanks and guns, warships in the harbors, and planes flying overhead. 50,000 troops should be enough to hold Washington, DC against any local opposition and seize command of all government buildings. More will be needed for Manhattan. The first order of business is to march upon the city police headquarters, appoint a new Chief of Police, and tell them who’s in command. This might be needed in more cities if things get ugly. Second order of business, on the same day, is to take control of all mainstream media, Google, Facebook, and Twitter.

By seizing power in this fashion, Trump and millions of patriotic Americans can reverse the illegal coup d’état coordinated by Joseph Biden and his cohorts. This can only be done before Inauguration Day, January 20th.

The Radical Left created a Constitutional Crisis. Joseph Biden and the Leftists destroyed our country and ended 233 years of governance by our Constitution by stealing the election. We answer that by Revolution. There is no acquiescence. We don’t concede. We seize control, and if necessary, we fight them in the streets. I briefly witnessed a near riot this past Saturday in Hackensack, New Jersey. Pro-Trump forces and anti-Trump protestors were being held apart by the police. Having seen it first-hand, I am now convinced that there is no simple and peaceful resolution to everything. The day of the kraken has arrived.

I’m even designing a new seal for the Kraken government. It’s a mighty Kraken with a smiling human face and four of the eight tentacles are held up, each grasping an important symbol of the Second American Revolution. The outer left tentacle will grasp an American flag, and the inner left tentacle a hunting rifle. The inner right tentacle will gently hold up a newborn baby wrapped in blanket that reads “life”. The outer right tentacle will hold up a Christian cross. This seal can replace the eagle holding an olive branch and arrows, at least until a Constitutional government is re-established.

Following a period of Kraken rule, there will be a new Constitution and a new system of government free from all those terrible problems. It is time for Revolution. Let me declare it. Release the Kraken.

On this very evening, Jupiter and Saturn appear as one in the sky for the first time in over 800 years. What a coincidence? Perhaps this is the sign of some great change. Release the Kraken NOW.

Once the Kraken is released, we are outside of the Constitution of 1787, and aggressive actions can be taken to resolve all the insurmountable problems that cannot be resolved by elections, legislation, or the Supreme Court.

The Kraken will purge America of all these problems. I’ve outlined the first 26 days of the reign of the Kraken, and all the actions that must be taken.

Day #1: As soon as military rule is secured, the greatest blow to the Deep State will be to strip the Federal Reserve banking system of its power over our currency and over our country. Restoring prayer to public schools also comes on the first day, to set the tone of this Revolution.

Day #2: Reach out with a kraken tentacle and obliterate that building in Utah that collects all of our emails and phone calls. Seize it and burn it to the ground. We are not a free people with that system in place. Nor can we continue to allow our cell phones to keep a GPS log of everywhere we’ve visited.

Day #3: Issue a decree that Freedom of Speech will no longer include Freedom of Audience. We shall bring balance to the media and social media. If that means to reach in with a kraken tentacle and rip Don Lemon out during a live broadcast, so be it. Don Lemon and our other adversaries won’t be harmed, jailed, or killed. They are free to walk the street and speak as much as they want. They get no mass audience. “Oh, that’s unconstitutional”. Well yeah, but we are not under the Constitution anymore, so we can do it. Don’t like it? Too bad, this is a Revolution. All the leftists have been wanting a Revolution. They should have been careful what they wished for.

Day #4: Terminate the Patriot Act and deal with other excesses in our federal surveillance agencies. I can't say too much here, they are watching. They already have a file on me. Hint, the changes needed will help with our National Debt situation.

Day #5: Eliminate electronic voting. We’ll be back to manual voting machines, but this time they are designed to cleanly punch a chad of paper, and leave no hanging chads. Provisional ballots shall only be for persons overseas or in the military. All other votes shall be cast on Election Day, no early voting.

Day #6: Reign in on all the lobbyists, as they say “drain the swamp”. I am withholding details here as well.

Day #7: Declare that anyone or anything with a human heartbeat is protected life.

Day #8: Eliminate pensions for public employees; the taxpayers can’t afford it. Public employee unions are basically mafia rule over the government. There are now two classes of people in this country, the pension-haves who are the elites, and the pension have-nots who are the common people that subsidize their existence. This is unsustainable both socially and economically, and it cannot continue. One swipe of a kraken tentacle will take it out.

Day #9: Restructure the tax and spend equation and eliminate the annual debt, and create a path to eliminate the national debt. Well, it will take more than a day to come up with the equation, but you get the picture. Above all else, the dollar must retain its global domination, and all foreign investments in America must be secure. All international debts are valid and must be paid. To deviate from this would mean a global depression and a world war, especially with China. We want neither.

Day #10: Declare American English to be our national language, and reaffirm that our country is based on the Judeo-Christian tradition, without favoring any one group or denomination. All laws, public documents, voting ballots, and even instructions inside boxes of products are to be printed in English only. Order Puerto Rico to schedule a referendum to either accept American English as the principal language and stay as a Commonwealth, or become independent. Love us or leave us.

Day #11: Issue a series of edicts to end the leftist insanity on college campuses. Abolish all hate-America curriculum, all “safe spaces”, and all speech codes. Marxist professors will be identified and ripped out of the classroom by the Kraken tentacles, and rendered unemployed. Like our deposed leftist media figures, these professors will also be free to walk the streets and speak whatever is on their minds to individuals, but they get no broader audience. Something like McCarthyism shall rise again, but the focus this time is on restricting Freedom of Audience. It will not be on arresting people, putting them on trial, or locking them up. This Revolution will fail if my advice on this point is not followed. 

Day #12: Abolish civil asset forfeiture and return all the monies to all the victims, with interest, and going back decades. It’s disgusting that no President has had the balls to do this across the board. Even Trump hasn’t done it fully.

Day #13: Decree that every city must elected unpaid Community Councils for every urban area with 10,000 population, with most governance on the community level, and less on the city hall level. City-level government is to function as a regionalized government. There is no democracy, and no appreciation for democracy, unless local people in every neighborhood control their own destiny and govern themselves. This restructure is to be considered fundamental to civics, see Day #21. News of this will be an “ah-ha moment” for a lot of people that this Revolution is real, and it’s for the common people.

Day #14: Restructure Obamacare. Resolve the excess charges in the medical industry and elder care industry. Sadly, we need price controls because of greed. The new National Healthcare Plan shall only provide medicines and devices that the patents are expired. If you want better and more modern care, you can pay the difference yourself. Better care must exist in order for medicine to advance.

 Day #15: Quit the United Nations. Seize their building in Manhattan with a kraken tentacle and evict them. Bring in a professional demolition crew with some dynamite, and have the news cameras rolling. To hell with their New World Order. Remember how the message was sent that high-rise public housing is bad. The authorities in St. Louis, Detroit, Newark, Baltimore, and other places could have economically retrofitted those buildings as seniors-only housing, but it was more important to dynamite them. Blowing them up sent the message that was needed.

Day #16: Declare that marriage is, by definition, between one man and one woman. Same-sex couples get civil unions with less rights than a marriage, and they have no standing to demand marriage equality. No, their relationships are not equal. All such existing marriages will be declared to be civil unions for legal purposes.

Day #17: Issue an edict that all legislation on any level from local to federal that gives rights to any group of people is to be rewritten to read that the protection applies “to all persons” (excepting of course, marriage, which by definition is only between a man and a woman). Are you a person? Answer: Yes. Then you are covered. Legislation becomes divisive when it mentions people’s race, sex, sexual orientation, or national origin.

Day #18: Establish hetero-normative standards for movies, radio, television, plays, YouTube, and other internet products. They shall all be ordered to portray all persons and all relationships as heterosexual, with the exception that any unfavorable character can be portrayed as an unmarried LGBTQ person if the producer so chooses. Censorship Boards will be established to regulate all art and all productions. Nobody will be arrested or jailed, but Freedom of Audience provisions will restrict the broadcasting or rebroadcasting of anything that deviates from such standards, including what has already been made. Associated fines will be punitive and devastating, and the media organization will be shut down, for increasing blocks of time, every time they violate. Any production critical of the Judeo-Christian tradition shall be blocked from release or rebroadcast. There won’t be many violations, with soldiers are in place watching what is broadcasted. Lists will be made of acceptable and family-friendly television shows and movies, mostly from the 1950’s through the 1970’s. Will people in the future look back and say we made mistakes. Absolutely. I can say upfront that we will make mistakes. But the current state of affairs is all the proof needed that it’s a far greater mistake to do nothing, to have no censorship. Look at all the stupidity that has been brainwashed into the people of America. It’s destroyed our country.

Day #19: Establish minimal provisions for the Right to Bear Arms that all States must accept, including conceal carry. And give States the ability to approve additional freedoms at their choosing.

Day #20: Abolish the Citizens United Ruling. Who says it slightly favors Republicans? That’s nonsense. It so corrupts the country by favoring corporations over citizens that it has no ethical basis to continue. The kraken beak eats it up.

Day #21: Basic protections for tenants. A successful Revolution means showing the soldiers that the Revolution benefits their families. Most soldiers come from poor and working-class families in rural and urban areas. Their needs are important. Establish a Uniform National Lease similar to what was done for mortgages, and for the same reason, to end the horrific abuses and excesses. All security deposits shall be one month only, tenants do not pay a leasing agent fee, and the lease term is in perpetuity, as long as the tenants pays rent and wants to stay. Annual rent increases are to be automatic per the one and only original lease, and based off the annual increase in the Consumer Price Index. No more rent gouging, and no need to sign lease renewals. Tenants must not be maxed out, and must have complete SOCIAL MOBILITY to move at any time, for any reason. Social mobility is central to the notion of personal responsibility. Many tenants have become angry at the world, adopt Socialist views, and lock in entire States as Blue States. This is an extremely dangerous trend that has been off the radar scope of conservatives. Conservatives need to rethink everything we know about tenant matters, and show tenants a path to progress via a populist conservative agenda. Opportunities for owner-occupied affordable housing should be increased as well.

Day #22: Declare that all public buildings, streets, parks, schools, cities, etc., named for historical figures shall retain the name for all time. All statues are to remain in perpetuity. Those names removed for reasons of political correctness will be restored. Exceptions to this will be extremely limited. Nathan Bedford Forrest doesn’t get his name anywhere.

Day #23: Declare that all Christian, Catholic, or Jewish school shall function as Charter Schools with 100% public funding. Other Faiths can still have their schools, but those attending will have to pay for it. This is a Judeo-Christian country. Public schools will not teach religion, but must teach about religion as part of a broader ethics curriculum that sets morals and values. All schools, including faith-based schools, must also establish a civics curriculum that teaches about the structure of government, laws, and community involvement. An organization pushing for civics classes is called The Citizens Campaign. I was an active member for years. They are a bit left for center, but otherwise on course for civics
https://thecitizenscampaign.org/ A right of center civics organization can easily be created in their image. Eliminate Calculus II to help free up the schedule for ethics and civics. The federal government shall mandate that all States establish ethics and civics curriculum, and establish minimal standards for the States.

Day #24: Declare that only three genders exist, and these are to be designated at birth by medical professionals, as follows: M = male (XY chromosomes), F = female (XX chromosomes), and I = intersex (chromosomes are not represented by normally formed sexual organs). Sex change operations are to be outlawed, except when an intersex birth defect is corrected. All persons who have already had sex change operations, or who travel out of the country to get them, shall have their gender designated as intersex (I) if their new sexual organs do not match their chromosomes. All licenses, forms and documents listing gender shall only have the categories M, F, and I. Abolish all laws, rules, and workplace guidelines for transgender matters, and substitute the word “persons” as needed. I’m not a big fan of laws regulating LGBTQ stuff. Shame is most of what is needed.

Day #25: Outlaw all scientific research to transplant animal DNA into the human chromosome, or human DNA into animal chromosomes, or to breed human-animal hybrids. Any such living beings created have no legal rights as a person, and need to be sterilized or euthanized. We need to be ahead of the curve on this one, it’s coming. Establish sweeping rules and standards for bioethics going forwards, including a total ban on creating deadly viruses or diseases.

Day #26: I’m not calling to roll back any environmental standards. This is a populist revolution. The public wants and needs clean air and water, and beautiful parks to visit, and we need greater protections from the food ingredient industry. But for sure, we won’t accept the Green New Deal, nor this ridiculous Paris Accord that lets China and undeveloped countries pollute the global air with new coal-fired plants while America pursues cleaner energy sources. Who’s the moron who thought of that double standard? National forests were set up to be harvested for timber, and those areas that are not old-growth forest can have sustainable logging. There’s a whole science called forestry that maximizes timber production over time with selective tree removal. The highest yield does not involve clear-cutting. Let the real science prevail.

Day #26: Set up an acceptance system in which foreign countries can base their currency on the American dollar, if we like them, and if they restructure themselves based on criteria we establish unilaterally. America is not going to be part of some New World Order. We are the New World Order. We will lead, and they can follow if they want to be part of our greatness. We can stabilize the economies of many Third World countries in this fashion, and allow the people to attain prosperity.

And if there’s anything to the Q Anon stuff, release the information to the public, and take care of that in the first few days of the Kraken. Round them up, prosecute them in a military tribunal, and depending on what they did, they either get life in prison or the death penalty for Crimes Against Humanity.

The underlying problem is that despite our advances in technology, we as a people have become immature. We have the collective wisdom of a bratty 14-year-old girl with her hair dyed purple. That’s why our government has failed. We have become too stupid and immature for democracy to function.

Imagine what this country will be after four years of civics and ethics classes and a faith-based environment free from the media, fashion, and entertainment industries indoctrinating the public with all their crap. Yes, we need the censorship I’m calling for. None of the reforms will be lasting without it, because we’ll still be immature and bratty, and incapable of running this country. Its time for this country to grow up and be responsible.

The Kraken government shall be in effect for no less than 4 years, in which case it is hoped that population will have grown mature enough to properly handle democracy. If it takes longer, so be it.

Once that decision is made to get back to a Constitutional Republic, the 1787 Constitution shall provide some rough guidelines, plus all the changes outlined herein. A Constitutional Convention can be called, and the military shall allow it to proceed.

I have outlined all the steps and major actions to be taken. America needs a Revolution, a real Revolution.

I had been hoping for Trump to win the Presidency via the Courts, but now I realize that means no Revolution, or worse, it could mean a Revolution in the other direction. The longer this crisis goes on, the more I’m leaning towards a conservative Revolution, and the more likely it looks.

Conceding and accepting the Biden Coup d’état is not even an option. Biden is not my President, and I’m not going to sit back for four years and complain about it. The key fact about me is that I don’t make problems, I do something far more horrifying. I fix problems.

Trump can accomplish everything outlined here. So can anyone else designated by the ruling military leaders once the Revolution commences. I have a clear plan, and I’m available to consult them along the way. It is time to release the kraken.

For more information, and to review all of our blog postings, see

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