While God rarely communicates directly with people, he may convey ideas and advice through dreams. Sometimes there is great intuition in dreams, and not everyone recognizes its divine origins. Instead, they conclude that it’s simply their own brain coming up with things during sleep.
I have seen the structure of the universe and the nature of reality in dreams. The level of complexity and intuition that I have seen can only come from a higher level than myself. I am humble before God, and claim no credit for anything in this article.
I have seen concepts and ideas never put forth in science, science fiction, or religion. For all three reasons, I don’t believe it’s my own brain sourcing the dream. God is far greater than my brain.
Everything I’ve seen is too much for one article, so this article will focus on temporal dimensions and ancestor simulations.
The universe has a great many temporal (time) dimensions. The universe is not just the three physical dimensions, and time. There is one physical reality of the universe set in "Real Time”, and then there is a great many additional temporal dimensions that have been divinely created within the same physical universe. We don’t live in Real Time, which is thousands or millions of years in the future. We live in one of the many alternate temporal dimensions which have been created by God for ancestor simulation purposes.
These temporal dimensions cannot be described as computer programs, because they are set in actual physical reality, not in computer code. All of the temporal dimensions are running in the one real physical universe that is 13.8 billion years old. This is all God’s design.
The temporal dimensions are about 6,000 – 10,000 years old, and this accounts for the biblical timeline assertation of Creation. The two claims of the age of the universe (science and The Bible) are not in conflict, and each is correct.
We live in a reality, a temporal (time) dimension, that was created between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago, and it is set in a physical universe 13.8 billion years old.
Initially, neither side of the argument will like me for laying this out and defining the nature of reality. I don’t care. My mission is to unveil the truths that I have seen. The greatest obstacle to our Youth and young adults accepting God, Jesus, and the values of the Christian Faith is that they learn the true age of the universe through science, and that totally discredits all of religion.
This clarification on Creationism restores the credibility of religion. In time it will open the floodgates to people becoming believers, as Christianity and science are no longer in conflict. The timing of this article publishing is exactly perfect, coming less than 24 hours after the destruction of the Georgia Guidestones. The “New World Order” is really on the run, and now the two great masters of Western Civilization, science and Faith, shall become friends. The more I learn about science, the more I want to believe in God. The beauty and complexity of everything from DNA to astrophysics simply calls for a theistic designer.
My position is that these details were not revealed in Genesis because society and science were not advanced enough for people to understand the concepts outlined in this article. It’s time now for these truths to be known. People are ready.
This concept of Temporal Dimensions may bring clarity to the otherwise mysterious theological concept of Determinism. Determinism holds that everything that is going to happen is pre-ordained, and has "already happened" in the mind of God. Yet according to Determinism, we also have free will. These two points seems to be in conflict, but a closer analysis shows that they are not.
The matter of theistic determinism continues to be under debate. Here’s a few sources on the discussion.
The debate has gone on for hundreds of years, and we aren’t going to conclusively resolve it today. I’m adding another whole phase to the debate by overhauling ancestor simulation theory. https://u.osu.edu/vanzandt/2018/04/18/ancestor-simulations/
Ancestor simulation theory has merit, but only from the perspective of temporal dimensions. I reject all considerations that we are living in a computer program, which until now has been the sole perspective of ancestor simulation theory. The biggest proponent of ancestor simulation theory has been billionaire Elon Musk. https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/what-simulation-hypothesis-why-some-think-life-simulated-reality-ncna913926
Most people stick to their own realms. People who follow science write only about science, and people who follow the Bible write only about a Christian perspective. Part of my mission is to break out of these boxes, and put forth a unified explanation of reality that incorporates Genesis and science.
From an ancestor simulation / temporal dimension perspective, everything predicted in The Bible, including the events of Revelations, has already happened in Real Time. We are re-living the events in our temporal dimension, and we have Free Will to decide what actually happens in our temporal dimension.
It is key to understand that whatever happens in our temporal dimension is not so important in the grand scheme of things, because Real Time is what really counts.
Many different temporal dimensions are all running in the same physical universe, and they running at slightly different times. There are thousands or more of myself, each existing in a temporal dimension. All of the Eric Martindale’s share the same soul. And most of the me’s have written, or will soon write, what I am writing now.
The next concept to address is why are we living in THE critical time period in all of history. Think about this for a moment. The universe is 13.8 billion years old, and will continue for billions more years. Our species, homo sapiens, is 200,000 years old at most, and apparently will continue in some form for many tens of millions of years.
But you and I just happen to be alive in the critical few thousand years in which our species achieved civilization, technology, space travel capacity, and is confronted with the issues of global population and associated environmental concerns. What’s the chance of that? It’s got to be way more than a million to one, right? Wrong. The chance is virtually 100%, and the chance of living in Real Time is way less than 1%.
Of all possible time periods past, present, and future, these few thousand years are the most interesting and the most important. Humanity’s coming of age is the critical time. Therefore, this critical time period is selected by God for the creation of the ancestor simulations.
God isn’t making temporal dimensions for some time period 100 million years ago. There’s no point to that, as no human was even alive. And what happens after humanity’s coming of age is also less important. The really important and interesting time period is right now, these few thousand years.
The purpose of the ancestor simulations is for the eternal souls from Real Time to associate with human bodies, and to live and experience humanity’s coming of age. Living in a temporal dimension is way better than watching a movie, and now the souls are actually experiencing everything first-hand.
From a purely analytical perspective, you can either be living in the one and only Real Time, or in any one of the thousands of ancestor simulations. Thus, it’s not a million to one chance that you live during humanity’s coming of age. Instead the chance is way more than 99%.
Some Christians believe that souls are created at conception, and by conception. I rarely or never criticize any Christian belief, but this one I must. Souls come from the Kingdom of Heaven in Real Time, and they exist prior to conception. Each soul associates with a fertilized egg at conception.
You and your body are important, but your soul is far more important. You exist for your soul to have an association with your mind and your body. Our entire reality, meaning our temporal dimension, was created specifically for the souls to experience life in humanity’s coming of age. Those who commit abortions are robbing that soul of its chance to live in our time, and that is the gravest of sins.
The sheer number of souls wanting to live in a human body is so enormous that there needs to be many people born to accommodate them. Christianity is quite clear that we are “to be fruitful and multiply”. This is in order to supply the human bodies for the souls to associate with. While the environment is important and should be respected as being God’s design, the only environment that really counts is in Real Time.
What is the condition of the Earth in Real Time. It’s probably not so great. Not exactly like the Matrix movies, but bad.
Quite often, something goes very bad in a temporal dimension, and the decision is made by God to combine it into another temporal dimension perhaps running only seconds apart. The two realities are not exactly the same, and this accounts for The Mandela Effect. https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/entertainment/g28438966/mandela-effect-examples/
The fact that we experience Mandela Effects is the proof that we are not living in Real Time. We are living in a temporal dimension.
When I was in grade school, the word “dilemma” was spelled “dilemna”, and it was on a list of words we learned that were spelled differently from how they sounded. Other people remember this as well. This is called a Mandela Effect.
There was a Bible verse about the lion laying down with the lamb. Well, it’s no longer a lion, it’s a wolf. When was this change made? Never, it’s always been the wolf, except to those who recall the Mandela Effect on this matter. https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffect/comments/rd7aap/the_lion_shall_lay_down_with_the_lamb_is_not_in/
We ate Gordon’s fish fillets, not Gorton’s. I never heard of the latter brand until 2013. When I arrived at the local store one day, there was no longer a brand called Gordon’s even though I had been buying it for years. And yes, there were two movies in the 1990’s starring a Black man as a genie, not one movie.
The Gospels speak of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Or perhaps Jesus combined one reality with another temporal dimension in which Lazarus was alive? He can do that. He’s Jesus.
Mandela Effects often feature people who died, and then suddenly they are still alive. This is happening because the person is so important to the timeline globally that if he or she dies, the entire timeline goes bad. I did not experience the timeline in which Nelson Mandela died years before he did, but I respect others who did.
To readers who know about Determinism, all events are predestined, and the Biblical timeline is set in stone. In the Godly scheme of things, outside of time as we know it, everything in The Bible has already happened. The trick is to understand that we actually don’t live in the Real Time of all those predestined events.
We live in a temporal matrix, a dimension of time, which was created by God some 6,000 – 10,000 years ago. God is beyond all dimensions of time, and of course He is in control of spacetime, which He created. He can splice up spacetime and create a re-run anytime and any way he wants.
Don’t deny for a second that He can create many temporal dimensions. If you deny that ability, that means I believe in a greater and more powerful God than you do. That’s a tough pill to swallow for many strong believers.
Yes, we have Free Will, and we can control the future of events within this re-run, our temporal dimension, and at some point, our reality will simply end abruptly, like a movie that ends. The “End Days” is the end of the ancestor simulation. Yet another Biblical concept is now accounted for by ancestor simulation theory.
Is the destruction and suffering described in Revelations the only possible future? No, that’s what happened in Real Time. God gave us a brain to use, arms to build things, and a heart to love. What we do in our temporal dimension is our choice. And that choice starts with recognizing its existence, and understanding the nature of reality as I have described.
“Ship in a bottle” episode of Star Trek
Dare I suggest that the entire purpose of creating our temporal dimension is to live out the events in a different and better way. Imagine being a character in a movie, but then during the movie you become aware that you are in the movie, and you realize that you have the Free Will to rewrite the movie so that the story line can be different, and the ending can be better.
Some may recall the “Ship in the Bottle” episode of Star Trek in which a holodeck character, Professor Moriarty, realizes that he is not living in the real world, and instead he is just a character in a simulation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ship_in_a_Bottle_(Star_Trek:_The_Next_Generation)
Humanity is on the verge of having the Professor Moriarty consciousness moment. We are the characters within an alternate temporal dimension that are just realizing our place in the universe, and the power of our Free Will.
When googling more about ancestor simulation theory, please understand that the computer program concept of the theory is wrong, and the simulations are happening another way. I’m ahead of all the artists and plot writers with this concept of temporal dimensions being the basis for ancestor simulation theory.
Some of the artists and plot writers have also been inspired through dreams. That’s why they are creating all of these movies and TV episodes about alternate realities. The problem is that they come from such a leftist and artistic mindset that they just won’t look at “reality” from the perspective of The Bible, Revelations, and Theistic Determinism.
There may be other non-artists who have also had the dream, but they either don’t understand what they saw, or they are just thinking about publishing something, and procrastinating. Even myself, I’ve been wanting to publish this for years.
Some Mandela Effect theorists talk about multiple realities converging many times until there’s one “good one”. This fits well into everything I’ve written here, as it would be the Will of God to create one really good timeline. Perhaps the condition of the Earth is simply terrible in Real Time, and once all the temporal dimensions merge into one good timeline, it will merge with Real Time and replace it. And then the Earth in Real Time will be a human and ecological paradise undestroyed by the events that happened in Revelations. Altering Real Time would indeed be a profound twist on the whole concept of Determinism.
Determinism has the been the subject of contentious philosophical and theological debate for hundreds of years. https://www.christiancourier.com/articles/1515-the-doctrine-of-determinism-what-is-it It’s been fun exploring the concepts.
I have a companion article coming out on Black Quasars (I have coined the term) and the nature of physical reality. Science is wrong on almost everything in Astrophysics. I have seen in a dream that the physical universe has a set and finite volume that wraps around itself much like the surface of the Earth wraps around itself, and there is nowhere else in existence.
The universe is also binary in nature; one side has active quasars creating galaxies, and the other side has Black Quasars at the core of each galaxy. Each Quasar/Black Quasar pair is linked. One side of the universe is always expanding at the expense of the other, and filling the other side’s entire volume, which then causes a new Big Bang, and the cycle flips. A Big Bang on one side instantly triggers the collapse of all Quasars into Black Quasars on the other side. Trillions of them, all within a milli-second. And what scientists call Black Energy is nothing new or mysterious. It’s simply gravity linking and powering the entire system. My full article on this is overdue. Here’s a teaser image.
Eric Martindale, Founder of The Welcome Movement
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