In this article, I am analyzing and critiquing the work of Dr. Eugene McCarthy and his Macroevolution website McCarthy is a scientist who specializes in genetics and hybridization.
McCarthy says that humans are actually a hybrid species created by apes mating with pigs. Yes, he’s a serious scientist. He explains that we are more ape than pig due to the back-crossing phases of the hybridization process. People are encouraged to come to their own conclusions after evaluating this whole concept. I state my opinion at the end of this article.
According to Dr. Eugene McCarthy, pigs and apes are the parent species that mated and created humanity. He says that all of humanity is descended from a single couple, and a single mating, that somehow wound up producing a fertile child. This of course is a simplistic explanation, as there are multiple pre-human species in the fossil record. We’ll delve into this in far greater detail than McCarthy has.
McCarthy refuses to consider any Biblical evidence, but we’ve already heard that there was one original “man” and one original “woman”, and that all of humanity is descended from them. Apes and pigs mating to create humans is quite a twist on the story of Adam and Eve. It’s not standard Evolutionary Theory either. Of note, the concept is found in a surprising source that pre-dates McCarthy by about 1400 years.
It's written in the Muslim Qu‘ran. Out of principle, I refuse to quote or reference the passage, as it’s written in a terribly biased manner. My rebuttal to the Qu‘ran is if that’s the ancestry of ‘some people’ who have been their historic adversaries, that’s the ancestry of everyone, including Muslims. All humans are closely related, and there’s been heavy gene flow between all racial and ethnic groups.
Is it possible that our origins are something so loathsome and disgusting? People were outraged in the 1800’s with Charles Darwin’s idea that we evolved from apes, and now McCarthy’s work is even more outrageous.
For the sake of humor, let’s go there ---- Adam was such a pig for wanting to screw anything that walks and breathes, but hey, let boys be boys. And that Eve, wow, she must have been really desperate for some “D”. He’s not even her species, c’mon. All actions have consequences, and if this twist on evolution is true, the consequences have conquered the entire planet. And now here we are, as a result of one male pig screwing one female chimpanzee, a few million years ago.
McCarthy has a mountain of evidence on his website to back up his position. The evidence is intriguing. McCarthy cites anatomical features that humans share with pigs, but do not share with any ape or primate species. These are:
Human Traits Not Seen in Other Primates
Naked skin (sparse pelage)
Panniculus adiposus (layer of subcutaneous fat)
Panniculus carnosus only in face and neck
In “hairy skin” region:
- Thick epidermis
- Crisscrossing congenital lines on epidermis
- Patterned epidermal-dermal junction
Large content of elastic fiber in skin
Thermoregulatory sweating
Richly vascularized dermis
Normal host for the human flea (Pulex irritans)
Dermal melanocytes absent
Melanocytes present in matrix of hair follicle
Epidermal lipids contain triglycerides and free fatty acids
Lightly pigmented eyes common
Protruding, cartilaginous nose
Narrow eye opening
Short, thick upper lip
Philtrum/cleft lip
Glabrous mucous membrane bordering lips
Heavy eyelashes
Short, dorsal spines on first six cervical vertebra
Seventh cervical vertebrae:
- long dorsal spine
- transverse foramens
Fewer floating and more non-floating ribs
More lumbar vertebrae
Fewer sacral vertebrae
More coccygeal vertebrae (long “tail bone”)
Centralized spine
Short pelvis relative to body length
Sides of pelvis turn forward
Sharp lumbo-sacral promontory
Massive gluteal muscles
Curved sacrum with short dorsal spines
Hind limbs longer than forelimbs
- Condyles equal in size
- Knock-kneed
- Elliptical condyles
- Deep intercondylar notch at lower end of femur
- Deep patellar groove with high lateral lip
- Crescent-shaped lateral meniscus with two tibial insertions
Short malleolus medialis
Talus suited strictly for extension and flexion of the foot
Long calcaneus relative to foot (metatarsal) length
Short digits (relative to chimpanzee)
Terminal phalanges blunt (ungual tuberosities)
Narrow pelvic outlet
Diverticulum at cardiac end of stomach
Valves of Kerckring
Mesenteric arterial arcades
Multipyramidal kidneys
Heart auricles level
Tricuspid valve of heart
Laryngeal sacs absent
Vocal ligaments
Prostate encircles urethra
Bulbo-urethral glands present
Os penis (baculum) absent.
Absence of periodic sexual swellings in female
Ischial callosities absent
Nipples low on chest
Bicornuate uterus (occasionally present in humans)
Labia majora
Brain lobes: frontal and temporal prominent
Thermoregulatory venous plexuses
Well-developed system of emissary veins
Enlarged nasal bones
Divergent eyes (interior of orbit visible from side)
Styloid process
Large occipital condyles
Primitive premolar
Large, blunt-cusped (bunodont) molars
Thick tooth enamel
Helical chewing
Nocturnal activity
Particular about place of defecation
Good swimmer, no fear of water
Extended male copulation time
Female orgasm
Short menstrual cycle
Terrestrialism (Non-arboreal)
Able to exploit a wide range of environments and foods
Heart attack
Cancer (melanoma)
So, if no other primate species has these features, from what source did we inherit them? McCarthy says it’s all from pigs. Some of us even look a big piggy.
Woman with a severe beak face Pigs have a beak-shaped face
I’m not a peer of McCarthy. I’ve never taken a single college course in genetics or anatomy. I cannot perform proper peer review on his work, but as a layman, I think McCarthy’s work should have started with a broader view showing the genetic relationships between humans and various animals, and then focus in on the suspect parent species of humanity, based on their high scores. Instead, he starts with the detailed points of evidence, which is the above list of shared anatomical features, and then builds it outwards into a hypothesis. At no point does he consider the percentage of DNA that humans share with various mammal species. This is hugely needed as a valid sounding board to validate or invalidate his research.
I did some of my own online research. I found this source which shows what percent of DNA that we share with other people, and with various animals, including pigs. I see that humans share more DNA in common with a pig than with an orangutan, and humans share 98% of our DNA with pigs, but only 80% with cows.
Cows and pigs are both Artiodactyls, yet one is a close DNA match to humans (pigs 98%), and the other (cows 80%) is not. Why is that? I find this to be an extremely significant fact. This is my starting point to review McCarthy’s work. It’s time to sit down, and start thinking really hard.
My starting point is a set of facts that McCarthy doesn’t address at any point in his research, not even as a side note. McCarthy and I are looking at his hypothesis from completely different perspectives. Nevertheless, McCarthy’s Human Hybrid Hypothesis passes the first test, which is the Big Picture perspective.
Next, let’s analyze what McCarthy calls Macroevolution. McCarthy believes that the Darwinian model of evolution is incomplete, and that species hybridizing is the primary origin of new species. He uses the term Macroevolution to describe new species creation via hybridization. The Darwinian / Mendelian process of traits slowly evolving is called Microevolution.
The fossil record appears to support Macroevolution as the primary process. Species suddenly appear without any transitional forms, they often continue for millions of years without traits slowly evolving, and then they disappear.
Creationists are well aware of this, and this kind of evidence is all over their websites. It’s their main line of reasoning that the Darwinian model must be wrong. The concept of Macroevolution puts a huge twist on the entire debate between Creation and Evolution. It agrees with the Creationists point regarding the fossil record, but then provides a solution that undermines Creationism much more thoroughly than the Darwinian model.
McCarthy doesn’t deny Microevolution, and lately Creationists don’t either, but he contends that all the big evolutionary changes from species to species are through hybridization.
According to McCarthy, what he calls a “distant cross” between Mammalian Orders is rare, but still possible. Chimpanzees are Primates, and pigs are Artiodactyls. Is it possible for species from different Mammalian Orders to reproduce and create viable hybrids? Horses and donkeys are together in one Order, Perissodactyla, yet they only produce sterile mules. McCarthy says yes, it’s possible, even if the number of chromosomes are different. He documents a great many examples.
Mules are a cross between horse and donkey.
The combination of egg and sperm, and the initial cellular divisions is called meiosis. Even with two of the same species, meiosis isn’t always successful, leading to many stillborn births. Simple interspecies crosses, meaning between species within the same Genus or Family, are less likely to have a successful meiosis than a normal coupling within the same species.
The more distant the cross, the lower the chance that meiosis would be successful, and produce a living and viable offspring. Perhaps the chance of a successful meiosis between species in different Mammalian Orders is less than 1/100th of 1%, but over many years and across a large enough geographical area, enough interspecies couplings occurred that eventually a successful meiosis was a statistical inevitability.
An additional successful meiosis would need to occur for several more generations, each time backcrossing to just one of the parent species. And each has to survive, and not be eaten by some predator. The odds are extremely low in establishing a new species via a distant cross, but time and geography make it statistically possible. A Creationist could counter that it’s actually impossible without the divine hand of God intervening to make it so. It would be hard for me to rebut that.
McCarthy has defined a concept called Stabilization Theory, which explains why life forms (species) are stable for millions of years, and there’s no evidence of change until a new species suddenly appears.
When all close relatives of a species are extinct in a given geographical area, life forms have no ability to hybridize except by a distant cross, which only rarely happens. Therefore, those life forms simply don’t change and instead remain stable for tens of millions of years. A prime example would be the horseshoe crab of the Eastern United States coastline, which is not a Crustacean like other crabs. They have no realistic ability to hybridize because there’s only one species in the Western Hemisphere, so they continue unchanged. There is also one species of Gingko tree (in China), one species of hippopotamus (in Africa), and one species of tuatara (in New Zealand). All are completely stabilized, per Stabilization Theory.
The irony is that McCarthy doesn’t like the term “species”, even though his Stabilization Theory does a far better job defining what a species is than anything else ever put forth. He has totally nailed what a species is, and he should take the credit for it. He’d be smart to write a book on this first, and leave human origins for a second book. I’m not sold on pigs naturally hybridizing with chimpanzees to create our final form, Homo Sapiens, but I really like Stabilization Theory. It explains the fossil record. It makes sense.
Some readers already know that pigs can be used for organ transplants into humans, even though they are not Primates. Why that species, and not other Artiodactyls? Why not cows, for instance? McCarthy is hard at work calculating what percent of human ancestry is from pigs, and it may be revealed in an upcoming book.
The DNA percentage he calculates needs to be divided against the DNA percentage that the first chimpanzee already shared with pigs before the first hybridization. That would be the only logical way to analyze the data. It would be embarrassing for McCarthy if he doesn’t do this when his book comes out. His work would be seriously set back by peer review.
This brings us back to the Big Picture Chart, and I’m going to have to take a guess, which is in red. The scientific method abhors guesses, but I have no choice because chimpanzee and pig genomes apparently have not been compared to determine what percent of DNA that they share. This particular comparison is mission-central to McCarthy’s work, and to valid peer review. A good hypothesis is one that shows where additional research is needed.
Note 1: African Pygmy and New Guinea natives are the most different genetically, even though they look similar
Note 2: Pigs are Artiodactyls, not Primates.
Have modern pigs picked up some ape genes from the hybridization process? McCarthy is clear in his writings that the hybridization and gene flow went only in one direction, from the Artiodactyl line into the Primate line, to create humans. He says there was no gene flow from the Primate line into the Artiodactyl line, to create modern pigs. He doesn’t publish any evidence to back up this claim. He just states it. That’s not good science, but let’s give him the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he did research it, and he just didn’t publish the findings online. This is a weak area for McCarthy.
As a general rule Mammalian species in different Orders should have around 10% - 20% DNA difference, not 2%. I base this statement by looking at the numbers in the Big Picture Chart, for instance humans vs. cats, dogs, mice, and cows. The original hybridizing pig must have been some pig ancestor closer genetically to other Artiodactyls, not the modern Sus Scrufa.
I settled on a conservative guestimate that there was 84% shared DNA between chimpanzee (or chimpanzee ancestor) and the pig ancestor, and 16% different. The actual percentage could be higher, but a 16% difference is a totally reasonable guestimate, while 2% is completely unreasonable.
This brings us to the toughest area of my review of McCarthy’s work. If chimpanzees and the pig ancestor were 16% different, but humans and pigs are only 2% different, that implies that something more is going on with the gene flow than McCarthy is suggesting.
Perhaps the above chart explains all the anatomical features which McCarthy documented that we share with pigs? During the Macroevolution process, the Primate Human line went from being about 16% different from the pig line, to being only 2% different. That’s eight times in one direction. Looking at the data this way is disturbing, but true science is not about rejecting something just because it’s disturbing.
Next question, what process allowed the percent of non-pig DNA to reduce from 16% before the first hybridization, to only 2% in modern humans. One way would be if the evolving human line actually backcrossed (the successive generations) with pigs instead of chimpanzees. McCarthy went into great lengths to explain why the backcrossing was with the chimpanzee. It might be more complicated than this.
First, McCarthy says there was one hybridization, but perhaps there were multiple hybridizations, separated by tens of thousands of years, with each one back-crossing into the evolving human line. With each hybridization, that original 16% of non-pig DNA in the evolving Primate line would reduce a little bit. Perhaps there were between 4 and 10 steps, with each new species undergoing a partial Stabilization Process, and then hybridizing again with pig tens of thousands of years later. After many crossings over perhaps 2 million years, the non-shared DNA reduced all the way to 2%.
First generation hybrid, before back-crossing with the Primate Human line
I then created a simplistic family tree which allows for the percent of non-pig DNA to decrease from 16% before the first hybridization to 2% in a modern human. Once again, the starting point is the assumption that, prior to the first hybridization, these two species in different Mammalian Orders already shared 84% of their DNA.
This chart is not from McCarthy’s research. I created it, and it is not correct for reasons that I will explain very soon. This chart is needed to follow a line of logic that is reasonable, and which leads to something that is more credible. Before I explain why the above chart is deficient, let’s first address the problem of the chimpanzee’s hands being so similar to ours. Wouldn’t all the repeated hybridization with pigs create hands that are half-way between the two species, or perhaps mostly pig?
No, not necessarily. This could be a matter of natural selection, microevolution-style. Perhaps certain anatomical features of the apes were extremely advantageous for the new hybrid species, so these features were selected via the process of natural selection. Many individuals were born with more piglike hands and feet, but they did not prosper and reproduce. Those with “better” hands and feet were able to reproduce and pass on those genes. Perhaps the same is true for the teeth and jaws.
Every student of biology knows about that Mendel guy and his experiments with peas. Mendel’s work is still valid, and it could have been a major factor in human evolution.
If so, our hands and feet, and our teeth and jaw structure, passed on from chimpanzee to human without much change in the pig direction. These are the features that humans have which are the most chimp-like, and the least pig-like. McCarthy does document some change in the pig direction for hands and feet.
However, as I look at the family tree I made, the numbers still don’t make sense. The big picture DNA comparison chart is still the sounding board. The numbers aren’t making sense because we are still a 98.8% DNA match to a chimpanzee, despite the introduction of so much pig DNA. Why are we so close by DNA to two species in two different Mammalian Orders?
Therefore, the family tree that I illustrated above doesn’t tell the whole story. It’s wrong. The readers need to understand the thought process, each step of the way. Otherwise, the next section won’t make sense.
The family tree and the numbers make sense only if some ape DNA had earlier worked its way into some pig ancestor, so that the pig is actually a hybrid species. Perhaps the original Artiodactyl hybridizing with the chimpanzee was not the modern pig, Sus Scrofa, but instead a more extreme ancestral species, like an Entelodont. Is it possible that this hideous creature, standing seven feet tall at the shoulder and weighing over 2000 lbs, could be a human ancestor? Good grief.
Entelodonts were alive at the same time as ancient pigs, but may or may not be their direct ancestor. Some scientists are firm that they are related to pigs, but not ancestral. However, those same scientists are old-school, and don’t accept McCarthy’s concept of Macroevolution. The fossil record on the ancestry of Sus Scrufa is incomplete, and officially unknown.
ENTOLODONT, an extinct “hell pig” that once roamed the Earth
Pigs simply appear in the fossil record, with no transitional forms from other Artiodactyls. The implication is that pigs are yet another product of Macroevolution, perhaps between Entelodonts and the ancestor of modern chimpanzees. Here’s a pig family tree, showing no known ancestor, and no link to the base of the Artiodactyl tree.
To make the numbers work on the big picture, this would mean that pigs and humans are both hybrids, and over the past few million years, the two species have been converging and becoming more similar to each other. Yep, that’s a really gross thought. Let’s call it The Converging Species Hypothesis. I don’t know if McCarthy is going to read my article, but if he does, this is really going to knock him over.
Perhaps there was only one or two hybridization events between Entelodont and chimpanzee which backcrossed to the Entelodont line, to create Sus Scrufa, the modern pig. Subsequently, all of the other hybridizations backcrossed to the Primate line. If this is true, the human line is doing most of the converging, and the pig line has been basically stabilized, per McCarthy’s Stabilization Theory, for over a million years. Here’s a summary of the Converging Species Hypothesis:
1.Macroevolution, as described by McCarthy, is occurring in both the Artiodactyl pig line, and in the Primate human line. Over time, the two lineages have had some convergence.
2. The Primate Human line is becoming more pig, and is now 98% pig-compatible by DNA. The skulls of human ancestors show this is happening. Each step, each species, is becoming less ape-like, and more pig-like, all the way up to Neanderthal. Our last common ancestor with the Chimpanzee was Nyanzapithecus, which was very chimp-like. Here’s our ancestor’s skulls in chronological order, from oldest to modern humans. After Neanderthal, the skulls exhibit more neoteny. This is a clear break in the pattern. Here’s an incomplete list of human ancestor skulls, in chronological order:
Chimpanzee skull (I don’t have a Nyanzapithecus skull depiction to show)
Australopithecus skull
Homo Erectus skull
Neanderthal skull
Homo Sapiens skull with high forehead, and with prognathism (forward reach of the jaw)
Homo Sapiens skull with low forehead. “Porsmose Man” from Denmark
Represents the Middle Neolithic Funnel Beaker population
Homo Sapiens skull, without prognathism
Best example of an Anatomically Modern Human (AMH), showing large vertical forehead and zero prognathism
3. Pigs have macro-evolved from the more ferocious Entelodont. Modern pigs have an ancestral Entelodont species which I estimate to be a more distant 84% DNA in common with chimpanzee. There was at least one or two hybridization events in which Primate DNA infused into the former Entelodont species. Their descendant, Sus Scrufa (pig), is much closer with Primates than other Artiodactyls are with Primates. Where’s the evidence to support this? For starters, cows share 80% DNA with humans, but pigs share 98%.
If pigs are a hybrid species, then pig anatomy should reflect this, and it does. Pigs have larger and more complex brains than other Artiodactyls, and they lack the stomach structure of ruminants. A list of anatomical features that pigs share with chimpanzees, but are lacking in other Artiodactyls, needs to be researched and listed. I am putting forth a hypothesis, and I am showing what research is needed to either kill it, or validate it.
Without any doubt, McCarthy and other experts in biology and anatomy could put me to shame on this angle of research. McCarthy could create a much longer list, but his research hasn’t moved in this direction.
4. The stabilized ancestral form on the Artiodactyl line, the small Entelodont, went extinct. Sus Scrufa itself has been a stabilized species for over a million years. Gene flow from Primates into Sus Scrufa is no longer occurring. Instead, Sus Scrufa has contributed gene flow into the evolving human line multiple times, and each time the human ancestor’s skull shape become less ape, and more pig.
5. The stabilized ancestral forms on the Primate line, the chimpanzee and the bonobo, are not extinct. They continue to exist in Africa. They are very similar to Nyanzapithecus, perhaps with only Genus-level microevolution changes. Apes are virtually changed from their fossil ancestor, which some scientists say lived in Europe. Our last common ancestor with the chimpanzee had a geographical range that broadly overlapped the pig and pig ancestor’s range. Southern Europe fits the bill. So does Turkey and Iraq.
6. The most recent hybridization between the pig line and the human line back-crossed only with the human line, and produced the Neanderthals. Southern Europe, Ukraine, Turkey, and Iraq are all places where Neanderthals lived. Many humans continue to carry strong Neanderthal characteristics. These show up as a “shadow race” which I describe later in this article.
7. Anatomically modern humans (AMH) developed separately from Homo Erectus or Homo Heidelbergensis without additional genetic input from the pig line, and most likely achieved modern neotenous form in East Africa. We have spread and prospered, and we have come to genetically overwhelm the Neanderthals, as well as various other lesser-known archaic human lines in Africa and Eurasia. Here’s one of them:
8. Pig and cow DNA, and perhaps other Artiodactyls, all need to be compared to both chimpanzee and human DNA. Let’s see if the data points substantiate the Converging Species Hypothesis. There are many varieties of pig, and they all need to be sequenced and compared to human DNA to see which is closest. Will pigs be shown to be much closer than other Artiodactyls are to chimpanzees? If so, that’s proof of the Converging Species Hypothesis. A valid hypothesis is one that asks for research which could potentially discredit it.
My strong recommendation is that we humans stop the macroevolution process, and cease to mate with pigs. The two species should not converge. Any further convergence is an abomination.
McCarthy has documented that humans to this day are still crossing with pigs, and have produced hybrids. Most die at birth, or are killed soon afterwards. Here’s one alleged human-pig hybrid image from
The Converging Species Hypothesis is one possible way to explain why humans are 98.8% chimpanzee, and 98.0% pig, but species in different Mammalian Orders typically share only 80% to 90% of their DNA. That’s where the evidence is leading, whether I like it or not.
Macroevolution really opens Pandora’s Box regarding the ancestry of humans. Perhaps the Entelodont itself is a stabilized hybrid species which is part Artiodactyl and part Carnivore. Remember on the Big Picture Chart showed that humans are closer to cats (90%) than to dogs (84%).
That 6% difference is actually 6% of 16%, which is 37.5%. That’s very significant. This 37.5% might go all the way back to which carnivore species hybridized with a primitive Artiodactyl to create the Entelodont. The Entelodont has the general form of a hyaena. Cats and hyaenas are both in the Suborder Feliformia, while dogs and bears are in the Suborder Archoidea. Is the hyaena a distant human ancestor? Those lousy hyaena’s from Lion King. Lord help us, please.
Let’s go back even further. The hyaena and the rest of the Feliformia Suborder evolved from an older Nandinidae species that is close to the base of the Carnivore family tree where cats and dogs diverged. This basal form is best represented by the African Palm Civet, a species unchanged for tens of millions of years, and evidently “stabilized”. Is this dim-witted nocturnal creature a distant ancestor? McCarthy’s concept of Macroevolution makes such speculation possible. Something very similar to the Palm Civet may go back to the Eocene, or even to the Late Cretaceous. This was us, hiding in palm trees from predatory dinosaurs 70 million years ago.
African Palm Civet, a basal form of the Carnivora Order
McCarthy explains on his website that the pig is more robust in the hips, and this characteristic was passed on to humans. It allows for the larger head of a human baby to pass through the birth canal. McCarthy explains that this was a critical evolutionary step that allowed the human brain to grow in size and deepen in intelligence. Great research, but he stops right there.
It stands to reason that if a human crossed again with an ancestor species that had more ape ancestry, the birth canal in the hybridized offspring would become narrower, causing difficulty in childbirth. And sure enough, our species is unique among all Primates and all other animals in the world in having this problem.
The Bible actually says something about Original Sin that could be relevant here. Genesis 3:16 specifically states that God has punished humanity for Original Sin by causing women to have pain during childbirth. Isn’t it ironic that science appears to be arriving at the Biblical concept of Original Sin? Not according to McCarthy, he sticks straight with science. Did early humans mate again outside of our species, against the Word of God, forever altering what God wanted to be the final form? Animals are incapable of sin, but a human mating with a sub-human species would qualify as sin.
And who did the sexual sinning? Was it the Anatomically Modern Human (AMH) crossing with a more primitive form which had thinner hips? Or perhaps the stockier Neanderthal sinned by crossing with the more graceful Anatomically Modern Human? Various points of evidence are moving in opposing directions. If God’s final creation was the hideous Neanderthal, and not the Anatomically Modern Human, that’s deeply disturbing. Our identity, and our modern concepts of beauty and intelligence, are all tied to the AMH (Anatomically Modern Human) form.
I’ll explain later why God’s final Creation is the AMH, not the Neanderthal, and therefore it was an AMH woman who did the sexual transgression. She reproduced with a more archaic human male species still alive at that time, and her descendants’ genes define our species. As a result, women are burdened with hips not wide enough for easy childbirth.
Theologians are clear that the nature of original sin is something that is irreversible, and which carries on for all of humanity, for all time. That has been the teaching for thousands of years, since Moses wrote the Book of Genesis. The only attributes of humanity which carry on for all time are genetic. It sure looks like original sin is something genetic. Science is validating something in The Bible. That’s amazing.
Let’s continue with my review of the Macroevolution website, McCarthy listed various anatomical proofs that humans are partly descended from pigs, but he doesn’t want to address the most obvious proof.
No primate species has any kind of Rh-negative blood, but all pigs have either A- or O- blood. The medical community has documented that human O-negative blood is nearly an exact match to pig O-negative blood, and that A-negative is considered to be an exact match.
Perhaps McCarthy doesn’t want to do this because the implication is that the human racial group which has the highest percentage of Rh-negative blood has more pig ancestry than other races. That would be the White race, particularly people like myself and McCarthy who have mostly northwestern European ancestry. This is also the part of the world where blue and other light-colored eyes are most common. McCarthy does identify light-colored eyes as a pig trait.
My own ancestry is about 90% northwest European. I have A-negative blood and blue eyes, traits found in no ape or monkey. A lot of White people have squarish or roundish faces, but not me. I have a long face. Pigs have long faces. I have a good amount of what McCarthy identifies as pig characteristics. My ears lay flat, but I have several close relatives whose ears stick out like a pig, so that pig characteristic is in my family DNA as well.
Am I an upright pig, lol? And is that a good thing, or a bad thing? Is it better for a human to be more ape, or more pig?
Which face is closer to mine, the chimp’s or the pig’s? We’re having some fun in this article, so it’s OK to laugh at these pictures. I have high self-esteem. It doesn’t faze me a bit. Some people have even accused me of being a male chauvinist pig.
The next series of photos show two evolving lineages, the Entelodont line on the right, and the Chimpanzee line on the left. These images represent the Converging Species Hypothesis
McCarthy’s research documents that hybrid crosses typically have a face which looks more like the father’s, and a body which looks more like the mother’s. This is a central principle of his research. His website posts over 100 pictures of hybrid crosses illustrating this. Therefore, if humans have a distant male pig ancestor component, it would be the skull and face features of the pig that would be most represented, not the rest of the skeleton. Our skeletons do look more ape-like than pig-like, especially our hands.
Differences in Rh-positive and Rh-negative blood create a reproduction problem within the human species called Hemolytic Disease. Doctors have long advised that an Rh-negative woman should not have children with an Rh-positive man, because it causes severe medical problems to their children. These problems get worse with each childbirth. In past generations, couples hoping to marry would take a “blood test” to see if they were compatible, or if Hemolytic Disease would affect their children.
Hemolytic Disease could be a relic reproductive barrier caused by the distant cross of two species from different Mammalian Orders. This condition has not been documented in any animal species, it’s only within the human species. Once our species is stabilized, with everyone either positive or negative, the disease goes away.
McCarthy documents that our greatly decreased fertility is also proof that we are hybrids. A pregnancy occurs almost every time that animals mate, but humans are relatively infertile. It would be a serious problem if part of our natural biology was that a pregnancy resulted from every act of sexual intercourse. Could you imagine?
Rh-negative blood is most common in northwest Europe, and it decreases as one moves outwards geographically. This blood type is rare outside of the White race, and when found it basically means that the person has some White ancestry.
I emailed McCarthy, and asked him to further investigate the blood type evidence, and to add a chapter to his website for blood types. He hasn’t done it. I suspect that McCarthy agrees, but he doesn’t want to go in that direction because it would make a controversial statement regarding human races. He’s also Caucasian with blue eyes. I wonder if he has Rh-negative blood?
Darwinian Theory makes a racist statement against Black people, because the prognathism found in some (but not all) Blacks is a lesser version of the prognathism found in Homo Erectus, our most immediate ancestral species. Prognathism is the projection of the lower jaw. Go back to the skull images, and look again. The further one goes back in the evolving human lineage, the more prognathism exists in the fossil skulls. When one hears the term Scientific Racism, prognathism is at the root of it all.
Science has been offending Blacks for 150 years by saying they are closest human race to other Primates, so now Whites can be offended if science says they are the closest human race to pigs. Equality has been achieved in the name of science, how about that. If science further pursues McCarthy’s research without researching if the White race is closest to pigs, that would count as a continuation of scientific racism and Eugenics. This cannot be tolerated. I’m calling them out now, in advance.
This article is just full of ironies. The name Eugene is at the root of the word Eugenics, and the name has a similar meaning. All evidence suggests that Dr. Eugene McCarthy is a good guy who believes in the equality of all people and all races. He is not a Eugenicist, even though his name is Eugene. He is putting forth a theory that challenges Darwinian Theory, which is racist to the core. Whether it’s his intent or not, McCarthy’s work is doing a lot to put an end to scientific racism.
Some scientists tell Blacks to be proud that they are the first humans, and then snicker about it behind their backs. Think about this for a minute. They are saying that Blacks evolved from apes, and then they migrated out of Africa and developed into Whites and Asians. Whites and Asians are considered by the racists and Eugenicists to be the final and best product of evolution. Blacks should be offended by that. The hierarchy of races inherent in Darwinian Theory has long been the basis of Scientific Racism and all associated Eugenics. We fought a world war to end Eugenics. It’s way past time to discard it, because it’s becoming clear that all races developed from lesser forms. Whites are no exception, especially if the pig connection is true.
Over 120 years ago, scientists created the field of Craniometry to advance their racism, and then had to abandon and discredit the field after it was discovered that the “best” skulls are Blacks from East Africa who have vertical foreheads and zero prognathism, and some of the most “primitive” skulls are from Europe, at least by the standards of Craniometry. The Russian guy below is practically a Neanderthal.
The African woman in the above picture is the most anatomically modern human (AMH) face that I could find online, of any race or ethnicity. Note her very small jaw, the straight nose, and the large vertical forehead. She’s pure AMH, something like a space alien with a lot of melanin. Take a point directly between her eyes, and nearly 60% of her skull is above that point. Good luck finding anyone from Europe with over 50%. Geneticists refer to these features as neoteny, and state that humans with the most neoteny are the most modern.
For other people, like the Russian celebrity above, it’s barely 30%, and the forehead slopes back severely. Valuev has been credited as being “the most Russian-looking Russian”, making him somewhat of a folk hero in Russia. His face is very masculine, and it exhibits zero neoteny. He is the polar opposite of the African woman.
Craniometry was “discredited” because it shows that some East African tribes are the most anatomically modern people, followed closely by the Arabs, and then Hindus. The scientists don’t like those conclusions, so ‘let’s discredit from this science’. Anatomists say that a large vertical forehead means there is a large pre-frontal cortex, and that indicates the high intelligence of AMH people. However, look at Albert Einstein with his sloping forehead. Nobody can say he wasn’t smart. Valuev is not a genius, but he’s no dummy either. He’s successful in his career, and he’s been spending a lot of time studying human ancestry.
If McCarthy’s Stabilization Theory is correct as it applies to human ancestry, this means that every documented ancestral species spanning the gap from chimpanzee to Neanderthal was created by a pig form hybridizing with each prior Primate form. McCarthy doesn’t say this, and he doesn’t need to. It just flows from his work by connecting the dots. Based on the skull form and other anatomical features, it’s abundantly clear that Neanderthals had a higher percent of pig ancestry than modern humans. These pig characteristics became greatly diluted with the heavy gene flow of Anatomically Modern Humans into the Middle East and Europe. The blending of the two forms created the modern Caucasian race in Europe and the Middle East.
How do we test this hypothesis of multiple hybridizations? If pigs were continuing to hybridize with human ancestors, one would expect to see prognathism decrease with each step, and then for a beak-face with weak chins to appear. Pigs have the middle of the face projecting, with a huge nose and a weak chin. The skulls we illustrated shows that this is indeed the pattern, but only up to the Neanderthal.
Some White people retain these latent Neanderthal features. Notice that people who have weak or receding chins often have a large nose, a sloped forehead, and a “beak face”. These features usually come together as a package, and sometimes with protruding ears:
This phenotype is a major deviation from the AMH standard. It is a shadow race within the Caucasian, Arabic, and Native American races, and it sometimes appears among East Asians. The shadow race is in global decline, and no longer appears in pure form. The Mayan images below represent their actual appearance in ancient times. Mayans don’t look like this today, because the AMH population which they once subjugated has now infiltrated and outbred them. The White woman’s image proves that the Mayan phenotype is genetically possible. The same pattern is found among the Aztecs, which have also transitioned to a more AMH form.
Woman who got nose surgery
Ancient Mayan depicted on artwork
More Mayan artwork
Lacandan woman said to have an ancient Mayan face
Modern Mayan Man (AMH)
Image from Mayan pottery
Here is an artist’s rendering of a Pukwudgie, a dwarf human race said to still exist in remote areas of the Eastern United States.
Below is an image of Attila the Hun, who exhibited the shadow race phenotype to such an extreme that he appears “dog-faced”. Nobody looks like Attila the Hun today, although this turn-of-the-century guy comes close. I had to research the second image, just to prove that Attila’s dog-face was historically possible. The coin is not stylized artwork, it was commissioned by Attila, and it represents his actual appearance. Note that Attila’s nose is not large and arched, and the distance from his nose to chin is much shorter than Ramses II. The dog-faced look is slightly different from the beak-faced look, but both are Shadow Race phenotypes.
The “Shadow Race” phenotypes are considered unattractive by modern western standards of beauty, and it’s been dying out due to sexual selection, and outright persecution. The two ethnic groups most likely to retain Shadow Race features, Armenians and Jews, are the same two ethnic groups subjected to genocides. That’s not a coincidence. The shadow race phenotype is common among the Basque as well, without the weak chin. They’ve also been persecuted for much of their history.
The Shadow Race was often the ruling class of their societies, such as in Ancient Egypt and the Paracas culture of Peru. The Mayans were overthrown by the common AMH people, and their civilization declined. Common AMH people, with the help of the Spanish, overthrew the Aztecs. Common AMH people who were closer to Ethiopian by race eventually overthrew the Shadow Race pharaohs of ancient Egypt.
Notice how the shadow race can include East Asian peoples as well. Barbara Streisand and this Asia model look a lot alike racially, don’t they? Yet they are considered to be different races. The Shadow Race shows up in disparate places in Eurasia.
At some point in the past, the racial differences between AMH and the Shadow Race crosses the species line. The Paracas skulls lack a sagittal suture which joins two skull plates. The sagittal suture is a defining feature of our species. It is found in 100% of modern humans, of all races, with no exceptions. Therefore, the Paracas people were not Homo Sapiens, but instead a closely related species partially ancestral to us. This article on the Paracas DNA findings is more than interesting, It contains this zinger:
What remains to be explained is how the Paracas people arrived in South America and how their skulls, which are NOT even Homo sapiens in phenotype have the DNA of Caucasian Homo sapiens!
The elongated skull species evidently achieved civilization before Homo Sapiens, and they built upon multiple continents. These are the peoples who left huge stone structures around the world, which we lack the technology to duplicate today. Ancient peoples around the world emulated their appearance by elongated the skulls of children. Similar skulls have been found in Crimea and Russia, but it has not been determined that this is where these peoples originated.
Mainstream science and history do not want to investigate the connections of all these peoples, or their origins. There is apparently a DNA connection to the Caucasian race, although they are not Homo Sapiens without the sagittal suture. They would appear to be a link between Neanderthal and Caucasian.
McCarthy makes the case that our body hair is something from the chimpanzee side. I don’t believe this is correct. Wild boars are quite hairy, and their hair is straight and coarse. Caucasians are the hairiest race, and their hair is straight and coarse. It’s not kinky like in sub-Saharan Africa.
Scientists have been assuming that Homo Erectus was hairier than we are, but that’s just a guess. Remember when I said that science doesn’t like guesses. What’s the evidence for that guess? There isn’t any, and some good facts run counter to it. It’s been theorized that human ancestors evolving in Africa developed sparse body hair as part of a set of genetic adaptations, including long legs and a thin build, to run down antelope over long distances. That evidence is much more relevant than “Chimpanzees are hairy”, because it comes later chronologically.
Sparse body hair is a feature naturally connected with humans in sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia. It’s entirely plausible that African versions of Homo Erectus and the Australopithecus species may have had even less body hair than a modern African. They developed into AMH humans. Perhaps the earliest humans in Africa looked a bit like this young lady. She has dark skin, no body hair, and is very skinny.
Abundant body hair is centered around the Mediterranean Sea, and from Europe to northern India. The below map showing density of male body hair proves this. This generally overlaps the maps of other features associated with Sus Scrufa. Just connecting the dots here.
Map #5: Distribution of heavy body hair (Androgenic hair) on men
According to the map, East Asians have the least body hair. They also share the round-face of many West Africans. Some Africans even have the Asian eye fold and the Asian shovel-tooth incisors. Both features actually originated in Africa, and were carried to East Asia by migrating populations. AMH humans originated in East Africa. AMH humans interbred with earlier forms, including Neanderthal, Rhodesia Man, Java Man, Red Deer Cave man, Denisovan, and others.
The Out-Of-Africa (OOA) population that left Africa to populate the world some 70,000 years ago was an “Afro-Asiatic” race genetically close to Khoisan and East Asian. Perhaps the kinky hair straightened in some Siberian climate. This was also the population that bred with Neanderthals and genetically overwhelmed them in Europe. They were racially similar to a modern Afro-Asiatic race in Namibia that call themselves Khoisan, and which populated East Africa before the Bantu Expansion. Note that both syllables of the word Khoisan, “khoi” and “san” sound very Chinese.
All the maps shown covering Rh-negative blood, blue eyes, blonde hair, and frequency of male androgenic hair come close to overlapping in Europe and around the Mediterranean Sea. This also overlaps the ranges of Sus Scrufa. If the Human Hybrid Theory is true, this is where the last hybridization occurred, to create the Neanderthal. I wonder if Neanderthals have the sagittal suture?
The “final hybrid” genetic characteristics then spread outwards from Europe, and all humans outside of sub-Saharan Africa now have 1% to 4% Neandertal ancestry. As we piece together the evidence, there’s one final map that ties it all together.
Notice how closely aligned geographically the Neanderthal range is to the earlier maps. The best examples of the modern “shadow race” also occur within this range. All of the key genetic traits seem to concentrate on the former range of Neanderthal Man during the Ice Age. The Neanderthal range didn’t go any further north, simply because it was too cold at the time, even for their kind to survive. Remember the first chart showing that all modern human races share 99.9% of DNA, but humans and Neanderthals share 99.7%. Neanderthals were three times more distant genetically. Scientists are coming to realize that modern humans have more Neandertal ancestry than previously believed.
The face shape of the Neandertals was beak faced, with a very large nose. They were short and stocky, with noticeably shorter arms and legs than a modern human. It’s easy to imagine that they had abundant coarse body hair, blue eyes, light hair, and Rh-negative blood. Perhaps the hybridization which created the Neanderthals was a wild boar and some human ancestor, and it produced a female child. Her offspring would have had to backcross with humans for additional generations to produce a Neanderthal. Perhaps this was the last hybridization event between humans and pigs.
Let’s test the hypothesis. The pig characteristics brought into the resulting Neanderthal line would be:
Is this the origin of the Neandertals, and are Neandertals part of the origin of the White race? Not all Caucasians have all of these characteristics, but many do. Does modern science really understand the origins of humanity? How and why did we then start to develop the neotenous form that we call Anatomically Modern Human (AMH)?
McCarthy has not speculated that Neandertals are a key part of human evolution and the Human Hybrid Theory. I’ve connected the dots to show that they very well could be. I don’t want to be critical of McCarthy’s work, but to some extent it’s self-limited. It doesn’t want to incorporate the bigger picture, or move in certain directions.
An objective review of McCarthy’s work causes this speculation on racial origins. He doesn’t go there, but it’s unavoidable, because all the dots are there to connect.
McCarthy laid out all of the dots, except for the blood type evidence, without connecting them. Connecting the dots paints this very controversial picture. And then we are left to wonder --- is it better or worse to have more pig ancestry? Are chimps smarter or better than pigs?
Charles Darwin’s work was very controversial in its day, and it’s still controversial today. McCarthy’s got him beat, hands down. McCarthy’s work is going to get out there, and into the public sphere. He’s not backing down, and books are coming next. Other scientists will start reviewing his work. The public at large isn’t going to accept the idea that apes mating with pigs created humans, or the racial implications that Whites are the closest human race to pigs. It’s really going to create a firestorm if this makes its way into our kid’s classrooms.
Speaking of firestorms, here’s Michael Brown and police officer Darrin Wilson that Brown fought with prior to being shot and killed. Michael Brown would probably say the Officer Wilson is a “pig”, a slang term for police officer. Officer Wilson does look a bit piggy. He really does. Is officer Wilson an upright pig? Am I an upright pig?
Somehow, modern humans came to exist. Is McCarthy right, that our genetic origins are an interspecies sexual abomination? Or is our final form the work of God?
Nobody in modern society would call any of the below women ugly. Some say that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, but science has discovered that true beauty throughout all of nature is a reflection of the golden ratio. The golden ratio is found in human faces, in a great many forms of life, in math and astronomy, and elsewhere in the natural world.
A person is beautiful if the golden ratio is reflected in their face. Therefore, beauty is not in the eye of the beholder. It is something objective, and it can be quantified. I’m sorry if people with the beak-face are offended. I doubt that my own face is perfect with the golden ratio.
The Paracas peoples might say these women are short-faced and ugly, but the Paracas don’t exhibit the golden ratio, do they? No, they don’t. Therefore, the Paracas and all of those Shadow Race peoples cannot be God’s final design. God is an artist. God uses the golden ratio, and God has designed all the laws of nature in such a way that life very often reflects the golden ratio. These women are objectively beautiful. My statement does not reflect any sort of cultural bias in terms of Western standards of beauty. Notice how sexist I am, I’m not even showing images of attractive men. I must be a male chauvinist pig.
These women have very different skin colors and are of different races, but all have the small jaw and large forehead. These are anatomically modern humans (AMH). Someone with more technological expertise than myself can determine how close each face comes to the golden ratio. Go ahead mathematicians, test my hypothesis by evaluating the four faces using golden ratio criteria.
I’ve given a fair critique of McCarthy where needed, but I do hope that McCarthy’s Human Hybrid Theory fares well under real peer review. This doesn’t mean that my lines of reasoning are correct, or even if I can accept it entirely myself. I am personally struggling with the conclusions my own research has led to. I’m a Christian, but not a Creationist. I don’t believe that our physical reality is a “Young Earth”, but I’m not all science either. I firmly reject the idea that everything evolved all by itself, without God first designing DNA, organic chemistry, and the entire Periodic Table of Elements. Neither side of the debate between Creation and Evolution likes my position on this. I couldn’t care less. I’m here to lead, not to follow others.
Here's what a pure science perspective might say --- A solitary wild boar swam to an island, found himself alone, and then turned to a female human ancestor for a mate. This might sound like a plausible scenario, and there are dozens of islands in the Mediterranean. Any is a contender, maybe even the Island of Lesbos. McCarthy describes the voracious sexuality of the male pig, and how it’s enough to torment any human female sexually. No, I can’t accept that. The final creation of humans didn’t happen spontaneously and romantically on some island, as an act of bestiality. Nor did it happen that way in a patch of reeds along the Euphrates River. The final creation of humanity had to be an act of God.
God designed organic chemistry and DNA so that animal species can evolve over time via the processes of Macroevolution and Microevolution. Along the way, many species stabilized, as McCarthy described. I believe that God is the grand architect of everything, give him the glory. I support the concept of a hands-off, God-designed system of organic chemistry and evolution all the way up to the Neanderthal. However, our final creation is another matter. It’s reasonable to say this is where God directly intervenes, because this is where the story told by science unexpectedly changes.
The entire pattern for millions of years was for the skull and faces to develop from ape-like to more pig-like, from the chimpanzee ancestor right up to the Neandertal. I criticized McCarthy for ignoring this angle of research, and I went into exhaustive detail to show this evidence. And then suddenly, there is a new and very different pattern. Our skulls and faces stop moving in the pig direction. Instead, the final steps involved neoteny, and our faces developed to reflect the golden ratio. The shift towards the golden ratio has continued simultaneously on all continents, and within all racial groups.
Clearly something very different from McCarthy’s hypothesis is going on, and right now science is coming up with nothing. I can’t offer any scientific reason why the pattern shifted, and why the golden ratio is suddenly the direction of change. I have no choice except to open The Bible. It says we were created “in the image of God.”
I believe that the final design and creation of humans was a special process that was separate from microevolution or macroevolution, and involved the Hand of God acting directly and intentionally upon an ancestor species to mold us in His image, via the golden ratio. We were crafted, we were molded, and we were created from an ancestor species, most likely Homo Heidelbergensis.
I personally cannot accept the idea that the final human form evolved by Darwinian evolution without the hand of God. McCarthy has come up with a very interesting alternative involving Macroevolution and Stabilization Theory, and that very well could have been the source of new species for millions of years. But still, when it comes to the final creation of Homo Sapiens, that process didn’t happen without the hand of God.
After God created our final form, we were commanded to not mate outside of our species. Various earlier forms were still alive all over the planet. A woman did mate outside of our species, and contaminated our bloodline. Our genetic makeup was altered by her “Original Sin”. Our hips became narrower, causing women to have great pain during childbirth for all future generations.
How did God make us in his image? God created Homo Heidelbergensis DNA. People can argue whether that was done in seconds on the 6th day, or it happened over a billion years via evolution or Macroevolution. It’s an argument of secondary importance because either way, that DNA is still God’s creation. A strong Christian has to agree that God created DNA, since God created everything. DNA is part of “everything”. So, at the end, we are left with a set of questions, and no answers:
If the proper perspective of science is to discover how God did things, we have no standing to question how He did it. Therefore, all scientific theories and hypothesis can be pursued, even ones that sound crazy or disgusting. This entire matter is a hell-raising theological mess, but the final Creation of humanity had to have been divine and intentional.
Clearly God used animal templates to create us. I’m not a doctor or a specialist in species anatomy, but I know that humans and animals are all based on DNA. The same process of reproduction and meiosis creates both human and animal embryos. Nothing about our anatomy is different from animals internally. It’s obvious that our skeletons and our organs are from animal templates. I’m not the first Christian to recognize this. If God created our final form, how did God do it? We just don’t know.
Any theological debate over our origins cannot be void of science. By DNA analysis, we humans are 98.0% pig and 98.8% chimpanzee. No amount of reading The Bible is ever going to change those two facts. Those are facts. Science will surely perk those two numbers a bit either way, but The Bible won’t budge them. Why not? The Bible is not a science textbook. The Bible exists for moral guidance, and that moral guidance is based on human nature.
Human nature is the same now as it was thousands of years ago. It will never change. Therefore, the moral guidance in The Bible is not the least bit outdated. Modern society now has the fields of Sociology and Psychology to try to define exactly what is human nature, but those fields are science. Science is always subject to bias, error, and new ideas, especially those two fields. Science is not, and cannot ever be, the basis for moral guidance. I’d take moral guidance from the Qu’ran before I’d take it from science, and that’s not going to happen either.
Science does a better job than The Bible in explaining the universe and the history of the Earth. The Bible is not “wrong” per se. Instead, it should be generally understood that the Book of Genesis was God’s way of explaining things to ancient people who were illiterate, and had no capacity to comprehend anything more detailed. God knew much more than what is in Genesis, and even more than today’s scientists. God deliberately didn’t reveal more. God revealed what was right to reveal, at that time. What is written in Genesis is exactly what God wanted us to know at that time, so it’s not “wrong”. Revealing more would have confused the message, and lost too many people. God didn’t want people lost, he wanted people as believers. It really is that simple.
You don’t see the Periodic Table of Elements in The Bible, do you? Yet a good Christian says that’s the work of God. The creation of elements was an act of God, and it’s not in The Bible. I just proved that there are important facts which are not found in The Bible. With very rare exception, Christians don’t go around denying that that atoms are composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons, that the Earth revolves around the sun, that Uranus and Neptune exist, that the Sun is a star, that meteors aren’t stars, and that stars are grouped into galaxies. We understand that these details are for science to figure out, without further consulting The Bible.
I’ve long believed that science is all about discovering how God did everything. Science and The Bible should be seen as complementing each other, and not in conflict. The main problem is that very few scientists understand this, and they want to replace God with themselves and their theories.
In Genesis, it says that God made all humans and all animals from dirt or clay. How is that to be interpreted? Could this mean that microscopic life first arose on the lattice of clay, evolved into animals, and then into humans. The clay hypothesis is currently one of the leading scientific theories on the origin of life. It’s probably true, and all the glory goes to God for designing clay in such a way that this could happen.
The Bible also says we were created in the Garden of Eden, between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Will science eventually come around and document that the last step in our development happened in that region? It’s close enough to Africa that it’s just a small edit to the Out Of Africa (OOA) theory.
Many Christians say the Creation described in Genesis is literal. Does that mean humans were directly made from dirt or clay, without any intermediate animal forms? Some say yes, that’s the only possible interpretation. Other Christians have room for some science, as long as that science doesn’t deny God.
The debate is worth discussing, but it won’t be solved today. My final observation is that the hard-line position on Creation is currently losing 90% of our youth and young adults. The 10% that stick with Christianity should be considered a textbook example of Survivorship Bias. That’s exactly what’s happening, and almost nobody sees it. If you poll the surviving 10% on matters of Creation and Evolution, the fact that 90% have completely given up on Christianity and The Bible doesn’t cross the minds of the 10% who survived. The 90% who wandered away aren’t polled, and their views aren’t included. Our Faith is rapidly slipping into irrelevance. Yes, Christians are missing something. We somehow found a way to accept Ceres, Neptune, and the Andromeda Galaxy, but we haven’t found a way to balance Faith and Science, or Faith and Reason.
Society simply cannot function unless the moral guidance in the Bible is accepted by the majority of the population. Notice how everything is getting crazier and crazier in recent decades with the rise of Leftism, and at the same time, belief in God and Jesus continues to plummet. If plotted on a graph, it would look like this. This is an ongoing disaster of historic proportions. It’s going to destroy Anglo-American Western Civilization. Many churches are just wrapped in their own little bubbles of happiness, and they ignore this problem.
We are getting close to the point of no return. Nothing will change until there is balance between Faith and Reason, and Christians promote the unity of all racial and ethnic groups in a conservative manner. Our enemies continue to divide us, and we are totally losing the battle.
This article marks the conclusion of the God and Science series in The Welcome Movement. I wish to thank our readers, and please help spread the word. For more information, and to review all of our blog postings including the first two articles, see
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