As usual, I have a much wider perspective on everything.
You know how candidates give campaign money to workers on Election Day to go around and knock on doors. They always hire way more workers than are needed, and they spend half the time lounging around the County campaign headquarters munching on donuts. Prior to hitting the streets, they’ll be subjected to lengthy political speeches. Both parties do it. It's really just to buy the votes of the campaign workers.
That's what Trump is doing to the entire country with this Stimulus Bill. He's buying a whole lot of votes when those CoronaVirus checks come in. If one out of 10 Democrats who gets the check decides to vote for Trump in November, that seals the election as a landslide.
I’m not necessarily against a Stimulus Bill, but how it’s implemented is important.
But what's really interesting is that the Democrats are going along with it. There are three reasons the Democrats are going along with the Stimulus Bill:
1, in order to set a precedent in the direction of "guaranteed income" that they fear is needed when most jobs go to robots.
2. It also sets a precedent in the direction of Reparations for Slavery.
3. And lastly, it sets a very Socialist precedent that the government should generally fund the finances of working-class people. The key is that the Stimulus Bill is paid for by taxpayers, and most tax revenue comes from the wealthy.
SO, it's really risky what Trump is doing. Yeah, he personally benefits and Republicans in general will benefit in 2020, but this precedent will be remembered for decades. We all know that the balance of power shifts back and forth between the two parties.
This Stimulus Bill is also is a gigantic gamble for the Republicans because it puts our nation one step closer to insolvency with the National Debt.
Notice how when the Democrats are in power, the Republicans bitch and moan about spending and the national debt, and when the Republicans are in power, they continue the problem. They already know that it was hopeless after all the spending in Afghanistan.
When the Democrats eventually get back into power, it will be decided that the only way to solve the problem is to devalue the National Debt with a massive wave of inflation. Maybe something ten-fold in a decade. That will take care of the wealth inequality in this country, and resolve the situation of the top 5% paying the lion’s share of taxes. And that kind of inflation will trash the entire economy. Housing costs won’t keep up with the inflation, providing lots of affordable housing opportunities. Most landlords will go bankrupt, and all their housing will become available for purchase, and dirt cheap compared to prevailing wages at the time.
A whole new world is coming when the National Debt overwhelms us. That’s where we are ultimately going with the Stimulus Bill. The reality is that the Republicans haven’t tricked the Democrats on this Stimulus Bill, it’s the Democrats who have tricked the Republicans. It’s a long play, and most Republicans won’t figure it out until it’s too late.
Most of my conservative political friends disagree when I say that the Far Left is way smarter than Republicans on political tactics. Well, they are. Republicans are more focused on personal improvement and spiritual development, and Democrats are more focused on society and the world as a whole. And that’s politics. I will never retreat from this position. Everything the Far Left does has a hidden purpose. I have enough exposure to them here in New Jersey that I see right through it.
I’ll live to see a $100 an hour minimum wage, and all the high-rent apartments being built now will be turned into low-cost condominiums. Well, that’s one possibility. There’s a worse scenario. The preferred solution of the Far Left is that government will just sweep in and own most housing, and if that happens most people will be trapped as tenants and voting Socialist.
Home ownership encourages people to be conservative, while renting traps people, makes them victims, and encourages them to support the divisive politics of Intersectionality and Atheism that is the base upon which Socialism builds. That is why Red States are where most people own homes, and in Blue States most people are renters.
Barack Obama “fundamentally transformed America” after the foreclosure crisis, with millions upon millions of privately-owned single-family homes falling into the ownership of landlords. That was not an unintended consequence, that was the plan. The Far Left WANTS as many people as possible being stuck economically as renters, and living paycheck to paycheck. Unless they are really pushed, elected Democrats won’t support rent control because it REDUCES the financial stress that renters face. The economic stress is what locks in the vote.
The Far Left think tanks have it all figured out, and Republicans are just beginning to catch onto this. People are just being farmed for votes, and left to suffer. For years I thought this was just being done to Blacks and Latino’s. Actually, it’s being done to everyone, including White people. The Socialist Far Left wants as many people as possible to suffer economically, and is farming their votes. It’s no coincidence that Portland OR has had the greatest increase in rents in the last 10 years, and that is the same city that spawned both ANTIFA and The Equality Federation.
Some readers might be wondering, am I just thinking about politics a lot? Well yes, I am, but in this case, I know it because I lived it. Despite being a conservative, I was a tenant advocate in Newark from 2007 to 2017.
The Word of God is about helping people, and as a believer, I was going to help people, including myself. I was poor, but had no government benefits because I worked. I was suppressed by a child support obligation so huge that it forced me to move from the suburbs into Newark just to survive. I was walking the fence politically with rent control. The Far-Left likes rent control, so they supported me. Huge numbers of Blacks and immigrants in Newark are Christian Democrats who are quite conservative on family, faith, abortion, and gender matters. They supported me as well. I relate with them very well, and was quite pleased to discover that their beliefs are just a hair’s breadth from those of a Christian Republican. A big business “country-club” Republican is several steps further to the Right than a Christian Republican. They don’t understand the economic suffering in Newark and other cities, not from a conservative perspective, not from a Christian perspective, not from any perspective. Just clueless.
Republicans of all stripes have no idea how close Christian Democrats in the cities are to their social and faith beliefs. They allow the media to portray Christian Republicans as being racist and the furthest Right of any Republican. The reality is the opposite, a Christian Republican rejects racism as being against the Word of God, and they are the most moderate of any Republican on social spending matters. I don’t care if anyone calls me a “Rino”, as I am quite comfortable with my Faith and my conviction that capitalism, with adequate regulations, is the best economic system. Socialism comes with a total contempt for Christianity. They’d shut the churches down if they ever took power.
The Democratic strategists have known that Christian Republicans are their greatest threat for decades, and that why they stress Intersectionality and hate-monger against White Republicans in general. If Christian Democrats ever make an alliance with the Christian Republicans (that is my ultimate goal for the Welcome Movement), it’s game over for the Far Left and Socialism. And to be honest, some people very far to the Right won’t like it either.
One of my claims to fame is that in 2014 I personally wrote and got adopted the strongest rent control ordinance in the United States. It covers market rate housing, not subsidized housing. It’s still in place in Newark. It’s reducing evictions and homelessness, increasing consumer spending, and many people are saving money to buy houses. All without a dime of taxpayer money being spent. The entire corrupt Essex County Democratic political establishment was dead-set against it. They are bought and sold to the landlord lobby that funds their elections. Pathetic.
After several years in effect, the amount of money that tenants were saving rose into the tens of millions annually, and most of them simply spent it. The landlords cried doom and groom and predicted disinvestment, but all of a sudden Newark was booming economically from all the spending. That’s capitalism. Money was being spent locally instead of being siphoned away by distant landlords. The strength of the consumer economy is indeed based on the consumer having money to spend. Economics 101. It was a powerful economic lesson that I learned first-hand, and it is central to the economic populist principles of the Welcome Movement.
During the debate, I rose to the microphone in the Newark Council Chambers and stated that rent control for everyone; that it’s for people of all races, all ages, all income levels, and all political affiliations. At the time, I had never heard of the term Intersectionality. I was opposing Intersectionality without knowing it. Socialism withers and dies without Intersectionality and the tactics of Saul Alinsky. The Far Left activists of Newark were unhappy with my speeches and blog posts.
Never forget the goals of Socialism and its relationship with Intersectionality. PragerU has a good take on Intersectionality, but they are way behind the learning curve on its relationship with Socialism. Nevertheless, their video is essential viewing for every conservative have entered into a very long political play with this Stimulus Bill. It will be twisted into a major push for Socialism.
There’s a political answer to Intersectionality and Socialism, and that’s for conservatives to go into the cities and address the real concerns of people, and show that there are economic solutions that uplift real people and increase consumer spending. I have something shocking on the Housing tab of the Welcome Movement website. It’s a conservative-based housing plan, and it will cost the taxpayers nothing.
I believe it’s possible to make capitalism work for everyone. And the more that happens, the more the calls for Intersectionality and Socialism will fall on deaf ears. The Far Left will go back to what it used to be, a fringe movement of artists and entertainers with a 10% to 25% support level.
And remember, we don’t fight their hate with hate. That’s not Christian. A few people are doing that on my Welcome Movement Facebook page. I’m tolerating it for now. It’s easy to fall into the trap of ridiculing political opponents. I have myself.
We fight their hate with love and inclusion, by exposing their hate for the hate that it is, and by promoting the Word of God as the basis for public policy and government. That’s what we are about. That’s how we are going to make our alliance with the Christian Democrats in the cities and in remote rural areas. Once united, we are the middle 50% of this country. The Far Left and the Far Right will each have the support of a quarter of the population, and they’ll be quite powerless politically. I can hardly wait for this to roll out. It’s only a matter of time. Help us grow the Welcome Movement. The Great Realignment is coming.