Look at the craziness of the modern world. Look at the blatant campaign to cancel our nation, our history, our values, and our Judeo-Christian tradition. Look at the hate, the rage, and all the political correctness that dominates every facet of society. It’s not happening randomly.
The creative community has achieved control, and it’s all been highly organized and directed by the Masonic Order. According to ex-Mason Altiyan Childs, the Masons want to ridicule, to minimize, and to break down the Judeo-Christian tradition in order to further establish their New World Order worshipping Lucifer. Yes, the Devil. Altiyan Childs has got five hours of great proof on that claim, so you have a decision right this second.
You can take the BLUE PILL and maintain your illusions of reality by not watching his video, and not reading any further. Bye-bye.
Or you can take the RED PILL. Read the full article, and watch the video. I did it in two sessions, and every minute was captivating. Childs is that Australian guy who was the 2010 X-Factor winner. He’s already a celebrity. He recently quit the Masons and turned to Jesus.
In his video, he shows pages from 19th century Masonic organizational and doctrinal books written by the three greatest figures of Masonry (Albert Pike, Albert Mackey, and Manly Hall) all showing in writing the Freemason’s allegiance to Lucifer. Masons themselves cannot even see this information until they reach the top 33rd level. The images can be viewed in the video between 1:14:53 and 1:17:43. Childs reveals that Lucifer is their master around 1:14:00. He then goes on to explain that the Masons practice witchcraft.
Interesting that the video remains up on the internet, as does the website for The Freemasonry Watch, which has comprehensive information on everything. http://freemasonrywatch.org The Masons won’t like my article, but there are much bigger fish to fry. The Masons must really be worried that Trump’s upcoming “Truth” Social Media platform will expose the truth about them. There’s been strong anti-Masonic movements in the past, and another could be brewing. https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/dictionaries-thesauruses-pictures-and-press-releases/anti-masonic-movements
Meanwhile, the old Judeo-Christian social order is breaking down, and simultaneously the satanic New World Order is rising. Society is now controlled by what I call The Established Disorder, and they are jerking our chains to keep us divided, so we can’t effectively oppose them.
Some people call this the Democratic Coalition, but it really isn’t “The Democrats”, or the “Liberals”, or even the “Leftists”. People and whole organizations are being used as pawns by the Masons to advance disorder and racial unrest. The Masons have deep tentacles into the Republican Party as well.
The Masons are so powerful that many objectors simply use the term “Deep State”, and they don’t reveal who is the Deep State. The Masons are the Deep State. The Masons don’t control Donald Trump, and not the true patriots and Christians, nor Jews like Dennis Prager.
Behind the scenes of everything is the Masonic Order, the (masonic) Crown Temple, and the (masonic) “City of London” corporation. The Masons control the global banking system, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the central banks in every country, the Bar Associations in every country, the British royal family, and the United Nations.
They additionally control almost all of the media and social media, countless major corporations, and dozens more secretive New World Order organizations (such as Cross & Bones). Walt Disney was a 33rd Degree Mason. Childs reveals where he got the name “Mickey” for Mickey Mouse.
Schools and colleges teach their agenda. Thousands of artists and entertainers, and politicians, have sworn their allegiance, and they get photographed with a black eye, or by covering one eye.
The black eye photograph is meant to show everyone who understands the symbolism that someone has sold their soul to the dark side. Childs explains that the general public remains unaware, and we are just laughed at and called “vulgar and profane”.
And here’s Rihanna Fenty. Most of the 5 hours on Childs’ video is showing all these celebrity images, that’s how many of them are corrupted.
The masons have the all seeing eye, other hand signals, and a special handshake too. One masonic hand signal is the satanic 666.
The reach of the Masons is everywhere, including into many churches. They watch over everything, and they don’t want anyone outside of their network achieving serious political power. That’s why Trump is so reviled and phenomenally hated by all the forces of The Established Disorder.
The Mason-controlled government wants an Established Disorder so they can continue to run everything, and so that the rest of society is so fractured and divided and demoralized that we can’t expose them or challenge them. That goal is so important that they would create a major war to that end, if it was necessary. They’ve created many wars already, to achieve their various goals. For now, the Established Disorder is exactly the cover needed for the Mason-run New World Order that is nearly complete.
The New World Order involves a global currency and economic system, a global political system, and global standards on education, gun control, combating climate change, and especially population control via breaking down family and religion, and via narcotics overdoses, abortion, diseases, vaccines, and toxic substances in our food and fluorine in our water. Every aspect of society has become anti-family. Notice even that zoning and planning has shifted away from single family houses that are preferred by families.
They want as many people as possible indoctrinated on their agenda, and following blindly. That means wear your mask, get vaccinated, and if you get COVID let them treat you with the medicines that will kill actually you.
Alice Bailey was an early advocate for one world government, and she founded the Lucifer Trust (since renamed Lucis Trust) organization. Lucis Trust admits this on their own website. They are a top advisor to the United Nations. https://www.lucistrust.org/about_us/history
Eventually there will be a global language (English) and a global religion (Luciferianism). https://www.compellingtruth.org/Luciferianism.html
Their teachings explain that they are the light, and the word Lucifer literally means the light-bearer.
I’ve been thinking of publishing this article for some time. Now must be the time, because the statue of The Beast, as described in Revelations, was recently unveiled in front of the United Nations building. https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2021/december/un-sculpture-looks-a-lot-like-the-end-times-beast-referred-to-in-daniel-7-and-revelation-13
We are living in the biblical end days. To deny that Satan exists is to deny the Bible. Do not be foolish, do not be ignorant. https://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/bible-verses-about-satan/
What’s coming next? The global economic system and the New World Order is all about control. Everyone will have an implanted computer chip detailing their COVID vaccination status. People will be electronically prohibited from buying and selling anything unless they are current on their vaccines and boosters, and if they are in good standing politically with the powers that be. This has been prophesized for nearly 2000 years, but only now the technology exists. https://biblehub.com/revelation/13-17.htm
The first historic step towards this has been taken by New York City, where people now have to show a vaccine passport to eat in restaurants or visit key tourist destinations. NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio issued that order on December 15, 2021. https://nypost.com/2021/12/15/de-blasio-unveils-private-sector-vaccine-mandate-guidelines/
De Blasio’s order happened only a few weeks after The Beast statue was unveiled at the United Nations. This is very alarming, and it’s not a coincidence. https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2021/december/un-sculpture-looks-a-lot-like-the-end-times-beast-referred-to-in-daniel-7-and-revelation-13?fbclid=IwAR1eWUQsI_GO2SyyJsiwjs_3o_Njhbx6zbxd1BQnOo1wtwrf6z51ekAgsls
How do we fight this? First, distance yourself from anything “global” and everything “New World Order”.
Second, understand that nothing is more mission-central to the New World Order than the normalization of everything LGBT. That’s the main way that family and religion are discredited, and sin and disorder becomes the established order.
Now that the Creative Community is largely done fighting for LGBT rights, and they are firmly in control of The Established Disorder, the next step is to put the Faith community into the closet, starting with Christians, and then Catholics and Jews, and eventually Muslims.
Muslims are in a broad political alliance with the Left, but that may change as they realize they are just being used, and the Radical Left actually hates them for believing in Allah / God. Sharia Law, by its nature, is ultra-ultra conservative.
Four steps have to happen before the Luciferians can come out of their closet:
Steps 3 and 4 are not completed, but it is still time for all four steps to be greatly resisted or rolled back, including LGBT normalization, no matter how socially awkward and impossible that may seem. They think they won, and that it’s mostly over. https://www.catholicamericanthinker.com/Normalizing-LGBT.html
No, it’s not over. The emerging conservative response must be to address all four steps, and to educate the public on everything lain out by Childs.
We conservatives must embrace and incorporate, as leaders and candidates, as many culturally conservative Black Christians and immigrant Christians as possible. This will create a new conservative super-majority that will stun the nation, and take The House, The Senate, The Presidency, and most of the Governor seats. This has been exactly the plan of The Welcome Movement since the day we launched.
We know who the swing voters are, and we have a laser-focus to shuffle the deck on which voter groups vote for which parties.
The Welcome Movement will explain that White American conservatives in the past were wrong for co-mingling conservative values and racism. They circled the wagons against the changing Demographics of the early 1900’s, and they alienated Blacks and Immigrants who were culturally conservative on faith, family, and gender matters, and who supported capitalism and the American Dream. In doing so, they discredited Christianity, and that’s a far greater problem than discrediting their Democratic politics. A brief outline of this is on our home page, but an important Welcome Movement essay is forthcoming.
The culture war over everything LGBT has been raging for over 70 years, since McCarthyism. Historical Revisionism teaches that McCarthyism was the worst thing ever, but was it really? I would never emulate his speaking style, but McCarthy was astonishing correct about everything, including targeting homosexuals, artists, and entertainers for being Communist.
https://millercenter.org/the-presidency/educational-resources/age-of-eisenhower/mcarthyism-red-scare He ruined people’s careers, and current events have since proven that was needed. Look how similar people in recent years have used their careers to subvert our nation and inflame racial tensions.
I have an entire socio-political movement lain out on my website, and it’s ready to be released in a much bigger way. The Welcome Movement has the potential to run candidates for public office all over the United States. www.thewelcomemovement.com
The dream-world of the New World Order is actually a Luciferian agenda, complete with symbolism designed to appeal to the impressionable tween (9-12) age group.
The mythical Pegasus is a symbol for the New World Order, and for the LGBT movement. Question: what mythical creature is the great enemy of the Pegasus? According to mythology, that would be the mighty Kraken. As Sydney Powell says, it’s time to release the Kraken.
Eric Martindale, Founder of The Welcome Movement
Now, and this is a key point. Pay close attention. As Christians and as conservatives we don’t hate LGBT people. We don’t hate people with cancer or autism either. Those are disorders. Being LGBT is also a disorder, as is pedophilia.
When the Board of the American Psychiatric Association voted in 1973 that homosexuality is no longer to be classified as a mental disorder, thousands of psychologists were on record as objecting in a prior poll. The poll of psychologists wasn’t about the science, it was a giant exercise in political correctness, driven by thousands of people who got degrees in Psychology in order to try to understand their own personal sexual orientation problems. They became professional psychologists, and then demanded the change. They pressured their straight colleagues, and they got their way. Science isn’t supposed to work that way. Definitely not.
A strong case needs to be made to put pedophilia onto the LGBT spectrum, and call it LGBTP. That would be good science, because all pedophiles clearly belong on the LGBT spectrum, but the vast majority of LGBT aren’t pedophiles. And since queer is a subset of transgender, it shouldn’t have a separate representation on the acronym. https://www.africanamerica.org/topic/pedophiles-to-inject-themselves-into-lbgtq-movement-as-a-way-to-normalize-pedophilia
Nothing infuriates the LGBT community more than hearing that they have a mental disorder, so just say to yourself (not to them) that they are sadly afflicted by a disorder, and then pray for their healing and recovery. Yes, it’s that simple.
Remember, in a free society there is FREEDOM OF THOUGHT, and nobody should demand to be free from other people’s opinions. What they want to do is to indoctrinate our children to their belief system, and to reorder the whole world so they don’t feel shamed or uncomfortable. They don’t care how many people are uncomfortable with the social structure being changed into an Established Disorder which is against God, and against the Word of God. Those concerns have been marginalized.
This is why the LGBT movement is fundamentally an assault against both family and religion. It advances only as the Word of God is warped, discredited, or destroyed. I am personally Christian, but I explained this in a way that can be accepted by a Christian, a Catholic, an Orthodox Jew, a Muslim, and by other Faiths. Most people of Faith will take an approach that alienates everyone who doesn’t follow their particular Teachings.
You have the moral high ground, so don’t lose it by showing hate, or even by feeling hate. Once your mind is properly ordered to understand the brainwashing of The Established Disorder, or the danger to feel hate, your natural compassion and sympathy for people suffering from any kind of disorder will emerge. Your spiritual development is making progress. Make a conscious effort to be friendly and welcome LGBT people as friends, as neighbors, as co-workers, and as church members. Consider this to be part of the concept of “Welcome Movement”. Our enemies might hate us for being cultural conservatives, but we never fight hate with hate.
The real problem is not them personally, or their disorder, or what they are doing sexually in the privacy of their own homes, it’s how our entire society is being attacked and transformed in order to advance their causes, and the Luciferian agenda.
Right now, the biggest threat to The Established Disorder and the New World Order is the new “truth” social media platform being created by none other than Donald Trump.
Expect that people will soon come out of the closet and reveal that they are Luciferians, literally devil worshippers. They will likely cry “Freedom of Religion” to be accepted. A few bold artists and entertainers, such as Brad Pitt, Katy Perry, and Justin Timberlake, are already coming out.
If you know a Mason, don’t ask them to confirm this. It’s a secret society, and they’ve taken sworn oaths, so they won’t tell you. According to Childs, the biggest secret of all is that Lucifer is their master. It is such a secret, even among the Masons, that only people at the highest 33rd degree of Masonry know everything.
In the video, Childs reveals that one of the most important figures in the history of Freemasonry was Confederate General Albert Pike. Pike literally wrote their rules and their doctrines. Does that name sound familiar? Pike and another Confederate Mason/General, Nathan Bedford Forrest, were the co-founder of the Ku Klux Klan. It is literally the case that the secret society behind the Ku Klux Klan is running everything globally. Yes, it’s that bad. It’s time to share the red pill far and wide.
The spiritual clouds are parting, and hidden knowledge is being revealed. Some say this is the true meaning of the word “apocalypse”. https://www.learnreligions.com/apocalypse-bible-meaning-4172949 And if it’s true what they say evil people are doing to children, revealing that proof and prosecuting the evil-doers would certainly be an apocalypse.
We really are at a decision point, a historic cross-roads in human history. Everyone has a choice, and it’s becoming clear. Everyone has a choice to support traditional Judeo-Christian values, America, and the American flag, or to support the New World Order, Lucifer, Cancel Culture, Socialism, and the rainbow flag. If you are against Satan and all associated evil upon the Earth, don’t let anyone tell you that your belief system is wrong or outdated.
Being persecuted or locked up for conservative views isn’t a prediction, it’s already happening. Hundreds of conservatives, perhaps more, who attended the Jan 6, 2021 event, have been detained without trial. Most were near the doors, but never entered the Capitol building. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/06/hundreds_still_are_incarcerated_for_being_in_dc_on_january_6_why_is_the_gop_so_afraid_to_stand_up_for_what_is_right_.html
You have taken the red pill, now spread this message so others can free their minds from The Established Disorder.
Merry Christmas, and may God bless America.
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