I didn’t realize how prophetic my last blog post would be. On May 18th, I blogged about Ahmaud Arbery in a piece entitled “This Isn’t the Battle of Guadalcanal”.
https://www.thewelcomemovement.com/this-isnt-the-battle-of-guadalcanalIn that piece, I talked about narratives and the conditioning process that makes Blacks and other minorities hateful and fearful of Whites. Arbery, I argued, was conditioned by prior negative narratives to believe that he’d be shot and killed if he didn’t resist, so he might as well resist. Now his death is another narrative to fuel the negative hate-America story.
Next comes George Floyd, who was asphyxiated and murdered by a Minneapolis police officer on May 25th. He fought with a cop twice, according to official reports. The restaurant surveillance video indicated physical interaction taking place inside Floyd’s vehicle. Floyd was high on fentanyl, which contributed to his mental state. And he was conditioned by the Arbery incident, and other high-profile incidents, to resist arrest.
Question: What do police do if you hit one of them?
Answer: They beat the crap out of you.
If you are a White man and you hit a cop, there’s a good 85% chance that you’ll be physically abused. If you are a Black man and you hit a cop, that rises to at least 95%, and you’ll be hit harder. In Floyd’s final moments of life, Officer Tou Thou smugly told the bystanders who were trying to intervene: “This is why you don’t do drugs, kids”. That doesn’t sound like White (or Asian) supremacy. That shows open contempt for a drug addict, who happens to be Black.
A reasonable Christian position is to be strongly opposed to the police beating up suspects, of any race, for any reason. Drug addicts are victims, and drug addiction is a disease. They should have our sympathy, and our encouragement for full recovery. We can’t support beating or suffocating a drug addict because they lashed out and hit a cop. We support a fair and just society. Everyone is equal in the eyes of God. Everyone gets their day in court.
The police have the right to use only enough force to subdue a struggling suspect, and arrest him. They should not be causing bodily harm, and most certainly not kill anyone.
I call this the truth narrative. It’s missing the element of the innocent victim. What happened is bad, but it’s not an incendiary narrative. The truth narrative would not incite a national movement, because most people know that cops beat the crap out of White men that hit them.
People have spliced together the most divisive possible alternative narrative, that Floyd was completely innocent, that he surrendered calmly and willingly, that he was not high or drunk, and then he was killed as an expression of White supremacy.
Folks had me believing that weeks had gone by since Floyd’s death, because they are saying that the police investigation began only because the death videos were circulating widely. Actually, the police investigation began immediately, and the FBI got involved the very next day.
One could not possibly make the narrative more incendiary. The narrative has a purpose, which is to infuriate the public and cause rioting. This is not happening randomly, it’s coming from a think tank, and it’s being collectively fed to the media. These tactics take Saul Alinsky to the next level.
I know all about negative and twisted narratives from events that happened 20 years ago. The narratives created are not simply to destroy someone’s life and their future; they are being used as examples to teach the public that the truly evil people in our society are straight, White, Christian, American men. It’s all about demonizing the mainstream American, like some Peter Sellers movie. I am closer to this issue than all but a few of my readers realize.
The radical left is achieving their penultimate goal, which is to link together all the negative narratives of the past and present, everything from The Crusades, Christopher Columbus, and the Founding Fathers to slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, and a supposed rise in White supremacy in 2020. It’s a hate White, hate America, hate capitalism, hate Christian, and hate Western Culture narrative.
The goal is first to demonize straight, White American men, especially police, and then to rally together all minorities, LGBTQ peoples, Muslims, pro-Choice forces, and “good” White men who are Socialists and climate change activists in order to create a New World Order. It is pure politics masquerading as other issues.
The goal is widespread rioting leading to a communist revolution. The symbol of the raised fist, which is the logo of socialism, has suddenly become very popular.
How are Christians to respond to the cultural challenges?
First, we must promote our Faith and our values as the needed positive message for our society. Our narrative is positive and uplifting, and full of love, togetherness, and acceptance.
We must believe that the Western Christian system is the best, and has allowed for all the advances we’ve have today in engineering, technology, infrastructure, computers, industry, medicine, agriculture, arts and sciences, literature, and government. We did it, we built that. All of us “evil” member of Western Christian civilization built that and created democracy. The whole world benefits and follows our model. Wars, rebellions, racism, and oppression of all kinds continues to decline globally. The big picture is a positive narrative.
We cannot have some kind of anthropological perspective that other Faiths and other value systems are separate and equal. That’s not a Christian perspective.
Next, we must recognize that the anarchists are advancing negative narratives because they want to portray the whole world as groups of people in conflict with other groups, and as exploiting and oppressing other groups. This is their message, their venom, and their politics. We can’t support negative narratives, period. On top of that, they hate religion, especially Christianity. No Christian should support their anarchist movement, and therefore no Christian should vote for their preferred candidates.
They are an unholy alliance of socialist, anarchists, atheists, and artists. They want no limits on sexual morality or substance abuse. Their intellectual development is that of a rebellious teenager, and the remaining responsible adults have become minimized and submissive.
They are advancing a culture war, and they have largely conquered academia, the media, the fashion and entertainment industries, and the tech sector.
Collectively, they have more power than our political leaders, and they have the full determination to use it to dominate our society. The negative incendiary narratives are the key to everything. No matter what happens now or in the coming months, at all times be focused on their tactics. Analyze everything with an eye to determine if they are creating a negative narrative.