The news has come out that the Republican Party is canceling its Presidential Primary in South Carolina, and going with President Trump. They are not allowing any potential Republican challenger to enter the race.
If I am to maintain my credibility as a voice of reason and fairness, I am obliged to speak out against this. Here’s my reasoning.
1. The Republicans are opposed to the impeachment based on PROCESS. They claim that the process is being abused, and not even legally followed. The overall message in opposing the impeachment is that one Party (Democrats) does things unfairly, and one Party (Republicans) does things fairly.
2. The Republicans have previously blasted the Democrats for manipulating the Presidential primary process in 2016 to favor Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders. It should go without saying that for the Republicans to maintain credibility, they themselves have to lead by example, and have a fair and open Presidential Primary in 2020.
Essentially, the Republicans have to run a clean ship. Folks want me to be about “law and order”. Well, this is part of “order”. Yes, it sure is. They have to follow all the rules, regulations, and procedures, and show that they are doing things FAIRLY. That includes their own Presidential primary process.
This development in South Carolina shows that they are not running a clean ship. I’m a Republican, and that concerns me.
This move in South Carolina sends the wrong message. While I personally am not supporting any challenger to Trump, it is fundamentally unfair to any potential Republican challenger, and it sends the message to the voters that the Republican Party is doings things just as shady as the Democrats.
So, why is this my business?
My mission with the Welcome Movement is to reform the Republican Party, and a bare minimum it is to advocate that they be an honest alternative to all of the dirty politics that they point their finger at.
My mission is not to jump up and down and be a cheerleader for President Trump or the status quo of the Republican Party. I most certainly will offer my praises to the President and to the Republicans when warranted. Actually, that is quite often. Despite what some point out as character flaws, our economy is stronger than ever in my lifetime, and not only are we not at war, we are in no serious threat of war with any adversary. Those are the two primary measures of a successful presidency. We are living in a golden era of peace and prosperity apparently unmatched in American history. Previous eras of prosperity such as the 1920’s and 1950’s included the serious threat of war.
The economy is booming to such an extent that even the poor and working class are advancing. That matters a million times more than the President’s tone, or how he handles the media and other enemies. I scoff at the notion that words matter more than deeds.
Yet when the President or the Republican Party cross the line, I have to hold them to the line. By being fair in this manner, I have more credibility if I come out to defend the President on his impeachment, or other matters.
Readers need to understand that I’m not the person who just supports him 100% of the time, Instead, I’m the person who is fair and objective, and accurately analyzing the situation. Then what I say counts more. I become more credible.
Really, I’m in the wrong business. I shouldn’t be a carpenter renovating people’s homes, I should be a national reporter. I think the closest example to an honest reporter out there is Chris Wallace, but he’s not 100% either. We need more people to cover the news fairly, like we had in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Back then, news was news. Now news is mostly editorial mixed with politics. I’m old enough to remember how it used to be, and that makes the current situation even more appalling. Our national media is no better than the average blogger.
Are most of the bloggers fair? Nope, not even close. Most bloggers are partisan bulldogs, and essentially their politics is their religion. It’s what they believe in, and where they place their faith. They praise their Party on every issue, blast the other Party whenever possible, and they twist and spin the news to reflect their political preferences. That’s not me.
Politics is not my religion. I put Faith (real Faith), and my belief in God and in Jesus ahead of politics. That is the correct perspective, and when more Republicans and Democrats adopt this perspective, we will develop the power to build unity that crosses party lines, and advance the right principles both collectively and within each major Party.