

Eric Martindale • January 31, 2019

Trump is always portrayed negatively

What is a Republican? Are Republicans racist? The Far Left will immediately make that association. It is the epicenter of their toxic political message, and the main force behind their “get out the vote” effort. But how much truth is there to

First, if anyone expresses pride in America, the Far Left will say “See I told you, listen to all that nationalism crap, that’s white supremacy”. Pride in America is not racist. Americans have the right to say we are the greatest country in the
history of the world. The American Revolution caused democracy to replace monarchies throughout the world. The freedoms we outlined in our founding documents ultimately led to the abolition of slavery, a free press, democratic
elections, freedom of religion, and women’s suffrage worldwide. These could all be considered “liberal” advances, in a broad sense, compared to the “conservative” monarchies. The Welcome Movement continues to differentiate
between “Far Left” and “liberal”, with the latter being acceptable, and the former being extremist.

This progress happened in phases here at home, as it took time for people to catch up with the overall American vision. No, the Founding Fathers didn’t abolish slavery and give equal rights to women, and had they tried, the
American Revolution would not have had the necessary public support to succeed. Progress happened in phases, first for all White men, then for all men, and then for all men and women. Americans have generated great advances in
science, technology, engineering, medicine, and the Arts. We saved the world from conquest by evil forces twice. First in World War II, and then in The Cold War. We have every reason to be proud of our country.

Second, the Far Left wants to define Republicans as an unholy coalition of greedy rich people and uneducated racist working class Whites who have been fooled into supporting capitalism and President Trump. This toxic message from
the Far Left is especially strong in our inner cities, where Republicans are so non-existent that the average inner city resident is just not meeting them, interacting with them, or even reading their posts on social media. Their views
are instead molded by the most toxic form of identity politics in the history of our nation.

Doesn’t every group, political or social, have the right to define for themselves what they stand for and whom they represent? Republicans overwhelmingly oppose racism, period. There are a few main types of Republicans, and racism
is antithetical to each. We can’t speak for every person. Yes, there are Republicans that are racist, and there are Democrats who are racist as well, including both Whites and minorities. What’s important is to look at what each type of Republican stands for. Let’s explore a few of the most common types:

TYPE #1: LIBERTARIANS. They believe everyone is equal and should have the same rights. Here’s a snippet straight from a libertarian website:

The libertarian or “classical liberal” perspective is that peace, prosperity, and social harmony are fostered by “as much liberty as possible” and “as little government as necessary.”

With a long intellectual tradition spanning hundreds of years, libertarian ideas of individual rights, economic liberty, and limited government have contributed to history-changing movements like abolition, women’s suffrage, and the civil rights movement.

Libertarian is not a single viewpoint, but includes a wide variety of perspectives. Libertarians can range from market anarchists to advocates of a limited welfare state, but they are all united by a belief in personal liberty, economic freedom, and skepticism of government power.

Is there anything remotely racist here? Libertarians believe this a social order that would work if everyone was productive and personally responsible. Minorities of all types are openly included. Aspects of libertarianism are clearly
articulated in the founding documents of our republic, and most libertarians believe in a strict interpretation of the U.S. Constitution.

TYPE 2: THE CHRISTIAN RIGHT. Christians, whether they are Democrats or Republicans, are compelled by their Faith to believe that everyone is equal in the eyes of God. The Biblical parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) makes
a strong statement against xenophobia, straight from the mouth of Jesus. If a Christian does feel or express racism, they need to read the Bible and pray. Every traditionally White Christian church in my home State of New Jersey has
large numbers of minorities. White congregations simply don’t exist here. Most of the Far Left never steps foot in a church, so they don’t know about this diversity, nor how Christians have embraced it. Christian churches are typically
mixed politically as well, with Democrats, Republicans, and Independents all well represented.

The Christian Right places a high value on Faith, family, and community, and typically shuns protests and divisive politics emanating from both political camps. Classic characteristics including speaking passively, being humble
before God, acting and dressing modestly, being financially responsible, and shunning gambling, promiscuity, materialistic lifestyles, and substance abuse. Most of the “never Trumpers” in the 2016 Republican Primaries were devout Christians. The true Christian outwardly displays a spiritual persona, and is overflowing with love for all of humanity. They make good friends, good neighbors, good parents, and outstanding grandparents. They are just decent
honest people.

In the mid-1800’s, the Christian Right were the first Republicans, and they organized politically specifically to fight for the abolition of slavery. In the early 1900’s, they led the women’s suffrage movement, and even some environmental
causes. I knew Julia Lamb, one of the last surviving active members of a woman-based Republican environmental movement in New Jersey. The New Jersey Federation of Women’s Clubs championed the preservation of The
Palisades as early as 1895, only 3 years after the founding of the Sierra Club in California. These women, mostly Republicans, made the environmental movement socially acceptable, and brought it to the front door of America’s
largest city. They won, and they helped inspire President Teddy Roosevelt.

There’s a myth on the Far Left that the parties have flipped, and this type of Republican no longer exists. Not true, the parties pivoted, but didn’t flip. This kind of Christian Republican still exists, and they are even more supportive of
racial equality than their predecessors in past generations. Just as it took time for the principles of equality written in the Declaration of Independence to be fully implemented, it also took time for the smug and condescending philosophy
of the “White Man’s Burden” to evolve into an embrace of true equality. The modern understanding of Christianity is much closer to the actual Word of Jesus now than during the Abolition Movement.

(3) ECONOMIC CONSERVATIVES believe that there is a level playing field for all people and all races. They believe that our capitalist system needs very few changes or improvements other than cutting taxes, and that anyone of any race
or ethnic background has the right to advance and be successful. While I personally offer major populist reforms to that perspective, I do not believe that the economic conservative position is racist. Economic conservatives include African-Americans who have come to despise the "Democratic Plantation" that keeps minorities down and out, and farms
them for votes. These include people who have moved up to the suburbs, and then look down on their old neighbors and family members who remain behind, instead of mentoring urban youth or volunteering to help in some other fashion.

Economic Conservatism descends in shades of grey towards Social Darwinism. Social Darwinism is the intellectual foundation of multi-level marketing organizations, and it can be found in Orthodox Judaism and the Mormon Faith, although they don’t use that term.

Social Darwinism holds that it is entirely justifiable if groups of people either prosper or fail based on whether or not they as strong a value system when it comes to faith, family, work ethic, education, and especially economic
education. Taken in the most extreme form, this allows some groups of people to prosper, have many children, and advance their community.

Those familiar with my website know that I fully advocate capitalism as the best economic system to advance technology and human civilization, but I oppose Social Darwinism. It is not a populist theory, for sure, because too many people are left behind to suffer. I want to uplift everyone economically, and have everyone’s support. Pursuing these ends while embracing conservative values is the basis of Economic Populism. Nevertheless, the point must be made that Social Darwinism is based on values, not on race.

Fortunately, most economic conservatives do not support Social Darwinism, and some even go out of their way to help teach the best principles of economics and success to minorities.

Economic conservatives include people of all races and ethnic backgrounds who have fled the inner cities to escape the social ills and the failure of the Great Society program. Some will say: “Oh look, they left the cities to get away from
all the poor minorities, that’s racism”. Is wanting better schools for your kids racist? Is it racist to not want to wake up
in the morning to see that your car parked on the street has been stripped of its rims and tires, and the chassis is left sitting on a cinder block? Is it racist to want to go out to eat with your family, and not have to worry that your home is being robbed while you are out? Is it racist to be disgusted with the incompetence and corruption of the urban political machines?

The high crime and the failing schools of our urban centers is a very real problem. It’s not inherently racist to recognize it, or to want something better. My main criticism of mainstream Republicans is that they characteristically offer
no solutions to those problems, other than to move out. Yes, there are solutions, and they start with spiritual development, community empowerment, providing affordable housing, and mentoring the youth. If each person is improved, society as a whole will improve. Getting back to that basic conservative perspective is the starting point for progress. Most urban “progressives” want to start with personal expression, protesting, and identity politics. Not only is that not the starting point, it’s all counter-productive.

These three most common types of Republican are the heart and soul of the Republican Party. None of these three types are racist. Every one of them seeks to include anyone and everyone, without regard to their race or national origin.

Persons who are racist, homophobic, or misogynist are mostly members of fringe third parties and radical organizations that we do not support. They are the outskirts of the Republican Party, and beyond. The Democratic Party has
even uglier outskirts, and beyond.

Rather than deal with the truth regarding the three primary types of Republicans, the Far Left would rather announce that every Republican is a racist, a hater, a misogynist, a homophobe, and basically an all-round "deplorable". The forces pushing them in this direction are overwhelming. It’s been proven that the best way to get out the Democratic vote is to vilify and dehumanize Republicans as racist and evil. When politics is governed by hate and fear, it’s become clear that the Bahai’s are correct is saying that politics is inherently corrupt.

Identity politics has to be called out and identified as TOXIC. It started in the 1960’s with Saul Alinsky, and it’s been building and building for half a century. The longer it goes on, the more it fuels division and disunity. And now that many
Republicans have are increasingly doing the same thing in response, we are at or beyond the point of no return. This could lead to a major constitutional crisis, and even the destruction of our nation. Millions upon millions of voters are being indoctrinated into the toxic politics of hate and fear. Even people who consider themselves to be intelligent, empathetic, and concerned with public policy have been “sold” on this approach of demonizing Republicans.

The problem of toxic politics is most intense in our urban centers. The firstphase was for Republicans to become a “them” in a great class warfare scheme, along the lines of Saul Alinsky. Now, we are deep into the second phase, which is that everything commonly associated with Republicans is considered to be evil or at least suspect. This includes:

  • Christianity
  • Capitalism and corporations
  • Wealthy people
  • Suburban and rural areas
  • Straight men
  • Caucasians
  • The military
  • The American flag,
  • Pride in America
  • A closed national border, and even
  • America as a nation.

The goal of the Far Left is to demonize all of the above in addition to the Republican Party. By doing so, they hope to unify all the protest groups to crush “the evil oppressors”.

I have witnessed this first-hand living for almost 11 years living in the City of Newark. In Newark, the social activists fall primarily into two camps, Black Muslims and the LGBTQ community. These two camps have an unspoken
political alliance, even though they privately hate each other. Their alliance is to be opposed to Republicans, and to dismiss as racist everything I just listed above that is commonly associated with the Republican Party.

These two camps completely control the social and political scene in Newark, and other urban centers. Of note, there are a handful of people who fall into both camps, meaning they are LGBTQ Black Muslims. Yes, that is possible. And
those are the voices that are the most phenomenally opposed to everyone Republican, and everything commonly associated with the Republican Party. They are also the strongest supporters of former President Barack Obama, who
is revered and adored as the greatest American who has ever lived.

You’ll see this pattern in city after city, and it’s most pronounced where tenants have little or no rights, where rents have risen to a crushing level, and where code enforcement is almost non-existent. We, as a society, are literally breeding a Socialist revolution in our urban centers. People are fed up and furious in urban centers from New York to Portland, Oregon. This is the new voice of the Democratic Party, and they consider traditional Democrats to be little better than Republicans. The future of politics is getting uglier, not better.

My very recent experience living in Newark and being involved in social and political affairs gives me a perspective unique among conservatives. It’s like I’ve come from the future, and I have a message of what’s coming. I see the future
of America in Newark, and it scares me to death. Central to the mission of the Welcome Movement is to offer an alternative. There must be a vision of unity and economic populism. There must be a movement that counters the ugliness of identity politics.

I have to make the observation that President Trump’s reforms of the Republican Party are pushing the Party in the direction of becoming the Party of the common White man, instead of being the Party of the wealthy and big
corporations. Viewed from the Far Left perspective of identity politics, this is very threatening, but ironically, it’s only a hair’s width from true progress for all men and women of all races. How is this possible? The situation has to be
viewed through a paradigm shift. Whatever is done to advance the economic interests of the common White man will at the same time advance the economic interests of EVERYONE. This is actually starting to happen with the current all-
time low unemployment levels for African-Americans and Latinos.

Does this sound familiar? It should, it’s happened before. Look at history. Everything our Founding Fathers established was for all White men to be equal and to live in a free and just society. Then over time, that vision and those lofty
words were expanded to include women and minorities. Once again, progress is happening in phases. Donald Trump has started to move the Republican Party in the direction of becoming the Party of the common White man. The next step is for it to become the Party of all common people, all men, all women, all immigrants and minorities. We all have the same economic interests. What is good economically for the common White man is good for everyone. That’s the
paradigm shift. This is all part of the grand vision of the Welcome Movement.

What the Republicans have been shockingly lacking is the political wherewithal to accept the paradigm shift, and transition it into an economic populist perspective that can be openly seen as being for the benefit of everyone, not just the common White man. Making that happen is one of the central missions of The Welcome Movement. The Republican Party has to fully embrace everyone, welcome everyone, and end the ugly rhetoric on immigrants. We can
still have a closed border, without demonizing immigrants. The passive Christian approach has great merit. This change in tone would present a striking alternative to the toxic identity politics of the Far Left. The Republicans need to
offer a crystal clear alternative to the Democrats in terms of tone, and in terms of welcoming and embracing everyone. This would overshadow the issues that divide the parties. Follow my lead, and 2020 will be landslide for the Republicans. Probably they should hire me as a campaign consultant.

I take great inspiration from Harry Pozycki, a liberal Democrat who founded The Citizens Campaign, based in Metuchen, NJ. Pozycki has lain out a “No-Blame” approach for urban problem solving, and he is well known for saying ‘We’re all
doomed if we can’t work together in a rationale and bipartisan fashion to offer solutions to urban problems’. One day Pozycki came to our monthly meeting in Newark and said that he was surprised to learn that conservative and
Republican legislators love his plan for all students in New Jersey to take civics classes and learn about government and how the system works. He was alarmed that some of them want the curriculum to include the 2nd amendment.
Hey Harry, I picked that up on that one in about one nano-second. Conservatives call it a “Constitutional” approach. As kids learn about the Constitution, and the principles of being a positive agent of change in their community, they’ll develop a level of personal responsibility to want to advance public policy. This is an inherently conservative perspective. But if most of the kids follow Pozycki’s politics and they stay liberal Democrats, that is perfectly
fine, and long overdue to counter the Saul Alinsky approach. I respect that kind of Democrat, and I can work with them any day on any issue.

The changes that Pozycki is spearheading for the Democrats in New Jersey’s urban centers, I want to do for the Republicans. And I want to do it nationally.

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