Note: This article was originally published on May 17, 2020, just before George Floyd was killed. The article has been updated with more recent information.
The best way to explain what Ahmaud Arbery was thinking when he grabbed for a rifle pointed at him is to compare that choice to soldiers in combat with a vicious enemy force.
It’s the Fall of 1942 on a dusty road on the island of Guadalcanal. A Japanese soldier is on foot patrol outside of base camp, and he comes upon an abandoned American jeep. But it’s not abandoned. Suddenly he’s face to face with two American soldiers who burst forth, pointing their guns. Each side knows what is at stake, kill or be killed. It’s a war, and there’s enormous racial hatred on both sides. The Japanese soldier instantly weighs the odds, and says to himself “well, if I’m going to die, I’m going down fighting, and maybe I’ll take one of these damn Americans with me”. He knows that his chance of winning is 1 out of 1000, but he lunges for the American soldier’s rifle. That’s the BATTLE OF GUADALCANAL MINDSET.
Had it been a confrontation between American and German soldiers in a remote wooded area of Germany, there could have been a surrender. Soldiers on both sides had a cultural expectation that they could be taken as a prisoner of war, and when the war is over, they could be freed. So great was the cultural understanding between Americans and Germans regarding surrender that a post-war TV comedy was aired centered on that very theme.
Surrender couldn’t happen on Guadalcanal because there was no common cultural understanding regarding the concept of surrender between Americans and Japanese. Instead, there was just pure racial hatred on both sides, and on our side that was amplified by the attack on Pearl Harbor. That’s how bad things were in the mind of Arbery. The “kill or be killed” battlefield mindset was the mindset that Ahmaud Arbery had towards the McMichael’s.
The bottom line = Arbery believed that if he froze and surrendered, he’d be quickly killed, so he might as well fight. I find this absolutely disgusting, and I don’t blame Arbery for thinking that. Instead, I blame the entire political Left.
The core problem is that Arbery was conditioned to think that way, after years and years of hearing the racial hate narrative from the American Left, and now he is the next case for the racial hate narrative to evolve and continue.
Most people think the debate is over the conduct of the two White guys. What’s to debate? They were completely wrong to confront Arbery instead of calling the police, and that Georgia law giving vigilantes the privilege to perform citizen arrests has got to be repealed. Let the cops be cops, and let citizens be citizens. But once Arbery grabbed the gun, now the case can be presented that the armed White guy was acting in self-defense.
Yes, the McMichael’s are on trial, but unfortunately what’s not on trial is that Georgia law. That’s just considered background case information, and based on that, the McMichael’s will be found innocent, either with this judge, or via an appeal.
What most needs to be debated is Arbery’s conditioned response, because the racial hate narrative continues to intensify with each case. Only 8 days after this article originally posted, George Floyd was murdered by a Minneapolis cop after resisting arrest. There’s not one doubt in my mind that Floyd was additionally conditioned by the Arbery case, so he didn’t easily surrender either. I totally called it, 8 days in advance.
And both these cases made a huge difference in the November 2020 election. Without these cases, Trump’s landslide would have been so huge that no amount of voter fraud and cyber-attacks would have made a difference. Officer Derek Chauvin might as well have had his knee on the neck of Donald Trump. That was Trump’s re-election dying on the street in Minneapolis.
Millions of Black Americans have been conditioned, and the pattern continues. I can tell by the comments on social media. “Oh, I would have done the same thing”, one said. “I’m so glad someone had the courage to fight back”, said another. Others have commented that he’s a hero for fighting back. Hero? He’s dead and he didn’t even save himself. By saying he’s a hero, that’s just encouraging more people to violently resist arrest, and then get killed.
Another commented that given that state of race relations in the South, how can one expect a Black man to react otherwise. That was the comment of a Black man in law enforcement, who has Mensa-level intelligence, and who wants more than anything to see racial problems diminish. Even he has been brainwashed by the Left. That’s how bad things are.
Black people have been fed a steady and unrelenting narrative that the KKK is rising, that racism is increasing, and that there’s millions of dangerous gun-toting, tobacco-spitting, Trump-voting, Confederate flag-waiving rural White Americans ready to hunt them down and slay them mercilessly. That’s the narrative. People are buying into it by the millions. It’s fueling racial tension, cancel culture, and rioting, and it’s shaping voting patterns. And that’s what the Left wants, to bring about a Socialist revolution.
This has gone way too far. Despite a few high-profile incidents, race relations in America are nowhere near the level of the Battle of Guadalcanal. It hasn’t been that bad in a good 90 years.
Don Lemon, Rachel Maddow, and others have been pushing this narrative for years. It’s entirely for political purposes, and it intensifies with every Presidential election cycle. It’s all about persuading socially-conservative Blacks and immigrants to vote against Republicans, even though Democratic positions are typically against their values on faith, family, gender issues, and more. Those are the main swing voters these days, and they decide every major election.
The motivating issue for this political strategy is pro-Choice and pro-LGBTQ concerns. These pundits and politicians, and thousands of everyday leftists on social media, want as many Black people as possible to be fearful of Whites and Republicans, in order to lock in their Democratic vote. That way candidates who are pro-Choice and pro-LGBTQ can win elections. In the process, a whole lot of Black folks are being terrorized and used for their votes.
The phenomenal level of stress, hopelessness, and depression that is being planted into the minds of Black Americans is of no concern to those manipulating their votes. The more fearful they are, the more likely they’ll vote. They are constantly fed the narrative that the White American is the enemy. This is a socialist narrative.
Are there racist rural White Americans? Absolutely. Now show me some crime stats. What kind of violent crimes are rural White Americans regularly committing against Black people? None. When was the last lynching of a Black person by White supremacists? Over 50 years ago, and almost none after WWII.
Yes, there is a distant history of extreme racism. Over a hundred years ago, Blacks were ethnic-cleansed out of Forsyth County in Georgia and other places all across The South. Innocent people were jailed or lynched, and others got the message. Over several decades, millions of Blacks fled the South. In the suburbs of New Jersey, Blacks were locked out of buying homes in White neighborhoods as recently as the 1980’s. Is anything similar happening today? Nope. People don’t even complain any more if a Black family buys a house on their street.
Sociologists have taken public opinion polls for decades. Racism by Whites continues to decline for decades. Granted there was a major bump in the road from 1985 to 1995, but the bigger picture has been progress. The best proof is that mixed race relationships and marriages are way up, along with public acceptance of them.
To present a narrative that race relations are deteriorating is simply toxic to our politics and to our entire society. Folks who follow my blog know I despise racism and hate mongering of all kinds. I criticized Donald Trump when he referred to certain foreign countries as shit holes, and again when he lambasted Baltimore. I’m consistent, and I’m fair.
I personally know people who are pumping up the racial hate narrative on social media. About a quarter of them are devoutly pro-Choice, another quarter are obsessed with global warming and support a New World Order, and a full half are passionate supporters of everything LGBTQ. They know the political equation, and they know they have to instill hate and fear into the minds of Blacks to motivate them to vote their way. That’s the real terrorism going on in America. They want to divide us. They want hate. They want racism. They want revolution. And most critically, they want to brand the conservative White man as the enemy.
I am attempting to imagine the level of terror that Blacks are enduring from decades of this conditioning, but I am probably not completely grasping it. Black people have knowledge of real events that actually happened many generations ago, and they are being led to connect the dots and to think things are either getting worse now, or just as bad as a hundred years ago. And that is false on both counts.
Ahmaud Arbery is needlessly dead, and all those reporters, pundits, politicians, and social media kings that pushed the racial hate narrative are complicit in his murder.
I’m disgusted that people are being indoctrinated with hate and fear in order to manipulate their vote. And I’m even more disgusted that an innocent man died because a political narrative being forced upon Black America conditioned his hopeless response. As soon as he fought for the rifle, he was doomed. Even in the remote chance that he overpowered the McMichael son without being shot, and got control of the rifle, the McMichael father was there in the pickup with another gun.
Surrendering is an ENTIRELY UNACCEPTABLE level of social dynamics between unarmed Blacks and armed Whites, but at least Arbery would have lived. Yes, he should have surrendered.
If someone points a gun at me, I freeze. It doesn’t matter if it’s a policeman, a thug robbing me, or two White Southerners. I’m not going to feel insulted that my social status is temporarily reduced by my surrender, because I otherwise have plenty of self-esteem, and preserving my life is the priority. I’m not thinking it’s the Battle of Guadalcanal.
What Arbery and his millions of supporters fail to understand is the law-and-order wanna-be-cop personality of the McMichael father and his son. The elder McMichaels was a retired law enforcement officer, and he knew the Georgia law “authorizing” people to be vigilantes and to perform a citizens arrest of a suspect. He and his son were acting like they were cops. This whole case is proof that the vigilante law must be repealed. The law-and-order personality is conservative to a fault, and wants to completely follow the law at all times. They would not have shot Arbery after he surrendered, because that would be against the law, and they follow the law. It really is that simple. I don’t defend this personality, but I know it when I see it. There is 100% chance Arbery would have survived had he surrendered.
The hate mongering narrative has to end. It needs to be exposed for the terrorism that it is.
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