

Eric Martindale • February 8, 2021



It must be shocking to the political Left that absolute proof has come out that a cyber-attack from China stole the 2020 election. The public has been repeatedly told by the media and social media that this is one of those “wacko conspiracy theories”.

On February 5th, Mike Lindell, the my pillow guy, released the proof regarding the post-election cyber-attack from China and other foreign countries. Don’t watch Lindell’s entire video from start to finish, just forward to the 1:36:00 mark, which is one hour and thirty-six minutes. After watching that segment, it’s your choice to go back and watch the entire video. There’s more good stuff.

Fast forward to 1:36:00

Lindell has been hated by the Left since he created the movie entitled “Unplanned” about an abortion center manager who turned pro-life. He doesn’t care, he just wants to be honest, and to do the work of God upon the Earth. I totally get it. When I make my millions, I’ll be exactly the same way.

Starting at 1:36:00, Lindell presents the data from the servers that the United States military raided and seized in Spain and Germany after the election. There was a media boycott regarding those raids, but the news was shared among conservative circles online. We now know that it was “the good guys” that got the servers.

Remember when they said those server raids were another wacko conspiracy theory. Well, those raids actually happened, and Lindell just released the data. What’s next, is the Q stuff real too?

Be wary that not all right-wing conspiracies are true, and many false ones are being planted by Masons, and by CIA and FBI operatives posing as conservatives. We are in an information war, and one main goal is to discredit the conservative movement by releasing false information.

In particular, don’t trust any conservative videos coming out of Great Britain. The Brits are known for being pranksters, but more importantly the New World Order is run out of Masonic Crown Temple in the City of London where the Masons control the global banking system, the IMF, the central banks in every country, the Bar Associations in every country, the British royal family, the media and many major corporations, over two dozen secretive New World Order organizations, and more. 

The Masonic Order in London is in a deep and multi-layered financial, military, and geopolitical alliance with The Vatican and with Washington, DC to collectively control Western Civilization, to indirectly control the entire world, and to keep their sins and scandals covered up. Without the sins and scandals, they can’t control important people. It’s all about control. And yes, I know many of America’s Founding Fathers were Masons too. It’s a complex situation. The forces of good and evil have been in a constant and ongoing battle for control.

My paternal ancestors came from England over 200 years ago, so if I want to criticize Great Britain, I can do it fairly and objectively. America declared our independence from Great Britain, and one of my ancestors, John Pearson, had a prominent role in the Continental Army. He was appointed by George Washington to a key logistics position, which was Major of Commissary. Perhaps I inherited his organizational abilities.

The Masons are the source of the Orwellian tactics of the media and the political Left. Donald Trump and Q are an existential threat to their entire collective. Both are being used by God to unveil and destroy that unholy collective so that events can advance according to His Will. The ultimate and tragic future of America is lain out in many places in the Bible, but most specifically in Revelations 17-18.

What’s playing out now in America is a matter of historic and yes biblical proportions, and it’s far from over. Here I summarize the grand finale of Lindell’s video:

1. The cyber-attack documentation is thousands of pages long, with line-by-line entries for each individual attack.

2. The exact Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of each cyber-attacker in China and other places are individually listed, and linked to election center computers in various counties in the six election theft States, which were Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada.

3. The exact IP addresses of the election center computers that were attacked are listed for each entry.

4. Each entry notes if the attackers had the protocol keys (meaning it’s an inside job) or if they had to breach a firewall, and if the attack was successful.

5. The exact time of each cyber-attack is recorded

6. The exact number of votes flipped from Donald Trump to Joseph Biden is recorded for each cyber-attack, on a county-by-county basis, in those six States.

7. It’s all absolute fact, and undeniable.

Lindell explains that China’s action was planned in advance, but it was a Plan B. The planners hoped to not have to use it. The algorithm that they programmed into the Dominion Software, to tweak the election in Biden’s favor, was broken by the sheer and unexpected number of Trump votes on Election Day. A few hours after the polls closed, they had to shut down the vote count in those six States simultaneously, which is unprecedented and immediately raises a red flag. This gave time for Plan B, the cyber-attack, to be carried out.

The cyber-attack was an act of war by the People’s Republic of China upon the United States, as was the release of COVID-19. We now have the almost unbelievable situation in which the sitting President of the United States is indebted to China, which is America’s greatest geopolitical adversary, for putting him into office.

Lindell’s documentary is predictably being dismissed in a pure Orwellian fashion as another wacko conspiracy theory. There is a near-total news and social media boycott on its release. It’s being suppressed for a reason, it’s true. It’ll take some time for public opinion to amass around the proofs.

As days and weeks go by, more and more people will be exposed to the truth, and more and more prominent people will come out and say “yes, this is absolute proof”. I hate to admit it, but liberals and leftists are not stupid. At some point, each person will say to themselves “OK, I want to wrap my head around this, I’ll forward to 1:36:00 and watch it to see if it’s ridiculous, or has some merit”. That’s all we need, just a crack of open-mindedness. In the end, the truth always wins.

Now it’s time to critique Lindell. First, there have been other cyber-attacks on other targets, and litigation regarding them. He could have said that the quality and quantity of data he has equals or exceeds that of other cyber-attacks, and that said proofs have held up in Court.

Secondly, Lindell should have presented the cyber-attack information no later than 30 seconds into his video. Most conservative viewers will tune away within five minutes unless they see absolute proof. Most liberal or leftist viewers have a one-minute attention span, at best, in which their mind is open to information contrary to what they’ve been indoctrinated. Lindell waited an hour and thirty-six minutes to get to the good stuff. I have no words to describe that error.

Third, the information is not being presented in the format that I called for in my last blog article, printed on January 18th. Let’s remind my readers what I said on January 18th, to follow in parenthesis:

(CLEAR PROOF OF ELECTION THEFT – The objectors to the election theft will clearly list the objections and create a source document with links for proof. It will be lain out and enumerated in great detail, like a Bible, with every section, claim, affidavit and court action in every State numbered, lettered, and further sub-numbered for easy reference. Each point will be color-tagged in its heading as proven, mostly proven, or statistically impossible without election irregularities. It will be overwhelming, undeniable, and infuriating.)

Yeah, I know they don’t take orders from me. And I do understand that the election fraud proofs are so voluminous that it will take some time to organize it all into the format I am calling for. They should hire me to do it. I’m a key resource and I’m very organized, but they still haven’t discovered me.

I laid out The Plan in my last blog article. Items #1, #2, and #3 progressed exactly as I called it on January 18th, and in the order I called. See:

My track record so far has been spot-on accurate, and what’s next is Item #4 from my article, which is as follows:

4. RELEASE THE KRAKEN / RED PILL – The most important step is there will be a complete unveiling of all the evils, meaning all the Q stuff on child trafficking, the Federal Reserve, the CIA programs, and more. When it comes out, the public will see that the conflict is not simply over “politics” or “personalities”, but is instead between Satanic forces of evil vs. Christians and other good people just realizing now that they must to turn to God and Jesus.

I am not backing down or soft-peddling my predictions, or steps 5, 6, and 7. It’s all going to happen.

I need to get cracking on my Q article, which will be an analysis of many of the Q claims. I’m laying them all out. I will be publishing a probability forecast, meaning a percent chance, on the validity of each of them.

The saga continues. The most epic events in the history of humanity are unfolding before our eyes. We are alive now to watch, and even to participate in some fashion. We bear witness to everything.

I ask my readers to vary your sources. Read both liberal and conservative sources, and engage others politely but firmly on social media. Don’t be weak, and don’t be afraid to say you are a Christian. Watch the news on OAN, Fox, and CNN. Employ critical thinking and analyze everything. Be brazen in your belief in God, and turn to God if you are weak in your Faith. Hate nobody, and love your enemies as if they are your friends. The truth will come out, and pray that the cruel fate of our country described in Revelations is not cast in stone.

Rev 17-18 describes two separate forces of evil (the “crimson beast” and the “whore of Babylon”) who are in conflict with each other, and in conflict with “the lamb”, which is Christianity. It has recently become apparent to some Biblical scholars that the crimson (red) beast is communism. Rev. 17:8 explains that the crimson beast died but now lives again, to everyone’s surprise. That’s exactly what communism did, it died after the fall of the Berlin Wall, and now it lives again in a major conflict with capitalism and our freedoms. Our modern freedoms and liberties include sexual liberties that God frowns upon. Here is what Rev. 17:15-18 says about a great future city called “mystery Babylon”:

15 Then the angel said to me, “The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages. 16 The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. 17 For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to hand over to the beast their royal authority, until God’s words are fulfilled. 18 The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.”

Hmmm, what “great city” is the economic and cultural capital of the world, and houses the United Nations? And this city sits surrounded by “the waters you saw” (rivers, bays, and the ocean) on a mystery continent unknown to ancient Israel, and it is populated with a great diversity of peoples from many nations who speak many languages. And there is even a statue of a woman that symbolizes the city, hence the reference: “the woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth”.

After a few thousand years of speculation, we must be at or close to the biblical end times because there is one city that must be Mystery Babylon, and there are no other contenders.

Of all these passages, Rev 17:17 is most troubling. It basically says it is God’s Will that communism destroys capitalism along with our materialism and sexual liberties, “until God’s words are fulfilled”. What comes next in Rev. 17-18 isn’t much better, a Christian victory (yeah !!!), but followed by the complete destruction of mystery Babylon, and then the economic collapse of the world. Rev. 18 then describes the destruction and lament in detail.

That’s God’s Will? Gee, thanks God. Please also note that Revelations is at least three visions describing the same events, each slightly differently, a bit like Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John each cover the days of Jesus, but not exactly the same way. These visions are Rev 1-16, Rev 17-18, and Rev. 19-22. Of the visions, Rev. 17-18 is the most America-specific. 

Whether or not New York or America’s destruction is the only possible future is a matter of Determinism. Is there free will, or have all events been pre-determined by God? And if everything is pre-determined, the antagonist will say: “then what’s the point to avoiding sin, leading a just and good life, and doing good works to help humanity?” I cannot accept that our fate is sealed, and that our nation cannot turn to God and change our direction. God gave us a brain to use, arms to build things, and a heart to love. Is our future “determined” unless we get wise and turn to God? Determinism has the been the subject of contentious philosophical and theological debate for hundreds of years. We won’t solve this debate today.

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