

Eric Martindale • December 16, 2024


Ground Zero for the massive drone search, Ground Zero for the explosion and devastating war foreseen by the Farsight organization, and Ground Zero for the Disclosure Movement are all happening at the same place.  There is a massive buried bunker near the top of Scotts Mountain in Warren County, New Jersey, with a 600-foot-long underground tunnel leading to it. I disclose in this article the exact Block & Lot, and address.  

Events for all three ground zeroes are swirling together, and it is possible that it’s all going to happen within days or weeks. It will either happen in the really bad way foreseen in the three Farsight videos, or hopefully in some less apocalyptic way if the events can be altered. Farsight released a video on December 15th, noting the New Jersey events. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPexKr0zCQE They had firmly stated in a prior video in Mid-November that the ET’s are going to reveal themselves. The New Jersey events began immediately afterwards, and now it’s all over the world.

I am updating the article because on Friday, December 13th, I got photographic proof (from an 8.8-ounce drone) that there is a Diesel Generator for Mining at the suspected tunnel entrance. Let’s be logical here. If a tunnel and a bunker is at this location, there has to be a generator. Everything underground needs a significant flow of fresh air, and some electricity. The inverse is also true. If there was no generator nearby, the whole idea that there’s something major underground goes into the tin-foil hat category. Here’s the tunnel entrance site and the generator:

The Farsight remote viewers need to see this, and they can comment if this is what they saw in their sessions. There’s no active mining operation on this mountain, and no evidence onsite points to mining. Besides mining, the only other reason to have a generator of that capacity is to provide electricity and ventilation for something very large underground. This large generator is very strong proof that there is a bunker and a tunnel here. Where exactly the entrance is hidden, we speculate on this later in the article.

At first, I could not identify the large rectangular object. A friend said that’s some kind of generator. On the morning of December 15th, I was lying in bed, half awake and half asleep. I received a telepathic message; from what source I do not know. I heard these exact words in my head: “find the technical specification for a mining generator unit”. Someone or some entity really wants me to get all my proofs presented.

I found this online. It’s a Cummins Powered 500 kVA Diesel Generator 415/240V Three Phase Model: GWA50CY-IC. The size is 4.35 meters x 1.65 meters x 2.5 meters. I think the unit onsite is about this size and capacity. This is not the exact brand or model. People who know more than me regarding this technology can say if this is the capacity needed for the tunnel and the underground bunker. All the technical specs are in the link.


There is a massive drone search all over New Jersey. Drones described as car- sized and SUV-sized are sweeping in formation, apparently searching for something extremely important. This is national news. I saw them myself on the evening of December 8th flying near my home in Warren County, New Jersey. Here’s one of hundreds of articles and news stories about it. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/mysterious-drones-over-towns-demand- action-mayors-say/ar-AA1vy1gn


Based on video’s recently released by the Farsight organization, I have strong reason to believe that these are military drones, and they are looking for a buried bunker that is Ground Zero for WWIII. The bunker, an attacking crowd, and unforeseen circumstances leading to a war have been described in the Farsight videos. The White Hats in the military are behind the drone search. They want to try and stop WWIII.



Let’s cut right to the chase. The buried bunker is located at 101 Halfway House Road, Washington NJ 07882. Tax records show that Block 11, Lot 28 (technically in Franklin Township, Warren County) is owned by a wealthy person in Sadorus, IL.


101 Halfway House Road is a large vacant lot on a very steep slope near the summit of Scotts Mountain. Other nearby vacant lots are owned by a mysterious P.O. Box entity. The location is remote, heavily wooded, and in The Appalachians. The surroundings fit the “vastness of land” described by Farsight. For those looking on google maps, the lot is behind 103 Halfway House Rd, another lot which actually has frontage on that street. Absolutely do not enter either property, you could be shot on sight.


Here’s the 2015 aerial photo from the NJ GIS database showing the square top. It was exposed at that time.

https://newjersey.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=bae6f833 507745d287a15497d233fbbc

The crude drawing below was sketched by Aziz Brown of Farsight, and it appears in his Farsight video. Readers have good reason to think this is the same place, and absolutely no reason to write it off as a coincidence. 

The square bunker can no longer be found by drone or aerial photo, because the top was buried after 2015, and is now covered with dirt, brush and small trees.


The dirt road is over 1200 feet long, and ascends vertically hundreds of feet. It is angled into the mountainside at a 45-degree angle with respect to the steep ridge. Then it bends left and goes parallel to the ridge, and then it drops down, angling in the other direction, to reach the same elevation as the dark square. Due to the steep topography, this is the only way to reach the darkish square.


The road ends at the wide ellipse, which is where a vehicle can turn around. One can walk on level ground to reach the square. The dirt road otherwise goes nowhere, and has no other purpose.


Now, 9 years later, everything on Lot 28 is different. Even the dirt road up the mountain is mostly overgrown. I hired a drone guy, and was shocked to see the changes. Instead, further down the slope is an enormous cleared area excavated into the mountain after 2015. The clearing and the excavation were not on the State’s 2020 aerial images either. It might still be under excavation.


Our drone easily found a large shed and the cleared and excavated area, all lower in elevation on that same property. Below is an image taken on Dec. 6th. We could have taken a closer image, but I didn’t identify the tunnel until I closely examined the image later.


The tunnel entrance is partially shaded and centered just below the yellowish-tan rock layer in the excavated mountainside. It appears to be 8 feet high, within the 40- or 50-foot-high quarter-circle excavation into the mountainside. It faces directly towards the buried bunker. The white in the image is a thin layer of snow, only in some areas. 

I hoped to get a better drone image on the morning of Dec. 10th, but it was too foggy to launch. So, I had to zoom the existing image, and the arrow shows the tunnel entrance. 

The tunnel goes approximately level into the mountain for about 600 feet, and intersects with the bunker deep underground, at a point perhaps 200 feet deep. That would be consistent with the slope of Scotts Mountain.


A second drone run was made on December 13th, with a focus on the tunnel entrance and vicinity. The new sharper images reveal much more information:

  • What I thought was a shed is actually a large generator unit needed for the underground operations. It is probably a diesel unit, and it is sitting on a trailer.

  • The tunnel entrance is below where the excavated mountainside is slightly convex. The exposed slope is many times taller than the generator unit. In this image, the drone was looking almost straight down, so it’s hard to see that the excavated slope is massive, likely tens of feet high. It’s a bit higher on the left and the right. There is no logical reason to excavate here, except to prepare the area for a tunnel.

  • At least one of the Farsight viewers mentioned “a depression in the ground” at the tunnel entrance. We didn’t understand what that meant until we got the second round of drone photos.

  • The tunnel approach could be buried under the cut strips of green running track material, and leaves. There is zero purpose to have cut portions of running track material here, EXCEPT TO HIDE SOMETHING.


  • I cannot identify the purpose of the small white building with a peaked roof near the bottom of the image. It appears to be about 7 feet x 7 feet. I don’t know that it is connected with the entrance, but if they are really sneaky, it might be. There could a door on the right side, with stairs going down under that planter-looking thing next to it, and then the entry way makes a right turn underground towards the running strips and the mountain.

  • Another possibility is that the running track area is a bit sloped, and there is plywood under some of the running track material. There might be a section that can be lifted up, to gain access to the tunnel. Perhaps there is a hinged trap door, with the same running track material on it.


  • Notice that the right rubber strip with a “3” is perpendicular to the others. Now that’s weird. It may have been added later, to cover everything better.


  • The long white object above the running track material is apparently some of the HVAC piping which runs from the generator into the tunnel, to provide fresh air. It’s about one foot diameter. The rest of the HVAC piping goes to the generator, but it is hidden away under soil and leaves.

  • There is an orange cone to the left of the running track. We don’t know what the blue objects are. Maybe some kind of air filter?

Now see the below images to compare

Tunnel entry, Dec 6, 2024 around 11 AM

Tunnel entry, Dec 13, 2024 around 9:15 AM

  • The image to the right is much higher resolution, and it is looking straight down. The image to the left could be at a 40 or 45-degree angle

  • The long white object that is HVAC-related can be seen in both images. Same for the orange cone.

  • We can now verify that the wide band of light coloring above the words “Shaded tunnel entry” is actually erosional soil with many small embedded rocks.


  • The “Shaded tunnel entry” in the left image is within a darker-colored area, which we had interpreted as being rock. The higher resolution photo does not show that layer, or the shaded tunnel entry. That could mean it was buried after they saw the December 6th publication of this article, or it could mean we were interpreting the left image wrong. However, we can say with greater certainty after the second drone flight that there is a tunnel, because the large mining generator has been identified. Our best guess at this time is that the tunnel entry is under the green running track material, and directly centered on the convex excavated area. 

All three images were taken in “non-leaf” times of the year. The square bunker and the dirt road wrapping around it in a question-mark fashion is only present in the 2015 image. Therefore, we believe that the square bunker and the dirt road were made in the 2013-2015 time period, and then quickly covered up and re-vegetated afterwards to hide it. All of this is more evidence that there's something secret and mysterious there. See this quick video explaining the changes in the images.



The large cleared area, the excavation into the mountain, the generator unit, the running track material, and 7’ x 7’ white building were NOT PRESENT in the 2015 and 2020 NJ GIS images. There was a smaller cleared area instead. My interpretation of this evidence is:

  • The tunnel was not yet constructed in 2020.


  • The question marked-shape road going up the mountain is not readily visible in 2020. Only the lower third can be discerned, and a tiny remnant up top, paralleling the ridge behind it. The main sections and the ellipse for a vehicle to turn around are completely re-vegetated in only 5 years. Since this is not possible naturally, that must mean the hard-packed soil was turned over, good soil was spread, and there were intentional plantings to erase the visual presence of that dirt road.

  • The square opening was clearly visible in 2015, but it was covered up by 2020. There’s now a general area of vegetation, but no large trees.

  • There must be a small ventilation exhaust where the square bunker is buried, but it’s too small to be seen in the images. One can imagine the air flow system. The generator pulls in air, and sends it into the tunnel. There are small exhaust holes in the duct system inside the tunnel. Then the majority of the air flow enters the bottom level of the bunker, and finally it exits at the top. Nice design, I like it.

At the current time, the below schematic is the best compilation of information. This could be updated as more information becomes available.

In case anyone is wondering, can anyone just fly a drone up there and take pictures? Isn’t that against some regulations? Evidently not. We intensively investigated the “no drone fly” regulations and maps for New Jersey. The subject site is not covered by any restrictions. They dropped the ball on that one. They could have made it a “drone no fly” area. There are many spots along Route 57 that are great for launching a drone to investigate the mountain, with a clear line of sight. 

And what about writing an article about a top-secret bunker? Can I just do that? Actually yes, I can. I am a journalist. This is not income-producing journalism, although I did some of that in the 1990’s. There are rules to journalism, and there are multiple court decisions on these matters. The court rulings are all directly connected with our constitutionally protected freedoms. We have in this country Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press. They both protect journalists. 

Back in 1992, a journalist writing for the Washington Post published a story that uncovered a Government Continuency Operation at the Greenbrier resort hotel in West Virginia. This was a secret bunker that could be used to run the federal government, in the event that Washington DC is destroyed or overrun by an invading army. The government didn’t like that it was exposed, but there was nothing they could do because the journalist had the right to reveal it. https://ronnysalerno.com/queencitydiscovery/2018/01/charleston-greenbrier-resort-and-secret.html Does this mean I can just publish this article, and reveal what is here? Yes, it does.

If one connects the dots in an investigative manner, one conclusion is that the bunker was built by the U.S military, possibly within the last 10 years, to encapsulate an entry point to an underground civilization. It has been reported that this civilization has cities and tunnels all over the world. The underground city is either ET or Reptilian in nature, like something from The Lacerta Files. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PksU8CZQ6p8 

The above map shows only one land entrance in New Jersey, and it’s in the mountainous northwest part of the State. The square on the map is exactly where this (square) bunker is. Another entry is off Long Beach Island exactly where a wind farm is going up. My guess is the Navy Seals will be encapsulating that entrance as well, and that activity will be explained away as “wind farm construction”.

Even small details in the remote viewing sessions match this area. Aziz Brown described that there are many dilapidated structures on the road leading up the mountains. And yes, there’s two very old and worn houses and at least 10 deteriorated barns and sheds. Below is the “halfway house” and two of the old barns. 

Intysam drew the road and the mountain. The profile of the mountain slope with the two peaks and the shallow “hidden valley” is spot on exact. The road is Halfway House Road. 



Horrific events have been foreseen by multiple “remote viewers” in the Farsight organization. They use the powers of their minds to view events in the future, in the past, or current events at a distant (far) location. The CIA also has remote viewers working for them.

In her video, Intysam says that there will be a “crowd raid” on the tunnel and the bunker led by a bald, middle-aged Caucasian leader. 

Farsight admits they do not know why the crowd is storming the site, but if the dots are connected correctly in my mind, it is a Disclosure Raid to reveal the presence of ETs and UFOs. All three Farsight remote viewers described a crowd raiding a “structuresque” mostly underground structure.


Intysam drew a lone gunman confronting the crowd. That’s Austin, the U.S. Ranger whose duty is to monitor the bunker. Evidently, he will not be successful in stopping the crowd from reaching the tunnel. 

Then the bunker will explode, and many will die. Yeme Jeannee describes an explosive device not fired at the bunker, but intentionally planted within a long time earlier. She is the most talented of the remote viewers. For unknown reasons, many of the best remote viewers are people of African descent, especially women. Anyone who has ever dated or married a Black woman knows they are all a little bit psychic. “Feelings” are very important to them, and they can feel and sense things


My interpretation of her statements is a self-destruct bomb, and that the bunker will be intentionally blown up by the military authorities specifically to prevent the public Disclosure of ET's and UFOs, and/or an underground civilization.

That explosion is so enormous and devastating that it will cause an unforeseen chain of events over the course of two months, which will be worse than 911. Maybe worse than WWII, at least for America. Farsight says some kind of war will happen, and at least one American city will be bombed to total destruction.


Gotta wonder, if the bunker is exploded, and there is a city deep underground, what kind of shock wave will hit that city? Small bombs and flame-throwers killed large numbers of Japanese soldiers hiding underground on Pacific islands in WWII, so what would a huge blast do to an underground city? Will they feel a need to retaliate? Is that the reason for the war with the United States, and for an American city to be destroyed? This might not be the correct scenario, but the dots connect.


Farsight says this war will run from December, 2024 to February, 2025. The drone search is to find the bunker and stop the raid, the explosion, and the whole chain of events.

Farsight says there are good and bad ET’s. I suspect that “bad ET’s” are putting ideas into people’s minds using telepathy. They are encouraging people to organize a crowd to raid the tunnel and the bunker. They are trying to cause events (a Disclosure Raid) that they figure will cause the military to intentionally explode the bunker. That will cause the devastation or destruction of an underground city populated by a rival non-human species. Their goal is to cause hostility and war between that underground species and the United States. They are setting up an interstellar false flag event.


If one reads up on the Lacerta Files, it looks like public contact between humans and underground Reptilians is going to happen soon. Popular culture is trying to prepare humanity in many ways. They have long wanted to minimize religions that talk of underground devils and demons. Next, they want to weaken gender differences, because that’s how the Reptilians are. Then they came out with the Avatar movies, and the large reptilian creatures were portrayed as the protagonists, and living in harmony with nature. Our underground Reptilians want so much to have zero environmental impact on the surface that they moved their entire civilization underground. Good chance the Avatar heroes generally match the appearance of Lacerta and her species. 

The bad ET’s want humans and the underground Reptilians to be suspicious and hateful of each other, and even to be at war. The last thing they want is for the two intelligent species on this planet to be allies. That would disrupt the balance of power in the entire galaxy. Farsight has talked about these matters at length. The bad ET’s have everything to gain from a False Flag Operation. Is this something they would do? Absolutely. But it will only work before Disclosure of the underground civilizations.


Note also that a previous Farsight video firmly foreseeing the victory of Donald Trump in the election identified in a deep mind probe that Trump will be extremely worried around the time of his Inauguration.

Here are the three Farsight videos regarding what I call “Austin’s Bunker”. 

Dr. Courtney Brown, Chair of the Farsight Organization, asserts that the U.S. Military closely monitors their videos, and respects the integrity of their remote viewers. The drone search in New Jersey started immediately after the first video was released in November. That is not a coincidence. Aziz Brown’s video was the first, and it triggered the drone search for the bunker. The authorities must have independent information that it is in New Jersey, but little more.

Again, lets compare what Aziz Brown drew in his video, the buried square bunker, and the 2015 aerial image from the New Jersey GIS database. Bingo, this is it, OMG!!!! 

The White Hats in the military frantically want to find the hidden bunker, which is under the supervision of the Black Hats, and specifically a U.S Ranger named Austin. He lives nearby, and his primary duty is to “protect” this site. Whether or not Austin knows he is on the side of the Black Hats is unknown. He might be someone just doing his job.


I gave the address and 3 or 4 sentences of information to some authorities as a tip, but evidently nothing has happened because the drones are still active and searching. They might think my information is too fantastical, yet the drone search itself is fantastical. It’s like the search for Luke Skywalker in The Empire Strikes Back. Fantastical problems have fantastical answers.


Now I have to publish this article, and publicly expose the site, because the authorities didn’t act on the tip, or more likely they were deluged with tens of thousands of tips, and mine never got past the initial person reading it, so it will never be researched. Austin won't be happy about this article. I will eventually meet him; he lives near me.


If the White Hats are serious about identifying the structure and stopping WWIII they should start with a list of people saying that they know what is being searched for, and where it is. That’s a very short list.


And if I suddenly die or mysteriously disappear, or I become the subject of any retaliation, that must mean I am seriously on to something. Note also that the Farsight videos describe the entire vicinity of homes and structures destroyed and many people killed. That’s me, my family and my house. Damned if you do (identify it), and damned if you don’t.


And since a crowd attack triggers all the events, whatever the readers do, don’t visit the site, especially with a crowd. Let the authorities handle this.


Farsight believes that publishing the three videos will lead to the site being firmly identified, and the timeline altered. Whoever is launching the drones apparently is of the same mindset. I believe my video will also reach the right hands, and the events will be stopped quietly, probably with no media coverage. The drones will stop flying, and as mysteriously as they started. People will think that guy Eric was wrong, because there was no raid, no explosion, and no war.


That’s fine with me, I’m a patriot. I want peace, not war, and I don’t want this small neighborhood blown to pieces. And yes, I do want “Disclosure”. 

For more information, see www.thewelcomemovement.com and follow us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/groups/2110578839017576


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By Ahmed Odeh Guest Contributor September 24, 2024
We are upset that Donald Trump is positioning himself as the great defender of Israel. Trump has done nothing to try to win the Muslim vote, even though most Muslims are social conservatives. Meanwhile, the political support that many Muslims feel for the Democrats is unsustainable, as the core positions of the Left are hostile to our beliefs. Both problems are much more than frustrating. Muslims who are social conservatives must take a stand to state their beliefs. Those who agree with the following 25 conservative points are asked to click on the link below, print it, sign your name to this Declaration, and mail it to the Trump Campaign. Trump needs to be deluged with thousands of these. Each will be opened, because they think it’s a campaign donation. Trump and the Republican establishment need to hear it loud and clear that Muslims are the real conservatives, and that Jews are the Leftist and atheist enemy of the whole world.
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Ahmaud Arbery was conditioned to think he’d be killed
By Eric Martindale October 11, 2021
It’s Columbus Day, and time again for the annual tradition of historical revisionists and haters of Christianity to bash Christopher Columbus. I want none of it, and I couldn’t care less if he was Spanish, Italian, or Jewish. The case in favor of Christopher Columbus is the case for Western Civilization. If you believe that the progress of the world is being guided by the growth and maturation of Western Civilization and the spread of Christianity, then Columbus Day should be celebrated. If you believe that some other value regime is better for the world, chances are you want to vilify the man. That’s how the battle lines are drawn. History is ugly, plain and simple. It’s full of invasions, wars, slavery, oppression, famine, and misery. That didn’t start with Columbus, or with The Crusades. Not even with the Muslims that plundered and invaded the Mediterranean and southern Europe for hundreds of years, leading to the counterassault known as the Crusades in the Middle East, and as the Reconquista in Spain and Portugal. No, the evils of the world go back thousands of years, far before the founding of Christianity and Western Civilization. The glass of history isn’t half empty, it is half full. What really matters is the advances that we have today in engineering and technology, in medicine, in computers and electronics, in the arts and sciences, and in economics, literature, government, and democracy. These advances have occurred because Western Civilization and the social structure of Christian society allowed these advances to occur. Yes, there were bumps in the road like what happened to that Copernicus guy, but progress still occurred. Despite our flaws and despite all of the inequalities and injustices remaining, humanity and civilization has greatly advanced under the Christian Western system. Thank you Jesus, and thank you Columbus. This is our history, and what matters most is where we have arrived. I openly acknowledge that much work remains to be done. If I thought we were done with the need for advances, my Welcome Movement website and blog would not have been created. I would be singing the praises of Donald Trump instead of advocating that he become more Christian, more humble before God, and less crass and domineering. Christopher Columbus is important and must be honored because he’s at the very center of the progress of Western Civilization. It doesn’t matter that other explorers and pioneers set foot in North America long before Columbus. Let me explain. Yes, the Chinese visited our West Coast, and mapped it out. They referred to America as “Fusang”. The Japanese were here as well. The ancient Minoans from Crete had massive copper mines in Upper Michigan and Minnesota. The largest mine on Isle Royale in Lake Superior is called “Minong” by the Native Americans, obviously a reference to Minoan, as is the place name of Minnesota. I wonder what Sota means in ancient Minoan? I’ll put my money on cold or snow. The ancient Egyptians were here, and the Carthaginians. Maya or Maya Rata is an ancient region of Sri Lanka as well as the name of a modern province in that country, with architecture identical to that of the Mayan civilization in Mexico, and dating to the same time period. Many words, and some cultural practices and beliefs are the same in both regions, and their calendars are in synch. To this day, South Asian DNA remains a significant component in the Yucatan, Belize, and Guatemala. Here’s one of many sources on this connection https://thegr8wall.wordpress.com/2013/04/01/similarities-between-the-hindu-the-maya-culture/ There are hundreds of Muslim place names in America, from Allamunchy in New Jersey to Tallahassee in Florida. There are Medina’s and Mecca’s in multiple states, and even American towns with exact place names for small towns in Turkey. Almost all of them have the same story, which is “the place name was Native American in origin.” Native Americans in the Eastern United States and the maritime provinces of Canada fear taking ancestry DNA tests, and they bitterly resent the findings showing substantial DNA from the Mediterranean region and the Middle East. They call it the curse of the Middle Eastern DNA. Rather than accept these DNA results at face value, modern geneticists have come up with a twisted theory called The Founder Effect to try and justify the findings. It’s a really bad case of science starting with a conclusion and working backwards to find the evidence to support it. I’d love to see Elizabeth Warren’s full DNA results. No doubt it shows substantial Middle Eastern DNA, and that may be why her test result showed almost no “Native American” DNA, to her great embarrassment. The actual origin of Native Americans, especially the Creek and Cherokee, is a matter of major discussion all over the internet. https://accessgenealogy.com/native/cherokee-dna.htm and https://www.woowoomedia.com/dna-scientists-claim-that-cherokees-are-from-the-middle-east/ Yes, the Muslims were here in America in huge numbers. The famous Piri Reis map was compiled in 1513 by an Ottoman Empire admiral using older source maps that no longer exist. The Piri Reis map shows amazing detail of places not yet reached by European explorers as of 1513. Columbus records in his log encountering a wooden sailing ship on the coast of Jamaica, with occupants in colorful clothing. He could not discern their place of origin, but the Native Americans had no ships. There were Black settlements in Nicaragua and Costa Rica prior to the slave trade, and likely founded by Muslim traders from Senegal and Guinea. They left gold artifacts with an unusual alloy mix identical to gold produced in Guinea, West Africa, and found nowhere else in the world. Various European groups such as the Vikings, the Basque, the Welsh, the Irish, and the Templars were likely in America as well. Their contact may have been more fleeting, but they also left various artifacts. The explorer Giovanni Verrazano was the first modern European to visit what is now Newport, Rhode Island. His log and his map note a stone tower which is still standing and shrouded in controversy. It’s clearly of European architecture, and it has been repaired and repointed so many times that nobody knows for sure who first built it, or when. Carbon dating of mortar can only prove when a repointing occurred, not when the stones were lain. Here’s one of hundreds of theories on the tower. http://www.jasoncolavito.com/blog/did-giovanni-verrazano-visit-the-newport-tower Doesn’t all of this make the case that Columbus was not so important? Not at all, just read on. What was the result of all those settlements and civilizations from all those great peoples from all of those places? What came of them? What lasting advances were made? How was the world made a better place? The answer is nothing. Nothing at all. The Muslims in particular were all over North America and left so many place names, but the physical and cultural contact was largely lost at least 200 years before Columbus, and the religion was extinct in the West by the time the Europeans colonists arrived. The contact that really mattered was the contact made by Columbus in the name of Kingdom of Spain. And that contact came only months after the last Muslim forces in Spain surrendered, and the Reconquista was complete. The knowledge of Columbus’s voyage swept Europe, and led to the major European powers exploring and settling the America’s. A vast exchange of plants and animals occurred called The Columbian Exchange. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbian_exchange It is considered an epic event in world history. The connection of the Old and New worlds had a profound impact on all of humanity. Europe accumulated massive wealth and power, and overpopulated from the new calorie-rich food supplies, especially corn and potatoes, that were imported and grown all over Europe. Much of that overpopulation was sent to other parts of the world as conquerors and immigrants. There was nothing like the Columbian Exchange resulting from any of the earlier civilizations that visited America. Cattle, sheep, pigs, and horses didn’t make it to the New World with the Minoans, Mayans, Muslims, or any other Pre-Columbian group. Turkeys, corn, potatoes, tobacco, and tomatoes didn’t arrive in Europe either. There was no massive collapse of the Native American population from disease, and the migrants from the Old World in those past eras eventually mixed with the Natives and lost their cultural identities. The next question is, was the Columbian Exchange a good thing? Would the world have been a better place, or advanced quicker, without this exchange. The answer is probably No. Human civilization had several opportunities for civilization to greatly advance in the past, and become “modern”. Ancient Egypt was very advanced in many regards, and even today with our best modern technology, we could not build the great pyramids. There are depictions in Egyptian art of devices that look like flying machines and even lightbulbs. Another drawing shows a baby mammoth, perhaps from Labrador? Airplanes may have flown the skies of ancient India as well. The Muslim World was very advanced around the year 1000. They also experimented with electricity and had batteries. They made spectacular advances in science and mathematics, and they founded the world’s first true universities. Timbuktu in Mali had a university before any in the Christian world. The ancient Chinese used natural gas for lighting and heating, and possibly manufacturing. They had thousands of miles of natural gas pipelines made out of bamboo. Their naval armada sailed all around the Indian Ocean, and contained huge wooden ships called junks that were far larger than those of any European power. Well, what became of these civilizations and their advances? The answer is about the same as what became of the explorers and settlers that reached America before Columbus. That answer is very little. Those civilizations reached their glory days, and then faded. That’s why they deserve to be little more than historical footnotes. It’s the history of the Christian West that really counted. What succeeded was the work of Columbus, and all the advances in Europe that happened only because the European powers extracted so much wealth from the New World, and benefitted from trade. In the 1700’s something happened in England and the American colonies that never happened any time in the history of the world. We experienced the Industrial Revolution. All of the world has benefitted. The Industrial Revolution happened within the context of Christianity and Christian civilization. It didn’t happen in ancient Egypt, Baghdad, or China. There is something about our Western value system, our views, and our perspective on the world that lends itself to social and economic development, and to democracies replacing monarchies. A key series of events occurred. First, the Renaissance led to the invention of the printing press in Germany by Johannes Guttenberg. Second, the mass printing of The Bible made the Protestant reformation inevitable. Third, the Protestant reformation set the stage for capitalism, the industrial revolution, and the rise of democracy. Thus, all of our great advances are rooted in our Christian value system, and in the rise of modern Christianity. I certainly don’t bash the Catholics, but we’d probably still be sailing in wooden ships with cannons, and living in monarchies, if Martin Luther didn’t post his 95 theses. Other religions and other value systems don’t generate societies as successful as that of the Christian West. Christopher Columbus and his voyages were a key step in the entire development of Western Civilization, and led to the rise of Europe. That’s not only our history, it’s the most relevant history of the world. Ours is the system and the culture that has conquered the world in so many ways, not just militarily. All major aspects of society from religion and democracy to education, medicine, science, engineering, technology, and the arts has largely derived from that of Western Christian civilization. Thank you, Christopher Columbus. You created our world. Yes, you deserve to be celebrated, warts and all. If some great revolution covering all aspects of society had happened in Japan, Nigeria, or Iran instead of in Europe, surely the world’s history, technology, and culture would be focused on their past instead. Our homes and businesses, and our public infrastructure, would be modeled after some other part of the world. But no, that didn’t happen. We don’t have natural gas pipelines made out of bamboo, do we? Modern western cities, even places like Dubai, Seoul, Tokyo, Brazilia, and Nairobi, don’t look like Jericho. The rest of the world is modeled after us. This is the ultimate legacy of Christopher Columbus. This matters way more than him spreading slavery or being responsible for diseases, oppression, and murder that claimed the lives of the Taino natives on Hispaniola. Equal and greater evils had been happening for thousands of years, and WITHOUT any advance of civilization to show for it. Yes, the glass of history is half full, not half empty. The misery wrought by Columbus has born fruit and created the modern world. 
We know there has been oppression associated with Western Civilization. We know there have been wars, and there will be more. We know there are great injustices still unresolved. We know that our history wasn’t perfect, and the motives of whole nations and empires were selfish and insincere. But we also know that progress occurs in phases. For instance, our Founding Fathers simply could not have established a system of democracy covering women and racial minorities. They just weren’t ready. They were the most progressive and advanced people in power anywhere in the world at the time, but the best they could implement was democracy and equality for all White men. They weren’t ready. Society wasn’t ready. Should we mock and blame them for the great steps that they took, and demand that their names be removed from public buildings? No, that’s just plain ignorant. The Founding Fathers took the first steps. Nobody else took them, did they? No other society in the world was on a path towards the full equality of all men in their society, no less to include women and other racial groups. In time, other people took the necessary further steps, and the social structure of our Christian-based society allowed it to happen. That’s how progress unfolds, that’s how history moves forwards. What about good ole’ Chris? Didn’t he bring misery and oppression wherever he visited. Well, he wasn’t ready to establish a just and fair society either. He was only ready to expand the empire of Spain, and the fortunes of businessmen there. The nations of Europe were ready to advance themselves, and to spread Christianity to other lands. That was about it, at that time. Are the indigenous peoples of the America’s, Africa, and Asia better off as Christians, and for adopting Western Civilization? Absolutely. Not a doubt about it. The Christian value system is the best value system, and the best proof of this claim is the development of the modern world. Thank you, Christopher Columbus. The real reason some people hate Columbus and our Founding Fathers is their desire for historical revisionism not just for Columbus, but for all of history. They want to portray the whole world as groups of people in conflict with other groups, and as exploiting and oppressing other groups. This is their message, this is their venom, and this is their politics. They are an unholy alliance of socialist, anarchists, atheists, and artists. They hate religion, especially Christianity. They want no limits on sexual morality or substance abuse. They are advancing a culture war, and they have largely conquered academia, the media, the fashion and entertainment industries, and the tech sector. Their intellectual development is that of a rebellious teenager. Yet collectively, they have more power than our political leaders, and they have the full determination to use it to dominate our society. That’s what Columbus bashing is all about, and it’s time for everyone to choose sides on this issue. It’s not about analyzing history and respecting the progress that humanity has made. Nor is it about building on that progress, and planning the next steps. Nope, Columbus bashing is all about spreading hate and political mischief, and upending our entire society. And the tip of the pitchfork is pointing squarely at the neck of Christopher Columbus. Our best defense is to educate the public on the role of Christopher Columbus in the advancement of Western Civilization. I have no problem with cities and towns having an Indigenous People’s Day. There’s about 350 days not designated as any kind of holiday in this country. Pick one of them. The second Monday in October is already taken. For more information, and to review all of our blog postings, see www.thewelcomemovement.com 

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