Should White conservatives be associated with racism? Many people, especially older classic liberals and older African-Americans, believe that “conservative” is a value association of 1. God and Jesus, 2. Family values, 3. Country and nationalism, and 4. White Supremacy. Think you’ve read every conservative argument on this matter? Read on.
Here’s the truth bomb --- That’s exactly what the KKK-based conservative value regime was in the 1920’s. It’s been breaking down in phases since then, to the great detriment of family values, Christianity, and basic love of country.
Now it’s time for conservatives to make a clean break with the racism of the past in order to create a broader coalition of people, to reverse the decline of family and religion, and to take back the Blue States.
This can only be accomplished by openly identifying the problem, and then condemning it instead of simply blaming it on long-ago Democrats.
The legacy of racism has harmed, fractured, and discredited Christianity, causing it’s decline. That’s the central problem. What’s at stake is the Judeo-Christian tradition itself, and either way the American nation follows. The fate of our nation is important, but it is secondary to the fate of the Judeo-Christian tradition. The political implications are the third level of importance.
First, let’s identify how White conservatives were racist in the 1920’s. Racism was literally one of the four pillars of being conservative.
Do any conservatives out there today identify with that value regime? No, and you better not. That’s Klanism. That value regime is completely beyond the thinking of modern conservatives. It is an affront to Christianity, and to the belief that all people, all races, are equal in the eyes of God.
Christianity cannot stand for racism in any form, period. That is not the Will of God. That is not the Gospel of Jesus. This has to be totally repudiated by modern conservatives, unequivocally. Everyone, all races, all peoples, are the children of God. Those racists may have called themselves Christian, but they were not following Christian ideas.
Their racism has discredited Christianity. It has pushed people away from God and Jesus, and caused a greater separation of Church and State.
Tens of millions of people have left God and Jesus over the association of Christians with racism. And with the decline of religion, government increasingly replaces church and family.
Many no longer follow any religion. Some Blacks, and even Latino’s, have converted to alternative religions like Islam, which tells them that Christianity is “a racist White religion”. This is why alternative religions are typically left-leaning. Muslims in particular want to enflame racial divisions in America to encourage more Blacks and Latino’s to abandon Jesus, and to join with them. It might come with a smile and a warm greeting, but it’s purely and absolutely subversive.
For at least 100 years, classic liberals have been fighting this racist value regime by opposing all four pillars, including God and Jesus, family, and country. Conservatives really haven’t understood this. We’ve blamed “communism”, but the first decision was to reject and challenge all four pillars of society, and then they turned to communism as an alternative. Radical Muslims like Ilhan Omar are politically aligned with leftists and communists simply because they have the same foe.
Now it’s 2022, and the pendulum simply can’t swing any further left. It has reached an absurdity on many culture war issues. You name the issue, and the position is ridiculous and unsustainable.
The Left has successfully destroyed God, family, and country to the point that society can no longer function. We’re at the max level of chaos and disorder right now. The pendulum is full Left.
The pendulum is poised to swing back towards a new value regime supporting God, family, and country. To give the swing the greatest possible energy, I specifically want it to add race unity as one of its core concepts.
That looks beautiful. It is beautiful. But we’re not done. For this change to be embraced by Christian Blacks and Christian immigrants, we have to further expose all of the past racism, in great and disgusting detail. Everyone needs to know that we really understand it, and we fully repudiate it. Only then will our case, and our cause, be real.
That old conservative value regime was structural racism. It was like the caste system in India, or Adolf Hitler creating tiers of racial desirability with Germanic peoples on top.
Everyone hates structural racism. Latinos hate it, Asians hate it, Intellectuals and Liberals hate it, and Blacks are absolutely terrified by it. That was the Ku Klux Klan.
Here's a 1938 red-lining map of the NY/NJ metro area. Notice how the banks used the same color pattern, minus an orange category. This was monstrously wrong, and it wasn’t even a good business practice to deny construction loans based on demographics.
Until we conservatives firmly and absolutely repudiate racism, Black Christians and immigrant Christians will continue to say: “nothing has changed, this is still the status quo of how conservatives and White Christians think, and what the Republican Party is really about.” They absolutely believe it. It drives their voting decisions, and it defines how they feel about religion and White people in general.
That’s why it’s time to completely smash it in the name of Jesus, and to declare racism as evil and against the Will of God. We conservatives can’t make any excuses, none, zero. It’s time to completely overturn the apple cart.
Our unity includes the American flag. I don’t care that some people want to wave the Confederate flag. They’ll be mad at first, but they aren’t going to vote for the Leftists. They will get onboard with this program when they see that Christian Blacks and Christian immigrants are supporting the conservative side, and elections are being won. In the end, our common Judeo-Christian heritage is what will unify us. Let Jesus heal.
Conservatives need to admit what the KKK was about in their heyday, the 1920’s. It wasn’t poor White southerners living in trailer parks and spitting tobacco.
The KKK were quiet, clean-shaven, nicely-dressed parents and grandparents all over the nation. They regularly attended church, they cherished their families, and they firmly opposed all substance abuse, including alcohol. The KKK were business owners, bankers, builders, law enforcement officers, elected officials, and members of various fraternal orders. And they were all devote racists. The Klan’s view of society was a straight-up equivalent to the Caste System of India:
The caste system is the actual history of America.
Many people are in denial. Part of the denial problem is that there are now so many people whose grandparents were in the 3rd and 4th caste that they don’t want to acknowledge the socioeconomic level of their family roots. I have ancestors covering all four castes, so I know about it quite well.
Here’s the Latin American version of the caste system.
The American Caste System did not originate in the 1920’s. It may have peaked then with the KKK, but it goes back to colonial times when the rift between working-class Scottish immigrants and the English fueled the American Revolution. The caste system was still quite strong in 1960 when John F. Kennedy’s Irish Catholic background was a major factor holding back votes.
The American Caste System has been slowly breaking down since it peaked around 1925. Even now, elements of it remain, especially the top tier in country clubs, and the bottom tier in the inner cities of America. The caste system continues to fuel our politics, and it continues to keep different Christian groups divided socially and politically.
It’s not dead until it’s completely vanished from the dating scene. Many young people have met someone they really liked, but felt they couldn’t date, knowing their parents wouldn’t approve of the relationship. That’s the caste system in action.
And when it’s completely smashed, conservatives will start promoting a mix-race dating and marriage scene. Think conservatives can’t have a sexual revolution? Just watch. It’s coming, and that’s what will really swing the pendulum to the Right.
Black Americans, especially the older generations, know this American caste system so well that they think this pattern continues strong and completely unabated to this day. It’s relatively easy to prove exceptions to the average Black person, but “that’s just a good White person”, they’ll say. “The whole country is still racist”, is the firm belief.
Keeping America divided, and promoting the narrative of racism (instead of unity) is mission-central to getting out the Democratic vote. It’s literally what the Party stands for, not because that’s what they really want, but because they have no choice. Their voters are so unmotivated that the racism narrative is the best way to win elections. They know they can’t get out the vote with an honest platform of peace, love, and unity. Classic liberals secretly hate this situation, but they never admit it publicly.
This is also why they wanted a pandemic; it was an excuse to mail everyone a ballot. Next is to legalize ballot harvesting. They can’t get their voters to vote, so the whole election system needs to be changed, or Republicans are going to win.
By default, it has become the focus of all leftist politics to define conservatives as racist. To make this happen, the media, academia, and their political allies create various narratives to enhance divisions, and blast them everywhere to stir emotions. Here’s a recent one:
This pattern defines our politics.
Christian Blacks and Christian immigrants are divided politically from conservative White Christians, and they are now supporting a Far-left political party that doesn’t even like their Christian views.
The Left, and especially the Masonic Order, wants Christianity weak and divided, and unable to dominate our society the way it once did. The LGBT and artist-based Democratic political strategy is actually quite masterful, but a comprehensive analysis reveals that it is fragile and unsustainable. When Christians of all races and backgrounds develop a common unity supporting God, family, and country, the whole Democratic coalition comes crashing down. It’s game over.
Eric Martindale, Founder of The Welcome Movement
The Democratic strategists know it’s game-over if only one-third of Christian Blacks and Christian immigrants come over to the conservative side. My thinking is this --- if that’s their greatest fear, let’s do it.
Just to make sure that all of the components of the Democratic rainbow alliance remain onboard, the dominant message of the media, Big Tech, and especially from artists and entertainers, has been to reinforce the central narrative that the White Christian is the racist, nationalist, gun-toting enemy of all the diverse, innocent, and oppressed peoples of America.
The typical conservative response is to downplay the past racism, ignore the caste system, and simply say to minority voters that “we aren’t that way”. I’ve done a way better job exposing the racism, and firmly repudiating it.
Then there’s a running battle over whether or not the two Parties flipped on racism. Each side has points, and the matter is unresolvable. Debating this matter is always a mindless mistake.
Just to have the discussion is to lose the discussion, because it DISREGARDS how the association with racism has harmed and divided Christianity, and weakened the entire Judeo-Christian tradition.
The basic conservative value set of God, family, and country is what’s needed. It won’t be more widely embraced unless it is part of a new and explicitly non-racist value regime. That’s what makes it real, so let’s do it. I’m a White man married to a Black woman, and we have one mixed race child. So, from my life experience, everything I am explaining is completely natural and real.
Those who supported the old conservative value regime believed that in order to have a society focused on God, family, and country, White Christians and White Protestants must be in full social and political control, otherwise “all is lost”. Remember Pat Buchanan in 1992.
In the 1920’s, conservatives firmly believed that other racial and ethnic groups were incapable of running a society based on God, family, and country, and instead their very presence on American soil was a subversion of these core beliefs.
This stupid and racist position was an open invitation for a counter-culture. The counter-culture developed in the 1920’s out of the LGBT community, and out of a heavily overlapping community of artists and entertainers.
They believed that all four items (God, Family, Country, and White Race) were so inter-related and dependent upon each other that all four items must be opposed, attacked, and weakened. Artists and entertainers cast themselves as the true hero’s and liberators of America. Their first battle was over Prohibition.
The essence of the counterculture was: “let’s just move society away from all of this religious nonsense, let people drink, let people sleep with whoever they want to, and let’s take advise from our popular culture leaders and our dreamers, instead of those damn racists and their preachers.”
I’m not suggesting that we restore Prohibition, as it would cause a new counter-culture. I’m explaining the historical timeline of issues and events. Most people think the counter-culture started in the 1960’s, but that was actually the second phase. It started in the Roaring 20’s, and it was centered around Prohibition, Jazz, the birth of popular culture, and opposing the KKK.
The entire structure of our society, including God, family, and country, has been under attack for almost 100 years. If one looks at the record and positions of the late Ruth Bader Ginsberg, it’s quite clear that she sympathized with the counterculture vision of society.
If you mentioned the term “family values” to Ginsberg, or to any artist-oriented liberal in her age group, most will immediately make the value association of “God, family, country, and White race” in their minds, and they will just cringe with anger.
Instead of trying to win over other people to God, family, and country, and to support the conservative politics, the racist conservative White Christians of the 1920’s circled the wagons. They shut people out, as if all other people (Castes 3 and 4) were attacking barbarians. They even thought that Catholics were attacking. How crazy is that?
This was a phenomenally flawed political strategy, even then when Castes 1 and 2 were 75% of the American population. It’s always good politics to try and win over people outside of your social circles.
The racists tried to keep other people out of their towns and churches. Throughout much of the South, Blacks were subjected to what is now called ethnic cleansing. Zinn Education has documented many cases. I don’t doubt or deny any of them. Zinn’s cases actually prove that racism was dramatically worse in the past, which is not the message he personally wants.
All of the racism and discrimination was absolutely wrong. I don’t want to hear the standard Republican answer, which is “Those conservatives were Democrats, the KKK were militant Democrats. Not one of them was a Republican”.
It’s entirely the wrong discussion. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, because the discussion leads to more polarization, not to the political realignment that I have outlined. Just having the discussion takes away from much bigger problems caused by conservatives having been racist:
These are all phenomenally monstrous problems, all far greater than proving whether or not Democrats or Republicans are “the party of racism”. Am I right on this? Yes, I am.
Everyone, keep your eyes on the big picture, and we can smash our way out of the losing political and demographic equation. The Leftists say we’re done when the country is less than 50% White, as if non-Whites will rarely have conservative positions on God, family, and country. Once the conservative coalition realigns as I’m describing, the demographic changes won’t help the Left. It might even work against them, as the heavily White Baby Boomers age and die.
We win this battle by defining a new values regime of God, Family, Country, and Race Unity, and we built a new conservative alliance that firmly opposes the counterculture, and identifies who is jerking everyone by our chains. And then that becomes what the Republican Party stands for.
I’m laying out a roadmap, a vision, for a majority of Christian Blacks and Christian Immigrants to come over and adopt the conservative value set of God, Family, and Country. We are welcoming them, hence the term “Welcome Movement”. The definition of “us” has continued to expand as the American Caste System declines, and now it’s time to include everyone as “us”.
The numbers give us the majority, by a longshot. And we’re not asking people to come as followers, come as leaders and candidates. Our arms are wide open. And don’t let anyone ever tell you: “Your values are wrong”.
The pendulum is going to swing back, and in a gigantic way. It is time for we Americans of all backgrounds to reject the past, and to coalesce as one people under the theme of God, Family, Country, and Race Unity. I see this as the greatest populist movement in our nation’s history.
The change of direction is going to help a lot of people personally and their families. A lot of social problems will be solved, and the associated economic costs will diminish greatly. It’s going to be a shocking paradigm shift.
Hopefully, this political transition / paradigm shift will rub off onto all the White Americans who have become weak on God, family, and country, and are now woke Leftists. A lot of immigrants and old-school Blacks are strong on Jesus, they cherish their families, and they want to live the American Dream. They deserve to be our elected leaders, not these useless White leftists.
I know quite a few people who think that all positive change comes from artists and entertainers, and nothing good will ever come from politics or religion. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
These changes are going to manifest, and there will be an abrupt and sudden change in public opinion. All the energy is on the Right. Our nation’s direction is being redefined from a conservative perspective. Even our churches will be invigorated.
The leftist’s worst nightmare is for millions upon millions of Blacks and immigrants to get serious about Faith, publicly ridicule the LGBT movement, and then start running as socially conservative Republican candidates for everything from school board to President of the United States. The Welcome Movement is ready. Let’s do it.
It’s important that this message gets out there. Please share it widely by email and social media posts. Thank you.
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