Here's a few NEVER's for me, personally
(1) NEVER seen a White hate group rally or march
(2) NEVER seen a table set up anywhere for a White hate group
(3) NEVER seen literature distributed by a White hate group
(4) NEVER been approached to join a White hate group,
(5) NEVER seen a White hate group organized at a university or college,
(6) NEVER overheard folks in my Faith organization, current or past, talking positively about White supremacy matters, and
(7) NEVER seen the agenda of a White hate group advocated by the media.
I use these observations to judge claims as to whether or not there is a 'rise' in White hate groups, meaning from the Right. I just don't see it. The evidence isn't there.
However, if you ask me those same seven questions about the other side, the answer is "yes" to all of them. And not just once, multiple times. Please take note that the name ANTIFA, which means anti-fascist, is entirely Orwellian. They are actually the fascists.
Screaming about the rise of White hate groups accomplishes nothing except to scare people from supporting conservative politics. And that IS the entire purpose of the claims, to use lies and fear to nudge various demographic groups politically. Group identity politics is about creating a villain, and then using hate and fear to minimize that villain. It's all a pathetic attempt to hold onto the votes of immigrants and minorities who are actually more socially conservative than the average White voter. Folks are catching on, and fast.
The entire trend is in the other direction, towards the phenomenal rise of hate and intolerance among the Left. Notice that the Left are the ones that are so furious on FB, attacking and then unfriending people. Nobody on the Right does that.
Everyone on the Right knows people who were utterly furious with him or her for voting for Donald Trump. Some even lost friendships over their vote, or were alienated by relatives. I know a guy who still hasn’t admitted to his wife that he voted for Trump, knowing the repercussions. Now, is the reverse also true? Did anyone on the Left lose friends because they voted for Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. Did they have relatives who stop talking to them? Think about it.
There IS a rise of hate in America, and it’s from those who say they are against hate.