This is the third in my series of articles on God and Science. Those who have read the first two know that I love and accept science from the perspective of Theistic Design, in which God is the grand architect who designed everything billions or more years ago. No, we’re not going to quote The Bible in this article either.
We’re just looking at Hubble’s Law and Hubble’s Constant, and all the associated astrophysics. A quick read of that article reveals that Hubble’s Law only works for distant galaxies. That’s the first indication of a serious problem. We’ll get back to that later.
Scientists are theorizing that the further away galaxies are, the faster they are moving away. According to mainstream science, that means the expansion of the universe has been speeding up for billions of years after the Big Bang.
They have calculated something called the Hubble Constant, which they believe is around 73 kilometers per second, per megaparcel. Here’s a recent article about the Hubble Constant. The Hubble Constant is useless because all it is actually does is measure TIME as it relates to the expansion rate of the universe.
Sometimes what’s needed to understand things is not a scientific equation, but a broader objective view. The red shift data set exists, and there are thousands of measured data points. Each data point is a distant galaxy or quasar, and the longer ago the light originated, the faster they were receding. Edwin Hubble would have used the words “are receding” in that last sentence.
This is the root source of all the misery and confusion of modern astrophysics. The only proper and reasonable view of the data is to use the words “were receding” because the data is billions of years old. It is not current data. “Are” and “were” makes all the difference in the world. Right now, nothing makes sense in Astrophysics. They are grasping at straws with Dark Energy and Dark Matter to try to pull their theories together. Nothing is going to make sense until the Hubble Constant is tossed into the trash bin of cosmology, and replaced with something that works.
The red shift data set is so good and so consistent that scientists use the redshift of a galaxy to indicate how far away a galaxy was when the light originated. The data is correct, but they are reading it backwards. Scientists are making all sorts of equations, all based on looking at it backwards. It has become a mass delusion. This delusion started a long time ago with Edwin Hubble, and it just builds on itself because nobody with a degree in astrophysics wants to challenge “base knowledge”. I find it mind-boggling that I see this, but either they don’t, or they are afraid to challenge their peers, or challenge the works of the late and great Edwin Hubble.
My firm position is that a galaxy 11 billion light years from now, and another galaxy 1 billion light years from now, were both moving at the same speed 1 billion light years ago. They were both moving at the speed of the slower galaxy. That distant galaxy was not moving faster 1 billion years ago, and it is certainly not accelerating even faster now. All galaxies are moving at the same speed at any given time, and that speed is the expansion rate of the universe at that given time. Gravity affects the expansion rate of the entire universe over time, and affects it evenly. Let’s call this the Martindale Constant. Sure, we can do that.
I see there’s more than one spelling of the name Hubble. Yet once again, it takes a Martindale to refine the work of a Hubble / Hubbell. This Martindale who co-authored the famous Martindale-Hubbell Law Dictionary is believed to be a distant relative of mine.
Now, according to Hubble Constant thinking, very distant galaxies are currently flying away faster than the speed of light, while our galaxy and nearby galaxies are moving much slower. That’s just wrong, and no equation is going to make it right. The entire concept of the Hubble Constant is deeply flawed and wrong.
Key to understanding the flaw is realizing that each distant galaxy only provides one data point, which is the redshift of ancient light reaching us now. They can look at galaxy “x” that is 8 billion light years away, and what they see is how fast it was moving 8 billion light years ago. That’s it. They have not one shred of evidence to prove it is still moving that fast, or faster. They just assume so, perhaps based on Newton’s First Law of Motion, as if gravity is not a factor. This is a fundamental logic error. All the data supports the Martindale Constant.
According to the Martindale Constant, we know exactly how fast that same galaxy “x” was moving 5 billion years ago, 3 billion years ago, and one billion years ago.
Just measure the redshift and speed of other galaxies that are 5 billion, 3 billion, and one billion light years away. There’s lots of data there, thousands or more good data points, and the data is closely aligned for each age group. If it weren’t, I would not suggest that gravity is affecting the expansion rate evenly over the entire universe. Apparently, there aren’t even any major exceptions that need explaining. It’s rock-solid data. It’s hard to argue with good data, but one still needs to read it correctly. The speed of that galaxy “x” has been reducing over time, and matching the speed of other galaxies of each age grouping. Yes, it really is that simple.
The Martindale Constant aligns with the data set, and validates the data set. Therefore, the ancient universe has been decelerating, not accelerating. Here I am, a 57-year-old guy from New Jersey who loves science but has never taken a single college course in astrophysics, and I’m the one who has to step up to the plate and set this straight. This is sad and embarrassing for the entire astrophysics’ community.
Thousands of data points show a clear pattern that the younger a galaxy’s light is, the slower the galaxy is moving. This means they were all moving much faster right after the Big Bang. Objects in space moving faster after an explosion, and then slowly reducing speed due to gravity. Yes, this makes intrinsic sense. This pattern holds true up to about 600 – 650 million years ago (mya), when the pattern becomes slightly irregular. We’ll get to this, and that’s the real interesting part of this article.
In this short article, we’ve just destroyed the entire foundation of astrophysics, and now all their equations and all their speculation on dark energy and the hyper-expansion of the universe are utter nonsense. Scientists, go back to your science, put on your thinking caps, and start over. I’m really not in your peer group, but you can peer-review this article.
The implications of a decelerating universe are that the entire post-Big Bang universe is older and vastly larger, and that light from the early phases of the universe has not reached us, but eventually some of it will reach us. And that light won’t show any mature galaxies, just a vast distribution of quasars that are spewing matter and energy, and just starting to spin up their respective galaxies. Behind these quasars are even more quasars, which are younger, more energetic, and packed together even closer because space-time was less expanded at that time.
Each quasar is now a galaxy, and according to the Martindale Constant, it is moving at roughly the same speed as our own galaxy, probably within 1%. There are at least a billion times more galaxies out there than currently estimated, and maybe more. The current estimate is 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe, so I am now estimating 2 trillion billion galaxies, minimum. The actual mass and volume of the total universe is vastly greater than currently estimated, again by at least a billion times. We are only able to see out there about 13 billion light years, and even if the universe is only a billion years older (could be more) than the current estimate of 13.8 billion years, it was expanding tremendously faster in the first billion years, and even faster in the first thousand years. That early rapid expansion makes the current size of the universe profoundly larger.
Take your keys out, hold them in one hand, and throw them upwards about three feet, at a 45-degree angle, and watch gravity bring them down to your other hand. This is what is happening with the universe. Now imagine the speed of the keys at each point along that trajectory, and that is how the expansion rate of space was reducing as the keys rose, and then started increasing as the keys fell. Now for some comparative observations, keys vs. universe:
I just explained all this without using a single scientific equation. Starting with common sense is always good. As for the “closer” galaxies being out of the pattern of the Hubble Constant, they are also reading the data backwards. Imagine a point on the thrown keys’ trajectory about 55% along the way, which is about 5% after the maximum height that the keys reached. That’s about where the universe is now. Give or take a percent or two.
Sometime around 600 or 650 mya, there was a profound event affecting our entire universe. At that time, the deceleration of the expansion rate reached some minimum, and then a slight acceleration began. If the best analogy is a ball thrown straight up, or keys thrown at an angle, the minimum expansion rate reached was quite low, and it will be easy to pin down when it reversed. However, if the best analogy is a rifle firing a bullet, the data will be hard to discern. This is an area of needed investigation.
We live in a universe, but physical reality is actually binary. Instead, I have seen that there are two interconnected universes which phase back and forth between “quasars on” and “quasars off” over very long periods of time. Each true galaxy in our universe currently has a galactic black hole, aka a Black Quasar. Small irregular galaxies don’t count here.
Forget all the multiverse stuff, that’s a bratty nonsense theory to explain why everything is impossibly and perfectly tuned for atoms, galaxies, and life to exist, in the absence of a divine Creator. It’s way easier to have a divine Creator.
I have coined the term Black Quasar to describe these objects. A Black Quasar is completely different from a stellar (star-created) black hole, as different as an asteroid is to a star. Both are too massive to emit light or any energy, so both are “black”, but their size, nature and geometry are profoundly different. A Black Quasar connects to the companion universe, but a black hole is completely contained within our universe. Scientists who assign black holes the same properties as a Black Quasar are wrong. Black Quasars take it to another level. Also, there are no “mid-size” black holes. None have been found, and none will be found. They should not exist because there is no mid-size source object to create them. Therefore, it’s not a mystery why they don’t exist.
There are no active quasars in our universe at this time. The light from them is still reaching us, giving the impression that they still exist, but all the quasars have since shut down. This is all connected with the actual nature of Black Matter, which is very different from what mainstream science says. All the various parts of my vision for the structure of the universe merge together and support each other, and there are far fewer gaps and mysteries than in standard astrophysics. It’s not because I’m really good at making this up. It’s because I saw it, I understood it, and now I am publishing what I saw.
Every Black Quasar in our universe is connected to an active Quasar in the companion universe, which sucks matter and energy from our universe, and spews it into the companion universe, forming and building their galaxies. Over billions of years, quasars spin up and create entire galaxies. Our universe is losing matter and energy, and our companion universe is gaining both. That is what is happening now. We “feel” each galaxy and active quasar in the companion universe via gravity associated with Black Quasars in our universe. For instance, our Milky Way is connected to another galaxy in the companion universe via our own Black Quasar, and we detect its gravity. These companion galaxies are the primary source of “dark matter”. Granted there are other sources like interstellar dust, but these companion galaxies are the major source.
However, up until about 600 to 650 mya, the pattern was reversed. Our universe had no Black Quasars, and instead every galaxy had an active Quasar / galactic center. As our universe was expanding (decelerating, but still expanding), the companion universe was contracting via additional dimensions. That contraction reached nothing via these additional dimensions, sort of like two pieces of paper coming together at faster than the speed of light, and colliding simultaneously along their entire flat surfaces. Some cosmologists refer to them as “branes”. Colliding branes caused a Big Bang in the companion universe some 600 – 650 mya.
We don’t see light from quasars younger than about 600 - 650 mya, and since there are trillions of quasars in the universe, and this time period is about 5% of the supposed age of the universe, this creates a statistical impossibility. Why are there no younger quasars? If plotted statistically, this anomaly would be off the charts on standard deviations. The short answer is it’s statistically possible only if there are currently no active quasars anywhere in the universe. All you scientists and skeptics out there, go ahead and can crunch the numbers on this common-sense claim, and you’ll see that I must be right. Gee, we just killed off all the quasars. This is sort of like Pluto being demoted as a planet. Sigh??? Next question, if there are no active quasars, why have they all gone black?
The companion universe had Black Quasars consuming matter and energy, and spewing it into the quasars of our universe. A Big Bang always reverses the flow of matter and energy between companion universes. A Big Bang in the companion universe some 600 – 650 mya instantly caused all of their Black Quasars to cease consuming matter and energy. Therefore, without an energy source, all of “our” quasars shut down instantly and simultaneously, all within a trillion trillionth of a second. It was as instantaneous of an event as a Big Bang. I have coined this event “The Great Lights Out”. All the quasars in our universe became Black Quasars instantly and simultaneously, about 600 – 650 mya ago. Apparently, I am the first theorist to suggest this.
And now that the flow of matter and energy is reversed, all of the Black Quasars (galactic black holes) in our universe are consuming matter and energy from their respective galaxies, and powering the quasars in our companion universe. A quasar only makes sense if it is ejecting matter and energy from a companion universe, and therefore the universe has to be binary in nature. I saw what a quasar is, and I understood what I saw.
Up until 600 – 650 mya, every quasar in every galaxy of our universe was spewing an unimaginable amount of gamma rays. They were so strong that advance life could not develop in any galaxy. Planets where conditions were favorable for life instantly had an explosion of diversity as soon as the quasars shut down, and their energy passed out of each galaxy. Here on Earth, that explosion of life was a bit delayed by a “Snowball Earth” glaciation event, which happened to be occurring. After some millions of years, conditions became favorable and we had the Cambrian Period and the Cambrian explosion of complex life in which all the phylum developed. My estimate of 600 – 650 million years is just an estimate. If scientists later determine that The Great Lights Out actually happened 585 or 725 mya, that won’t change the concepts in this article.
When a Big Bang occurs, the universe with Black Quasars is completely recycled and every galaxy is destroyed when the branes collide. What is not destroyed is the Black Quasars that have all come together, packed into a small area. That universe “bounces” and every Black Quasar becomes a Quasar.
There is an enormous flash of light and radiation at the Big Bang, but the quasars are flying apart so much faster than the speed of light that this light and radiation would be “visible / detectable” only in an orb around each quasar which is expanding at the speed of light. The quasars flew apart so fast that it would be a long time before the light from one quasar actually reached another, even though they were much more tightly packed than now in terms of the vastness of space.
Standard theory holds that after the Big Bang, galaxies form, then stars, then galactic black holes, and then somehow quasars form very early on. They can’t explain how quasars form, and they never will because this is all wrong. Quasars exist from the instant of the Big Bang, and they start receiving matter from the newly formed Black Quasars in the companion universe.
A Big Bang is the separation of the quasars, which fly apart at great speed, in excess of one light year in the first second of the Big Bang. The initial expansion of a universe after a Big Bang is incredibly rapid, and then it decelerates continuously for many billions of years.
Also wrong is all the theories of the infinitesimal small size of the universe at the Big Bang, smaller than an atom. That’s as non-sensical as “Horton Hears a Who”, and all the multiverse stuff. I am not sure how small a universe crunches to just prior to a Big Bang, but the various laws of nature cause a bounce to occur within the last second. In some sense spacetime is “popping” in a Big Crunch, and to observers inside the collapsing universe, it’s been happening far faster than the speed of light for quite some time. They won’t “observe” the final collapse. The speed of collapse in the final second exceeds one light year per second, matching the expansion rate after a Big Bang. Some cosmologists have theorized about a bounce, and a cycle of Big Bangs and Big Crunches. I believe this is correct.
The companion universes phase back and forth between Quasar and Black Quasar phases, and this has happened billions of times, or more, over an immensely long period of time. Our current universe could be 14 or even 16 billion years old, but it’s just one universe in a very long cycle of universes. The best analogy I can put forwards is the flashing of a strobe light, with each flash being a universe that is either “quasars on” or “quasars off.” The entire existence of our universe is just one zap of a flickering strobe light in the grand scheme of reality. I posted an image below, but it pales in beauty to what I saw.
“Our” universe that God designed is billions of years old. The whole architecture of the universe, and everything from the scientific laws to the universal constants to the Periodic Table of Elements to the principles of organic chemistry is all so amazingly and intricately designed that it allows for life, and then for the evolution of life. As I said in the last article, this proves that God exists as the Creator, just as a loaf of bread proves that a baker exists. God did that, maybe not in six Earth days, but He did that.
Creating this whole complex system is a far greater accomplishment than what has been put forth in biblical Creationism. I really want to hold God in awe and wonder, and Creationism doesn’t accomplish that to the level of Theistic Design. Not even close. And science without God is nonsensical, because everything is too perfectly aligned and fine-tuned for life. For everything to be that perfect by random chance is an impossibility, and they know it. That’s why they have their bizarre Multiverse Theory. For me, it’s far easier to be left wondering why God exists. I already know God exists.
In the first article of the God and Science series, I explained the concept of temporal dimensions. There is the Real Time of the universe, and then there is this special temporal (time) dimension that God created for us to live in some 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. We are trapped in it, like characters in a movie. The temporal dimension is still up and running, and I believe we have Free Will to control its outcome. We don’t have to repeat what happened in Real Time, which is lain out in The Bible. Our temporal dimension and Real Time are both set in the same physical reality, which is the universe. They are just set at different times. The time period we are re-living is the maturation of human civilization. It’s not pure chance that we are living in THE most important time period out of billions of years of history. This time-block is super-important, and that’s why God created the special temporal dimension. Nothing in Article One is changed by today’s article.
In the second article, I explained how DNA is far more powerful than a supercomputer, and that DNA should be seen as proof of a divine Creator. Science should be viewed as a way to understand the complexity of God’s creation. It’s an absurdity to suggest that organic chemistry just happens to “work” for life to exist and to evolve, without a divine design.
I’ve explained the source of my knowledge in the other articles of this God and science series. My great inspirations don’t come sitting at my desk, thinking and typing. They come at night, in my dreams, or while lying in bed in deep meditation at the very edge of being awake and being asleep. I’ll just snap awake with a “wow” over an idea that hits me. I’ve read that Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein also had great inspiration during dreams. Millions of people have such dreams, but very few recognize that they are divinely inspired. God is speaking to many people and giving knowledge during dreams. Be humble before God, and recognize the source. I am on a mission to reveal what I have seen in astrophysics, and also to expose more people to the concept of Theistic Design. Naysayers among both science and religion stand in my way. I don’t care. I care only about my mission. Aye, Moriarty !!!
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