Folks, the cause of freedom has been lost. These are truly the darkest of days. People in the future will look upon January 2021 as the great lost opportunity to save this country.
1. On Sunday, not one of the Supreme Court justices wanted to hear the most recent election challenges. The event was considered so un-newsworthy that it was barely even reported. The Courts aren’t going to do anything, nor will Congress.
2. Trump and the military are NOT taking any actions against the illegal government-elect. The Biden coup d’état is going to stand. Many Republican officials are distancing themselves from Trump.
3. On Jan 20th, an extremely vengeful administration is taking over, with full control of the Presidency, the House, and the Senate. We will not be a free country. There will not be another fair election.
4. There will not be an open and free flow of information on television or online either. There will only be one allowed narrative. Dystopian and Orwellian “hate speech” codes are coming, and it will soon be illegal to hold certain opinions on social and political issues. Any and all contrary opinions will be squashed, and the believers will be ridiculed, humiliated, and even incarcerated.
Prepare for very dark times, and for much persecution against patriots, and against anyone that opposes their agenda of atheism, socialism, and class conflict. Conservatives are being forced into the closet, and told to keep our "stupid beliefs” to ourselves.
I have never, nor will ever, advocate for armed resistance by the people. It will be too bloody and too costly. It's not a Christian perspective or solution either.
The military could have done it quickly and almost painlessly. The top brass became cowards when their country most needed them. This was the last good opportunity to save our country.
Trump's big mistake was the January 6th event in Washington, and especially with allowing security to be so thin that the capitol building could be stormed.
The reaction by elected officials, the media, and the Tech industry has evidently swayed the military command against the planned operation. It was to resolve many issues, not simply the election theft. Lots of people all over the country are posting “evidence” that the military operations are beginning, and some of it is very convincing. But is anything really happening?
At this point, it appears that all is lost. It hardly matters that a Rasmussen poll found that Trump's approval rate actually increased a few points after the Capital Hill Riot.
So, what’s next?
The Far Left has extreme and absolute hatred of this country, our people, our Faith, our traditions, our heritage, and our history. They have been growing in power and domination of all facets of our society.
The Right, and many moderates, are very averse to these trends. It's abundantly clear from the events of January 6th that a huge swath of the American population is absolutely furious with what the Far Left is doing.
The American people who have been running this country for nearly 240 years are now considered to be “the enemy”.
With Trump soon to be out of the way, full political power has been achieved by the artists and entertainers, the teachers and professors, the techies, the media, and the Critical Race Theory advocates. They have been wanting full power for a long time. Donald Trump was in the way. They have beaten him. Remember the movie “Revenge of the Nerds”? Well, the nerds are now in charge of our country. Life imitated art.
The battle lines have been drawn, and patriotism is in the process of radicalizing. I am quite certain that much conflict and bloodshed lie ahead, and overall dark times are coming.
I don’t like to publish this essay. No, I’m not throwing in the towel, or giving up. The reality taking place can’t be stopped. These damn nerds, the Radical Left, have won the Presidency, the House, and the Senate. And they’ll be coming after us, in many ways, like there’s no tomorrow.
At this point, the best strategy for conservatives is to educate the public on the true nature of the Radical Left, and to broaden our umbrella.
The focus of The Welcome Movement, from its inception, has been to bring most Christian Blacks and immigrants over to the conservative side. Make them true partners, and give them leadership positions. The failure of the Trump to do this is why the 2020 election was lost. Most of them voted for Biden, despite the hostility of the Far Left towards their Faith, their family values, and their general belief in capitalism.
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