I see that the Impeachment came to a conclusion with Adam Schiff stating that Trump needs to be stopped and voted out of office before he has the chance to sell Alaska back to Russia, in exchange for securing Russia’s cooperation in meddling with the 2020 Election. This is purely delusional, and it shows that Schiff is not all there mentally. Yet this was a serious claim, and it came less than 24 hours before the full Senate Impeachment vote.
With the Impeachment over, the Far Left activists are already showing their true colors. They want to foment enough hatred to get out the voters in November. Ask any core Trump-hater why Trump has to go, and the first thing they’ll say is always something based on words and emotions. “Oh, he is just vile and disgusting…”. There may be fact-based and policy-based reasons to vote him out, but those are never the focus of the Far Left activists.
I personally differ with about 10% of Trump's policies, typically on the environment or on housing matters. 90% is getting my vote in November, no question about it. I’ve stated my case repeatedly on my blog and website. I wish Trump was more Christian in character and tone. If he was, the intensity of people hating him based on words and emotions would greatly diminish.
Most conservative bloggers overlook his flaws in order to gain a greater audience among conservatives. I feel that is dishonest. I want reforms, and I have no problem stating them. I want the status and reach of Christianity to be greater in our whole society. I want the Republican Party to be more focused on social issues than economic issues, and much more open to immigrants and minorities as candidates. I’m far more interested in reaching out to moderates and independents, and speaking to the swing constituencies that the Far Left targets for their “base strategy” hate-Trump campaign.
There are certain constituencies that have a visceral hatred of the man, and these are
100% of the "Choice" community,
100% the Socialist and New World Order globalist community, and this intermeshes heavily into the media and "tech" communities,
95% of the artist & entertainers’ community,
90% of the teachers and professors community, and
75% of the LGBTQ community.
These are the hate-Trump base constituencies, and they are all overflowing with Trump Derangement Syndrome. It’s a waste of time to try to reason with them. None will ever change their minds.
Their problem is they don't have the votes to vote him out, and THEY KNOW IT. They won’t admit it, but they know it. Therefore, their base strategy is to plant seeds of discord as follows:
a. among Blacks in general,
b. among immigrants in general,
c. among women in general,
d. among Muslims in general,
e. among all supporters of the environment, and
f. among the general population using historical revisionist tactics
Similar to the way they tried to nuke Brett Kavanaugh. It’s straight from the playbook of Saul Alinsky. The problem is that America is so sick of this strategy that it's off the charts, and it is increasingly seen as insulting and condescending towards each of these constituencies.
This has been the basic political strategy of The Left for decades, and it's getting increasingly virulent with every Presidential election cycle, especially since the 2000 Election. They play the Black card, the Immigrant card, the Environment card, the Woman card, and their new card, the Muslim card. They have think tanks in dark places quietly deciding when to switch their main card, and the mainstream press instantly follows their lead.
There’s ongoing delusions among the Far Left that as the racial demographics of America slowly shift over the coming decades, the voting patterns will shift accordingly. I call this out as delusional because immigrants as well as Christian Blacks are far more conservative on social issues than the base White population of America. The Far Left think tanks actually know this too, and they keep it real quiet. Without the virulent base strategy, many of these people will adopt conservative politics.
In order to get out the vote, immigrants and Christian Blacks have to be taught to fear and be suspicious of White people and especially White Christians, and to view the history of America from the perspective of group conflict, aggression, greed, and racism. It is quite literally a communist indoctrination. The hotbeds of insurrection are our colleges and universities, and increasingly our public schools. Historical Revisionism is the key to their entire political plan, and this starts with redefining Christopher Columbus as evil. Most conservatives see it as an annoyance, and simply as one of many annoying things the Left does. No, it’s far more than an annoyance, Historical Revisionism is the central threat.
The Far Left doesn’t want people like me forming groups like this
Welcome Movement. I’m reaching out to Republican leaders and explaining that a social conservative message will resonate with immigrants and Christian Blacks. I am focused on educating immigrants and minorities to support conservative politics. I don’t put all my eggs in the Republican basket, and I encourage people to push both political parties in a conservative direction, and to have alliances across party lines on key issues. How dare I do all of this. How dare I expose the Far Left political games.
Their virulent base strategy and playing all their “cards” didn't work in 2016, and it didn't work against Brett Kavanaugh. It is increasingly causing a backlash among many voters. Nobody hates these tactics more than Generation X, and they are now in prime voting age. Generation X was born from 1964 to 1984, so they are turning 36 to 56 years old in 2020. As the years go on, they are slowly replacing the fiery Baby Boomers for all levels of elected office, and they are getting appointed as Federal District Circuit judges, and Supreme Court justices. This comes to the great frustration of the Millennials, born 1984 to 2004. The Millennials are the other Far Left generation, and they turning 16 to 36 years old in 2020
There strong signs that today’s pre-teens and very young teenagers aren’t as Far Left as the Millennials. Note that kids born in 2005 turn 15 in 2020. Four years ago, the oldest among them was only 11, which is too young to identify any trends. Another whole generation is rising, and the pattern of the generations alternating in their social and political views is continuing. More on this in a future blog.
Spoiler Alert: it’s something very encouraging for the conservative community.I see among my Facebook friends that people (especially Millennials, who are 16 to 36 years old) are already talking up their virulent base strategy, and urging a massive get out the vote effort for November. I am laughing, because I know it’s going to be a catastrophic fail.
The Far Left base strategy turnout will be lower in 2020 because the economy been good, and all the scare tactics that he's a war-monger have to be evaluated against a 4-year record that shows otherwise. Trump could have been stopped in 2016, because he had no track record as President. The scare tactics held more validity, and they almost worked.
There is no way to get rid of Donald Trump by going harder Left and sewing more seeds of discord. The more the hate-Trump base constituencies move in this direction, the uglier the campaign will be. And the more it will turn off moderates and independents. Good chance for Trump to win 45 States, and for Republicans to take back the House of Representatives. Even my home State of New Jersey will be in play.
There actually is a chance for the Democrats to go moderate with their candidate and message, and win the 2020 Presidential election that way. That is surely not happening, because the Trump Derangement Syndrome is just too strong a guiding factor.