
When Churches are Forced Into Bubbles

Eric Martindale • August 21, 2019


One of the most disturbing trends of our times is how churches are so relegated into obscurity that they are functioning in their own little bubbles, isolated from the craziness of our society.

This has been a goal of the Far Left for some time. While many people are “out of the closet”, and bursting with pride in their personal and sexual freedom, the idea that some people belong in the closet hasn’t been abandoned at all by the Far Left. They just have a different idea of WHO belongs in the closet, which are the Christians.  

I posted something Faith-related recently on Facebook, and I was rudely told by a reader that I should keep any religious beliefs to myself, and not subject the Facebook community to my thoughts or ideas. Essentially I was told that my belief in God should be in the closet. It should come as no surprise that this person is a non-believer and a fervent supporter of many things Far Left on social issues, but also a few things Far Right on economics.

That combination is increasingly rearing its ugly head, I’ve noticed. She was dead-set against rent control and consumer protection of all kinds, and she had no issue whatsoever with the socioeconomic disparities between Palestinians and Jews living in Israel and the West Bank. I’ve noticed that there is a connection developing between the Far Left on social issues and the Far Right on economic issues.

The verbal bullying I experienced is happening to millions of people all over America. It dominates all social circles from public schools and college campuses to work places to churches, and even within small circles of friends. Facebook, Google, and YouTube are all Far Left, and they stand ready to censor you, block you, or even eliminate you from their networks. The mere threat of this has a chilling effect over everyone. This problem has the strong attention of Tulsi Gabbard, a Democratic candidate for President, as well as the sitting President.

And it is not just happening on the individual level. Entire churches have been effectively forced into silence on public affairs. They have retreated into their own little bubbles of happiness and a sense of community. The attitude appears to be: ‘We can’t change the world, so let’s create our own community and do our own thing here’

Pastors cringe in fear that a single sentence or phrase in a sermon could be interpreted as being “political”, and they dance around topics of social concern out of fear that a church member might be offended by something. Dozens of people could be gunned down in a mass shooting, but the next day there won’t be a moment of silence or a single word spoken about it in the sermon, for fear that the sermon could be interpreted on a partisan level, or taking a stand either way on the Second Amendment. That’s all an anathema.

It would be easy to say that the main cause of mass killings is that God is in retreat in America, that secularism has advanced, that prayer and religion are gone from public schools, and that families and communities are not as tight and nurturing as they once were. A purely Christian statement could be made, without favoring any political party or discussing the Second Amendment, but even that is too risky for some pastors.

People who do have opinions on social and political topics are made to feel unwelcomed in their own churches, as if they are a cancer within the Faith community. They are told not to discuss anything political with other church members, and strong suggestions are made on what to post or not post on Facebook and other social media.

Many churches have adopted what I call “the bubble strategy”. They want to operate in their own little bubble, and create their own Christian-based contentment within their walls. And in order for everyone to be happy, the pastors, members, and attendees should just say as little as possible about any social or political issues. Meanwhile the rest of the world falls apart, and nothing is even discussed about it. That’s all outside of the bubble.

Personally, the church leaders may wholeheartedly agree with some of your positions, and be more conservative than you on the others. However, they are not going to pop the bubble, or let anyone else pop the bubble. They know that the churches are filled with Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, and keeping them from squabbling over political matters is top priority. This is quite different from the Jewish perspective that encourages debate, and views the believer as being in a wrestling match with God. I don’t endorse that level of debate, just pointing out the difference.

Ownership of the public square is handed over to the Far Left, and the Christians are silenced, but reasonably content living in their little bubble of happiness. Well most people are content, but not me. I’m not content.

The silence of the churches is not limited to right-of-center or Republican views. Many Christian teachings on matters such as economics, labor, charity for the poor, and international peace are fairly and reasonably interpreted as being left of center. These left of center Christian teachings are also silenced, and this silence has been key in the developing stranglehold that the Far Left has orchestrated within the Democratic Party. Factions hostile to Christianity now own the Democratic Party, but continue to harvest the votes of Christian Democrats to get elected.

The Democrats rely on tens of millions of African-American and Latino voters who are Christian, but then completely dismiss their Christian views when it comes to the Party platform, positions, and legislation. The moderate and left-of-center Christian perspective has been completely extinguished within the Democratic Party. It’s a masterful political strategy. Meanwhile, the Republican side is less and less Christian, and more and more about corporate greed, so there’s little incentive for these Christian Democratic voters to change parties. I’m fast realizing that it is better for Christian Democrats to stay in their party, and become much more vocal about their Faith. They need to view themselves as a Christian bulwark against the lunatic public policy positions coming from the Far Left in deeply blue cities and States. Meanwhile Christian Republicans need to make their own Christian bulwark, and oppose corporate greed on the Republican side.

These two Christian bulwarks should meet regularly in a think tank format, formulate public policy, agree on a united front, agree as Christians to support each other, and then return to their respective parties and advance change. Some might say that is the most dangerous political idea they have ever heard. I don’t care. I love it.

This is not going to happen with churches retreating from anything remotely political. The idea that a Christian would dare to run for any public office is met with raised eyebrows in many churches, and very little support. If a church member did run, and his or her Party affiliation became known, that would send a subtle message to the rest of the church membership, and possibly pop their bubble.

And if a church leader doesn’t like how the Left wants to indoctrinate our public school children on various social issues, just take your children out of public school and enroll them into a Christian school. It’s obviously a very conservative thing to do, so be careful to talk very little about it with church members. Some of them are registered Democrats.

After decades of bullying and positioning by outsiders, most churches are now functioning inside their own bubbles. They may position themselves for community outreach and evangelizing, and this is admirable, but it’s not going to truly transform the community they are located in. At best, it will bring a few people from the outside world into their little Christian bubble of reality.

Truly saving the community entails direct involvement with all levels of public affairs. It starts with establishing dialog with elected officials, getting serious Christians onto various municipal and private boards and local committees, and especially in establishing programs to mentor large numbers of Youth. The Youth are the future, and they are astray in the idiocy of our modern society. That’s the first step.

The next step is completely unimaginable to our pastors, and that is to simultaneously encourage folks to run for public office as Christian Democrats and Christian Republicans. And for every office from those pesky County Committee seats that run the political parties all the way up to Senator, Governor, and President. It is especially important in urban areas to infiltrate the Democratic Party, as that is the party firmly in power, and there is a need to challenge the atheistic Far Left public policy from within the ranks of Democrats. This is key to the Christian Bulwark concept.

But isn’t this partisan? How dare a church do this?

A church cannot be accused of partisanship when it openly encourages Christians to infiltrate BOTH political parties, and then work together in a bipartisan way. Proclaim and shout to the world that the moderate political center is Christian-based and bipartisan. Step out of your bubbles, pastors. It can be done without taking sides with either of the political parties.

Who among the congregations will disagree with saying “Both political parties need to be infused with the Word of God”.  That is the truth, and everyone already knows it.

There’s a whole country that needs saving, and Christians are actually the largest faction in both major political parties. We Christians ARE the political center. It is ours for the taking. We must come together, meaning Christians of all races and backgrounds in both major parties, and create the Christian Bulwark alliance. Those candidates running in each party would openly declare that they will work with Christians in the other party in a bipartisan manner, both to advance needed legislation and to oppose bad legislation.

Folks will then realize that the deep partisan divide in our country is coming from non-Christian forces in both parties, and that it is the Faith community which is ending the insanity. When Christians work together to end the political hate game, and reduce the polarization, our credibility and our prominence will advance greatly. This can and should be done by speaking passively and professionally at the microphone. There is to be no grandstanding, no yelling, and no threatening. Instead appeal to people’s Faith and to their humanity, and be upfront that the central intent is to include and embrace people of all races and ethnic backgrounds. It’ll be a stark contrast to all the lunatics out there on both sides. Really stark. A night and day difference.

The slogan of the Welcome Movement, prominently declared on our home page, is “End the Political Hate Game of Left versus Right”. Well, what needs to be done is something of a jigsaw puzzle that is piecing together. I gather inspiration from many sources, including within my own Christian church and friends from other circles. I’m seeing the big picture now with the Christian Bulwark, and it’s quite different from what I theorized when I launched this website in late 2018.

It would set an astounding example for people to see elected Christians of all races and economic levels acting in bipartisan cooperation, and answering to each other over the cries and demands of the Party bosses. Nothing a church could possibly do would be MORE EFFECTIVE in evangelizing than helping to create and advance the Christian Bulwark.

Want to bring in new members?  Want to get more Youth attending church services and youth programs? Want to fill the pews on Sunday morning? Get out of your little Christian bubble, and be the force of social and political change and UNITY in your community. That is what will get the attention. That is what will grow your churches.

If one counts Christians in both major political parties, we are a solid 50% of this country, if not more, potentially leaving the socialist Far Left and the greedy Far Right with only 25% each. That’s a recipe for control of the Presidency, the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court, and close to all 50 governor seats. The political center really is ours for the taking. WE own this country. It is ours. Every single nonsense piece of legislation can be reversed, and eventually every atheist sitting in authority as a judge will retire or die, and will be replaced. All we have to do is step out of the bubble and claim our country. It is ours.

Why are we letting the Far Left and the Far Right dominate all discussions and hold all elected offices? All they are doing is screaming and hating each other, and doing nothing to advance the Word of God. They have failed. Their day must come to an end. The Christian Bulwark must be formed. God Bless America.

For more information, and to review all of our blog postings, see www.thewelcomemovement.com 

Follow us on Facebook by joining The Welcome Movement at https://www.facebook.com/groups/2110578839017576
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