

Eric Martindale • March 15, 2021


You’ve heard of the phrase: “penny for your thoughts”. You’re going to get that penny for your thoughts from Dr. Sherri Tenpenny in this video, times ten.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is one of the world’s leading experts on vaccines. She explains in this video that the COVID-19 vaccine is very different from any ever created, and it is absolutely deadly. She says that it’s part of a plan to depopulate the world.

This is a real doctor who is the head of a medical practice in a major metropolitan area of the United States. She is not some non-doctor who is researching online and theorizing about vaccines. Let’s start with her credentials:

  1. Osteopathic Medical Director from Ohio, 62 years old, practicing medicine since 1985
  2. Director of a Level II Trauma Center for 12 years
  3. Founder of the Tenpenny Integrative Medicine Center http://www.tenpennyimc.com/
  4. Anti-vaccine activist, spurred into action after attending the Sept 2000 National Vaccine Informational Meeting in Washington, DC
  5. Author of two books and countless articles
  6. Even the left-leaning Huffington Post had a positive writeup about her: https://www.huffpost.com/author/dr-sherri-tenpenny
  7. Her website is an exhaustive library of information and blog articles on this subject https://vaxxter.com/

Here’s her video. If you don’t have time, at least watch the 7-minute segment which is the most informative

Fast forward, the best is from 12:30 to 20:06

She starts off by saying that we are a critical junction of time for humanity on a lot of levels. It’s all part of a plan, including banning paper money and having a cashless society, and making us slaves thru the transhuman movement. https://whatistranshumanism.org/ 

She doesn’t mention the Georgia Guidestones, but it all ties together. It’s a New World Order monument, an American Stonehenge of 20-ton granite monoliths engraved in eight major languages. It was funded by an anonymous group in 1980. The main goal of the engravings is to depopulate the Earth down to 500 million people.

What’s particularly eye-opening is that we can’t get a vaccine for AIDS or cancer after decades of trying, but we somehow got 3 or 4 big pharma companies to succeed with COVID-19 in just a few months. How did that happen? Something is wrong there.

She says just received a 172 federal page report on the progress of the vaccine. The report documents over 40,000 adverse events reported within the first 30 days of the COVID-19 vaccine, including 3,100 cases of antiphylactic shock and over 5,000 cases of neurological reactions. And that’s without them twisting or misrepresenting the data, or simply not reporting incidents. Oh, that would never happen, would it? That data is about as safe from tampering as a presidential election. Or less safe. But for the purposes of her research, she is using the reported numbers and accepting them as fact.

It has been estimated that only 10% of adverse reactions are actually reported. Taking this vaccine is like playing Russian Roulette with your life or your loved ones’, she says.

We’re going to get a little technical here, so the comparison that people can best understand is to compare the COVID-19 vaccine to the Star Trek episode showing someone being injected with Borg nanoprobes.

Of the 72 vaccines approved for use in the United States, several are RNA-based, but none contain Messenger RNA. The “messenger” aspect is to rewrite your DNA. No other vaccine has ever been approved to rewrite your DNA. This is real scary stuff. Tenpenny calls it a trojan horse mechanism, explaining in layman’s terms that it’s an on-off switch with no off button. Like the Borg nanoprobes, once they are in a host, they replicate and take over.

Tenpenny explains that in a normal RNA vaccine, the virus is part of the vaccine, wholly intact, so when your body generates an anti-body to a virus, that anti-body is against the outer coating protein of that virus.

What we are doing now with the Messenger RNA virus is taking a little piece of the virus’ genetics, and creating a “non-neutralizing anti-body” in the body. That means it doesn’t neutralize the virus. This creates an ADE (antibody-dependent environment), that allows that piece of Messenger RNA to start replicating on its own, creating little pieces of virus-spiked protein in our body for our body to create antibodies against.

This is why Billionaire Bill Gates, who’s main effort these days is vaccines, says that human beings will become their own vaccine-manufacturing machines.

Spiked protein antibodies will be replicating and spreading throughout your body and re-writing your DNA. They might not be mechanical, but they operate quite like those Borg nanoprobes.

These spiked protein antibodies will attach to the lung tissue, causing Diffuse Alveolar Damage, with various degrees of pus and bleeding that affect the tiniest surfaces where oxygen transfers from the air to our cells.

In addition, the spiked protein antibodies will kill off the anti-inflammatory white blood cells that clean up the mess and heal infections.

She explains that as time goes on, we’ll increasingly see extremely serious adverse reactions, and deaths in those vaccinated, including lung diseases, cardio-vascular disease, and auto-immune blood disorders. It’s like a time bomb in your body.

If you don’t want to be transformed into something transhuman, and if you want to live and be healthy, don’t take the vaccine. It’s that simple. It’s time to steal the “my body, my choice” phrase, and put it to good use.

The Star-Trek comparison doesn’t end with the Borg nanoprobes either. The all-powerful and all-knowing entity in Star Trek is called Q, who can either be a friend or a foe. Q   was not on the side of The Borg. And now we have an anonymous person by the same name, Q, who is all-knowing and all-powerful, and not everyone trusts him. The Borg of the Star Trek series are symbolic of the transhumanism (part man, part machine) that Dr. Tenpenny warns is coming.

The Borg were the ultimate Cancel Culture entity who put “group thought” over “individual thought”. When the Star Trek series was aired, it was popular with liberals who supported Free Speech, and who wanted to think for themselves. Now 30 years later, those same fans still want to think for themselves, and most call themselves conservatives. I’m one of them. To me, Cancel Culture is like a Borg Cube on the attack.

The Star Trek Borg didn’t think for themselves. They want to destroy, conquer, and assimilate everyone else, just like today’s Cancel Culture crowd that take orders from some secret society (collective) run by George Soros and his ilk. The common people have been indoctrinated, and now it’s time for them to be inoculated. Transhumanism is beginning.

Interesting how all the pieces of the puzzle are coming together, isn’t it? Once again, life imitates art.

Here’s another eerie point, my start in public affairs was to lead a community organization in Hackensack, New Jersey in a seemingly impossible battle against a media titan named Malcolm Borg who was worth over 400 million in 1986 dollars. Borg owned a newspaper called The Record. Everyone in their right mind thought that a major metropolitan-quality newspaper with hundreds of employees, and based in the very same city (Hackensack), and the first newspaper in America to print in color, would be successful in securing zoning approvals to develop a townhouse complex on the woods of the former estate of its founder. Who in their stupidity would think they could beat that Borg? Well, I was young and stupid.

The campaign went from 1986 to 1995. His newspaper was immensely powerful, and in true Borg fashion, it was assimilating other media companies. Resistance was futile for The Herald, located in Passaic, and others. The Record controlled public opinion prior to the internet, and all the politicians cowered in fear of its leftist reporters and editors. Sounds familiar. Of all the tens of thousands of last names that he could possibly have, his name was Borg, and he acted like a Star Trek Borg. He was a giant figure in northern New Jersey in the 1980’s.

Guess who won that battle? Yes, it was the people, the little guys. We won it soundly and triumphantly. We won that battle by being explicitly bipartisan. We brought together the center, and we irritated the Party extremes. When the luxury condos were defeated, the center representing 80% of the people supported us, but 10% on the Far Left wanted affordable housing, and 10% on the Far Right complained about property rights and land coming off the tax rolls. In the end, property rights actually won. Borg exercised his property rights by selling the land at market rate to the County for preservation purposes. His land, his decision. Done.

Our message was tailored to appeal to both liberals and conservatives in the community. We explained how our campaign was for everyone, and for the greater good of the community. Political figures on both sides felt the need to support us. The impossibility of beating Malcom Borg and his media empire was suddenly achievable. As our victory got nearer, forces representing the Far Left and the Far Right both came out of the woodwork to try and stop us. They failed.

I think there is a lesson with Borg’s Woods that is relevant to the broader problems in America today. I want a nation in which 80% of the people are on one side, and the extremists each have 10% public support. Now that’s balance. Heck, I’ll take a 25-50-25 equation. Not as good, but still very much balanced. I know it can be done, because I already did it with the Borg’s Woods effort. The goal of my website is to bring balance to our society. My mission in life is to bring balance; it’s the essence of my being. Some people are annoyed that I don’t follow astrology. They say I’m the purest Libra who’s ever lived, and yes, I am a Libra. But I’m a Christian, and astrology is a form of idolatry.

This movie called the 2020’s is far from over. Not sure how or why the clues have been left, but the Bible is not the only source of the clues. They are throughout popular culture, in series like The Simpsons, and in movies like Back to the Future. We’ve been warned about the COVID-19 vaccine by the writers of Star Trek coming up with the Borg nanoprobes.

Are they time travelers or clairvoyant? Or did God put it into their minds to warn us that this madness is upon us? I don’t have that answer, but I don’t believe it’s all a coincidence. The clue exists, that’s what matters. All of the clues together point to how the people can win and bring balance to America. We just got to piece it all together. It seems impossible that the giants of America can be beaten, but the people are going to win this. God Bless America.

For more information, and to review all of our blog postings, see

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Ever watch a motivational speaker and then wonder ‘why doesn’t this guy run for office; nobody could ever beat him’? Philip Rizzo is that man. Rizzo, a pastor who has never run for office is making national news by seeking the Republican nomination for Governor of New Jersey. A dedicated conservative, he’s so committed to the task that he took a leave of absence from his church in order to run.

Here’s a recent news article on Rizzo’s candidacy https://www.nj.com/politics

Here’s his campaign website https://jerseyrizzo.com/

Phil Rizzo been a fighter all his life. In 1980, he lost half his right arm in an unusual accident. I was 15 at the time. I vaguely remember the news about a lally column falling, and then a 4-year-old boy had to have his arm amputated.

His challenge hasn’t stopped him from moving on with all areas of his life. I doubt he considers himself handicapped. He was an athlete in school, he’s been a success in business, he’s happily married with four children, he started a conservative Baptist ministry, and now he is running for governor. If losing an arm won’t hold him back, do you think he cares that the Republican party bosses aren’t supporting him? Damn the torpedoes AND the lally columns, full speed ahead.

Rizzo is off to a strong start at fund-raising, and if all goes according to plan, he will meet the threshold for matching GOP funding during a major fund-raising event in Colts Neck, New Jersey on March 25th. Fund-raising, especially from Christians, is coming in nationwide. Here’s information on the event https://www.facebook.com

The key-note speaker Kimberly Klacik of Baltimore. Here is one of her viral campaign ads showing her style. https://www.youtube.com

Klacik has been throwing her support behind other rising stars who also want to shake the boat, and jolt the Republican Party out of its failed approach of running party-hack politicians. Klacik is one of several Black Republicans, also including Billy Prempeh, who didn’t quite win seats in the US House of Representatives last November, but did shockingly well in deep blue districts. They all ran unconventional campaigns, and didn’t take orders from Republican Party bosses. Rizzo is another total outsider running for office.

All eyes will be on New Jersey for the June 8th Primary,
https://nj.gov/state/elections/assets/pdf and again for the general election in November. Senate and House of Representatives seats aren’t up in odd-numbered years. Nothing as controversial is shaping up in Virginia, the only other state with a gubernatorial election. The nation and the world are looking at New Jersey to see if the Republican Party is able to burst forth with a new approach to change the losing political equation.

Let’s analyze his chances further. The debate among Republicans has always been:

“Do we energize the party base and maximize our turnout, or do we elect someone who has that cross-party appeal, and who will bring in the vote from labor unions, minorities, and working-class residents everywhere”.

Phil Rizzo deserves the Republican nomination because he amazingly does both. First, he is an unabashed conservative who is pro-life, pro-America, and pro-Faith. He earned a B.S. in Business Management at Villanova, and he is a small-business owner. He checks all the boxes on whether or not a candidate is a conservative, and he doesn’t shy away from any issue.

He talks openly about the value of life, and about reversing the requirement in New Jersey to teach radical Left ideas on sexuality to public school children. The Radical Left wing of the Democratic Party fears him more than any other Republican running. Some strategists think it’s best if a Republican tread lightly on any issue that might irritate the Radical Left. Nonsense, especially this year.

Most Democrats in New Jersey are not Far Left. Like Republicans, many are sick of the atheism, the radicalism, the socialism, the anti-police sentiments, the rioting, and above all the Cancel Culture tactics of the Far Left.
https://jewishjournal.com/commentary  They may refuse to admit it to conservatives, but they can’t stand where their Party has drifted.

There’s a gigantic crack within the Democratic Party in New Jersey. Rizzo is going to take a wedge and hammer to that crack, and create the Grand Canyon.

At the very center of this division are Christian Blacks and Christian immigrants from Latin America, Africa, and Asia who have been loyal to their Party despite it becoming openly hostile to their basic beliefs and values. They are tired of being used for votes. Blacks and immigrants together are roughly half the vote in New Jersey. Their mostly Democratic votes decide every election. They just need to be “welcomed” to the conservative side, hence the name “Welcome Movement”.

Party-anointed Republican front-runner Jack Ciatterelli hasn’t figured this out. Rizzo has. They filled his center-city Baptist church. He works with them all the time in business. He loves these people. It’s the Word of God to love everyone. He really does, from the bottom of his Christian heart.

The greatest lie being told to the American people is that the White Christian is typically a racist, and must be feared. The Left continuously tells that lie to fear-monger enough voters to win elections. This is 2021, not 1921. A lot has changed.

Those who have been disenfranchised are ready to consider options, but only if conservatives admit there has been discrimination, state that it was unjust and against the Word of God, and declare that the new conservative vision is to incorporate everyone, all people of all races and backgrounds, within a big-tent conservative majority going forwards. Together we’ll have the numbers and the energy to smash the Radical Left, put Socialism and Cancel Culture in a coffin, and nail it shut. 

The Left can’t win with a message of peace and love, or with their platform. They can only win by instilling hate and fear. Pastor Rizzo smashes that Leftist plan.

Now think for a minute; what kind of Republican candidate deters Christian Democrats? The absolute last thing they want is a career Republican politician who keeps quiet on matters of Faith and morality, and answers to the Republican Party bosses. That’s exactly who Jack Ciatterelli is.

Here’s Ciatterelli’s campaign speech, it’s nothing special. Same old song. I’ve heard this speech a dozen times from both Democrats and Republicans.

He sang on for 16 minutes, and he uttered not one single word about how sick we are Cancel Culture and the Radical Left. Not one word about the Judeo-Christian values of New Jersey voters. Not one word about how at least half of Blacks and immigrants in New Jersey are conservative on core social issues, and how they are just being used for votes by the Democratic Party, which is openly opposed to their Faith and their values.

Ciatterelli’s approach won’t bring over any Democratic voters tired of the Radical Left.

I lived in Hackensack for 34 years, and then in Newark for 10 years. I was active in community matters in both heavily Democratic cities. I know exactly how Democrats think because I’m an ex-Democrat. Yes, I do have the pulse of the people on my fingertips. People are mad, people are frustrated, people in both Parties are looking for a new voice. I see it, plain as day. Phil Rizzo is that voice.

The winning unity message has to be that all people, all races, are equal in the eyes of God, and we are going to move forward united to build a better society. Our love of God and pride in America is what brings us together. Otherwise, politics devolves into the tribalism of Critical Race Theory, which by their own design is the path to Communism.

The unity message stands in sharp contrast to the hate and radicalism of Cancel Culture. The Radical Left despises religion and everything hetero-normative, especially the traditional family. Immigrants and Christian Blacks are much closer to God and family values than the average leftist-indoctrinated White college graduate, yet the Left continuously lies and says that White Christians are the enemy, especially Republicans. The Welcome Movement exists to fight back against that lie.

Republicans who won’t run on the basic foundation of God and family values are useless. We need to build a just and honest society based on hard work, personal responsibility, family values, Freedom of Religion, and the Judeo-Christian tradition. That will be a diverse and numerous group of people, all absolutely emboldened to work together to restore the American Dream, and roll it out for everyone.

I can see the Marxist professors and other leftist thinkers just gritting their teeth and cursing my name. My son-in-law is one of them. They think conservatives still don’t know how they are indoctrinating our students with Intersectionality, and now they are pissed to read that we are fighting back against it.

People from Faiths outside of the Judeo-Christian tradition are starting to realize that they too must be allied with the political Right, or eventually they will be attacked by The Left. The political right supports Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, and other rights that protect everyone, including Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Bahai’s, Sikh’s, etc.

Rizzo wants to show the path for the entire country, and help inspire more people to follow the Word of God, and to live happy productive lives. One year later is the mid-terms, and a lot is at stake. If a serious Christian can win in a deep blue State, he or she can win anywhere.

Once Rizzo gets the matching GOP funds, he’ll have to be taken seriously by the GOP establishment. Pastors are known for their speaking skills, and this pastor has the power of a motivational speaker with a Christian focus. Watch his speaking style in this 2017 sermon he gave in Tennessee.
https://www.youtube.com/ He has the passion and the energy to deliver the unity message needed to win this election. Governor Murphy will come to dread the thought of debating Phil Rizzo.

Christian Democrats of all races are welcomed with open arms to vote for Rizzo, and to join the Republican Party. But if some want to stay as Democrats, and just vote for good honest Republicans when they appear, I have another plan.

  • Organize yourselves as a Christian Democratic political action committee, and demand a seat at their table.

  • Run as Democrats for those pesky County Committee seats and the local school board seats. Never take orders from their Party bosses; instead answer to God and to Jesus.

  • Demand that the Democratic Party adopt a Christian platform and run Christian candidates.

  • Fight the Radical Left, tell them to their face that they are wrong. Be bold in your conviction to God and Jesus.

  • Work with Christian Republicans on all matters of Faith, values, and family, especially if you are elected.

  • Openly declare that you will vote for Faith-oriented Republicans each and every time that the Democratic Party nominates a pro-choice or pro-LGBTQ candidate. And then do it to show your power.

This is the first stage of shuffling the political deck of cards. We’ll cheer you on, we got your back. Christian Democrats pursuing this plan need to be cautioned that you will incur the wrath of the Far Left. When you’ve had enough, and when you see that conservatives have been your allies, make the break with the pure evil that dominates this country and the Democratic Party, and come over to our side.

Isn’t it ironic that a Republican such as myself lays out this potent plan to empower those who have been disenfranchised and marginalized? But the “woke” Left says I must be a racist because I am a heterosexual male who checks all the boxes that they say proves evil. Nonsense.

The Republican Party will quickly get the message that economic-oriented Republicans won’t get the Christian Democrat vote, but Faith-oriented Republicans will. By following this plan, Christian Democrats organizing in the cities can become a powerful force pushing the Republican Party in the Faith-oriented direction that the Welcome Movement advocates. Some Republicans won’t like this trend. Too bad, I answer to God and Jesus, not to any Republican boss, and I’m mad as all hell about 2020 and the whole direction of this country.

Christian Democrats and Christian Republicans are not enemies. We are only a hair’s breadth apart. “They” want to keep us divided, because if we come together, we own this country. They’ve known that for decades. We’re just figuring it out now.

People of Faith have been divided, and then pushed into the closet. Now it’s our turn to come out of the closet. It’s time to re-establish the Judeo-Christian value system, and this time there must be a distinct focus that it includes people of all races and backgrounds.

In this regard, “The Re-Establishment” I envision is exactly 180 degrees different from what racist conservatives did in the 1920’s when they circled the wagons and shut people out, and then lynched people they didn’t like. They had the audacity to call themselves Christians.

We don’t circle the wagons or fear outsiders, instead we open a big tent and invite everyone in. The difference of our message in 2021 has to be pointed out. Our love, our compassion, and our commitment to humanity will be seen and known. We will inspire and uplift everyone.

Unity shall defeat disunity. Order shall defeat disorder. Love shall defeat hate. Prosperity shall defeat socialism. The shift, the shuffle of the deck, will be so powerful that no algorithm on Dominion software is going to make any difference. The Re-Establishment is going to roll out across the entire country like an unstoppable wave.

Yes, Christians in both parties disagree a bit on social spending matters, and how to best help the poor. Suffice to say that people’s minds have to be fixed first. If people don’t have the right attitude and values, no amount of spending will fix the real problems that exist.

We can have that debate within our ranks. Last time I checked The Bible, Jesus didn’t minister to the rich. I myself have been poor, and I have conservative ideas on providing affordable housing without costing taxpayer money. Rizzo hasn’t committed his support on this, but I am hoping that his election win will give me the chance to advance these conservative housing programs.


It’s time for a huge political realignment. Imagine a deck of cards, with each card representing some voter demographic or interest group. Each Party holds multiple “cards”. Presidential elections come and go, but even a very controversial election like 2020 doesn’t change which Party holds which cards. 

Now let me speak for the people here. We’re done with the whole political equation, especially after 2020. It’s time to shuffle the entire deck of cards. That’s the only way to change the losing political equation, and put the Judeo-Christian tradition back on top. The Great Shuffle will create a socially conservative Judeo-Christian Republican political party so expansive that it will carry every State but Vermont in Presidential elections. The last bastion that the White leftists will control is going to be northern New England, because there are relatively few Blacks or immigrants living there.

The whole theory that America will become more Democratic as the percentage of White population declines will become laughable after The Great Shuffle. We are at a turning point in the social and political history of this country. And the turning point could be happening in the very same location, Trenton. Astounding.

History does tend to repeat itself. I’m laying out the vision, so I’m filling the role of Thomas Paine, who didn’t answer to the powers that be any more than I do. I am a patriot and a proud American. I am a descendent through my Martindale lineage to John Pearson, who was appointed by George Washington to the position of Major of Commissary. Battles aren’t won without adequate supplies and provisions, and he organized that. Pearson rose to the rank of Brigadier General after the Revolution, and served in the House of Representatives. Here’s a painting of John Pearson.

America needs to go back to the principles of our founding. We are a Judeo-Christian country that respects Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech, and establishes no particular denomination. People of Faith will no longer allow ourselves to be split, weakened, and marginalized.

America led the world in 1776 by abolishing the monarchy, and setting the vision for the world. Over time we have established the greatest and most powerful nation that has ever existed. We are not going the communist route. America must instead become a place where people of all backgrounds are truly equal and live together in harmony.

Cancel Culture and the Radical Left want to destroy our founding in order to create a new system with them on top. They are transitioning us into a totalitarian communist regime based on Intersectionality and radical feminism.

People of Faith still have the numbers to put an end to this lunacy, if we work together. It has to happen now, if another generation is indoctrinated with all the nonsense and divisiveness, there’s no hope. It’s time for a fresh start. Shuffle the deck, and let the cards land where they belong. I’ve lain out a vision, a direction for this election to proceed.

The people of America, of all backgrounds, need to take back this country, and rescue ourselves from the lunacy of contemporary social and political matters. We have to stand tall against them, no matter how ferocious they become. The Great Shuffle and the Re-Establishment both start with New Jersey, this year, 2021.

For more information, and to review all of our blog postings, see

Follow us on Facebook by joining The Welcome Movement at https://www.facebook.com/groups

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