The Far Left/LGBTQ movement is the modern equivalent of a religion. It is most certainly a worldview. This blog post makes the case that "Freedom of Religion" in this country must be interpreted as "Freedom of Worldview".
In some ways, clarifying that Freedom of Religion means Freedom of Worldview would be very much a positive thing for the LGBTQ movement. It would allow full freedom of their beliefs, their gatherings, their thoughts, and their sexual practices. And it would ensure that there is no persecution or discrimination in housing, employment, or any other matter. And since the LGBTQ movement has already won everything they want via U.S. Supreme Court rulings, none of my fellow conservatives should find it too objectionable that their victories be further codified as “Freedom of Worldview”.
However, Freedom of Worldview is the very last thing that the Far Left/LGBTQ movement would want, because it comes with restrictions as well as rights.
They don’t want the restrictions. They just want the rights. The Far Left is actually way cleverer than most conservatives in how they are manipulating our laws and our public policy. It’s time for the rest of us to get smart.
The restrictions are that government cannot ESTABLISH anyone's religion or worldview. There's an Establishment Clause in the Constitution. Government cannot establish any particular religion.
There’s been a long and ongoing debate over what this means, and we are not going to resolve it here today. Here’s one of the many websites and web pages debating the matter
However, one fact that cannot be debated is that the original reason that the Pilgrims left England for Holland, and then came to America was because they refused to accept the Church of England. They wanted to practice Christianity in the manner they felt it should be. That is a historical fact.
Conservatives will say that this was the context for “Freedom of Religion” as established by our Founding Fathers, and they can point to various writings to support this claim. Critics will also point to these writings, and note where some of the Founding Fathers had a hostile view towards the Roman Catholic Church. The Founding Fathers weren’t perfect, and while I do hold them in awe, I also recognize that social progress comes in phases.
The Founding Fathers didn’t want any particular religion or denomination to infringe upon any other person’s rights to practice Christianity as they saw fit. It would not be unreasonable to interpret this as including the Catholic Church, Judaism and other Faiths.
In more recent generations, Freedom of Religion has been reinterpreted by many people to mean Freedom from Religion. More than a few U.S. Supreme Court rulings have moved the needle further in that direction.
Well, it’s time to move the needle again. If government cannot fly the emblem of any Christian denomination on a flagpole either above or below the American flag, they should not be allowed to fly the rainbow flag either.
Flying the Rainbow flag establishes the worldview of the Far Left/LGBTQ community. And that is exactly why LGBTQ activists are prodding various government jurisdictions to fly the rainbow flag during the month of June, which is Pride Month. The whole point is to show that this is what government stands for. This is what government is establishing as the value system for society. Yes, that is a violation of the Establishment Clause.
A similar issue exists with teaching the Far Left/LGBTQ worldview in our schools. Last year in New Jersey, a whole series of laws were passed mandating that public schools teach about the LGBTQ movement and it’s leaders. But public schools can't teach religion. Seriously, this is the status quo.
So we have a situation in which public schools are mandated to teach one particular worldview to our students. This is what happens when we have “Freedom of Religion”, but not “Freedom of Worldview”.
The Far Left has achieved a total stranglehold on public education and public policy by relegating religion with the Establishment Clause, and then essentially achieving the supremacy of their worldview by having it fall outside of the Establishment Clause. I’m not having it.
Freedom of Worldview will reign in on the insanity. Freedom of Worldview is the magic bullet.
This concept needs to achieve public consciousness, and then let’s get a case in front of the U.S. Supreme Court while we have a conservative majority sitting there.
Reinterpreting Freedom of Religion as Freedom of Worldview should be a goal for conservative thinkers nationally.