
End the Political Hate Game of Left versus Right

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Economic Populism

End the Political Hate Game of Left versus Right

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Social, economic, and spiritual reforms for 

the Republican Party

By Ahmed Odeh Guest Contributor 24 Sep, 2024
We are upset that Donald Trump is positioning himself as the great defender of Israel. Trump has done nothing to try to win the Muslim vote, even though most Muslims are social conservatives. Meanwhile, the political support that many Muslims feel for the Democrats is unsustainable, as the core positions of the Left are hostile to our beliefs. Both problems are much more than frustrating. Muslims who are social conservatives must take a stand to state their beliefs. Those who agree with the following 25 conservative points are asked to click on the link below, print it, sign your name to this Declaration, and mail it to the Trump Campaign. Trump needs to be deluged with thousands of these. Each will be opened, because they think it’s a campaign donation. Trump and the Republican establishment need to hear it loud and clear that Muslims are the real conservatives, and that Jews are the Leftist and atheist enemy of the whole world.
By Ahmed Odeh Guest Contributor 24 Sep, 2024
We are upset that Donald Trump is positioning himself as the great defender of Israel. Trump has done nothing to try to win the Muslim vote, even though most Muslims are social conservatives. Meanwhile, the political support that many Muslims feel for the Democrats is unsustainable, as the core positions of the Left are hostile to our beliefs. Both problems are much more than frustrating. Muslims who are social conservatives must take a stand to state their beliefs. Those who agree with the following 25 conservative points are asked to click on the link below, print it, sign your name to this Declaration, and mail it to the Trump Campaign. Trump needs to be deluged with thousands of these. Each will be opened, because they think it’s a campaign donation. Trump and the Republican establishment need to hear it loud and clear that Muslims are the real conservatives, and that Jews are the Leftist and atheist enemy of the whole world.

We are very different from all other groups and movements.

We need your advocacy, we need your written and video testimonials, and we need your financial support to organize this into a powerful national movement. 

Our GoFundMe campaign is vital to this effort. See the great testimonials we have posted, and our Testimonial Guidelines.

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    I discovered welcome movement on Facebook and its member Eric Martindale by joining his group and befriending him as well there. I believe in all of America. That all cultures ought to be represented and they all should be. 

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The Welcome Movement is the social, spiritual, and political reform movement of our times

1. FIRST, we are a reform movement. We are egalitarian, not elitist. We are not happy with the status quo of the Republican Party. We define a moderate and populist version of Republican theory that can be embraced by a firm majority of Americans, especially including immigrant and minority groups. It’s time to end the political hate game of the Left and Right, and “Welcome” everyone. Politics must be about acceptance, not exclusion. The right column (scroll down to see) outlines our reforms to Republican policy and ideology.

2. SECOND, we are broadly interfaith in that we outline a set of spiritual values common to most Faiths, even many outside of Christianity, but we are not an "Interfaith Movement". We “Welcome” everyone to embrace these spiritual values, and to view it as the needed foundation for government, for public education, and for society’s morals and values. Various Faiths and denominations have been so focussed on the details that divide them that there has been no united front against the secularism and atheism that is collectively destroying all of us. I am personally Christian, I only read the King James Bible, and I believe that our nation is defined by the Judeo-Christian tradition. However, this website is simply not the forum for me to promote details on the truth of the Bible. Instead these spiritual values are deliberately Faith-neutral in order to be acceptable to almost every Faith group, and even to many non-believers. This list is complemented by a second list of values and virtues from America's past. These lists are collectively a conservative perspective, and are presented in a way that can be accepted by people of all Faiths and ethnic backgrounds as an alternative to the "Established Disorder" of secularism, Critical Race Theory, and atheism.

3. THIRD , it is to establish a populism that shall challenge popular culture and the four big industries (Arts & Entertainment, Media, Fashion, and Advertising) that control the values and direction of our society. Their hegemony must be ended, and we boldly challenge them with our populist counter-initiative. We are disgusted that they own the Democratic Party. They continue to divide America by race, national origin, and religious beliefs with their Saul Alinsky tactics. We will be weak, silent, and divided no longer. United we stand, divided we fall. We must include all immigrant and minority groups in both advocacy and leadership roles.

Our populist counter-initiative is coming in a way they never thought that conservatives would be capable of. We do it under the banner of unity and diversity, and advancing the Word of God in a manner that can be embraced by all major religions and denominations. While we define the problems of America in stark terms, this remains a “no-hate zone”. We cannot revert to their tactics without sacrificing our own spirituality. 

welcome movement founder-Eric Martindale
Eric Martindale, Founder

Conservative Core Values

(We support these 100%, and we define what it means to be conservative)


(This list is secular, but very much a part of conservative theory)


Personal Responsibility

Love and defend your country

Value and defend the U.S. Constitution

Civics classes in school

Take pride in your community 

Always vote

Know your neighbors

Do not litter, keep your own property clean and orderly

Support law and order in a broad sense, but

Shame and stigma are needed more than police and laws

Home ownership is needed to develop personal responsibility 

Always be charitable and do favors for others

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Spiritual Values Common To Most Major Faiths

(This list is Faith-based, but in a generic way. It is not specific to any one Faith or Denomination)

To be modest and to express humility

To be a peacemaker, and to bring harmony into all situations

To be a genuine person, and to be at peace with oneself

To be trustworthy, sincere and honest 

To be truthful and to speak candidly, but reserved in tone

To be kind and joyful

To be patient, tolerant, and full of forgiveness

To be steadfast and to persevere, to have a sense of duty

To be open-minded, just and fair

To exhibit a sense of moral rectitude, but not be judgmentalof others

To be courteous, thoughtful, loving and considerate

To be free of prejudice

To be empathetic and compassionate

To be clean in all aspects of body, mind, and standard of living

To be generous and hospitable

To express loyalty and honor, and to be courageous but never dogmatic

To respect and associate with the followers of all religions and fellowships, including non-believers

To care for children and the elderly, and honor ones parents

To study the arts and sciences as they benefit mankind

To be faithful if married, and to be chaste if single

To refrain from gossip and backbiting

To engage in mature consultation with others to resolve issues and concerns

To honor your parents and grandparents

To not be promiscous. Instead marry young, and have many children

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Overview Of These Two Lists

We present the above two lists of core values are the basic Conservative vision. As a nation, we have drifted so far that it is necessary to list these prominently on our website. What is "conservative" is based on social values, and once those values are established and accepted, there can then be debate on what kind of economic system best serves the needs of the people, and best allows these values to advance.

The basic conservative theory is that if everyone lived and conducted business with the above two sets of values, the greatest number of people would live happy and productive lives, and there would hardly be any need for government, social services, law enforcement, courts, and taxation. 

Decades ago, everyone knew this was the theory; some agreed, and some disagreed. No problem, it's a free country. 

But in our modern times, both the Left and the Right have so distorted the discussion of issues that many people think "conservative" is about fearing immigrants and minorities, forcing a religion onto everyone, and amassing wealth at the expense of others. That's incorrect, and that's not our vision. 

It's therefore necessary to define the term "conservative". And now that it has been done, it should be clear to the readers that conservative theory is very desirable, and that it can exist in every country on Earth. If you are not sure, re-read the above two lists. Those aren't values for White American people, those are values for everyone. 

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Ironically, the further concentration of poverty is part of the transformation of America. Barack Obama said he wanted to "fundamentally transform America".

Here's how he actually did it:

1. The more that people are tenants, the more they vote Democrat. Home ownership rates continue to decline. Millions of homes that were lost to foreclosures are now owned by investors and rented out. Home prices are too high, and changing mortgage rules are locking people out.

2. The more that people live at high population density, the more likely they are to vote Democrat. Construction of multi-family housing is booming, because families cannot buy homes.

3. The more that people are poor and struggling, the more they vote Democrat. Poverty is actually increasing, and the criteria used to define the federal poverty level has not been altered despite extreme cost increases for rent, insurance, medical, and day care. Any statistics showing a decrease in poverty are distortions that don't take this into account. The country is "prospering economically" because the top 5% of the population does 95% of the spending, and that top 5% has been doing very well. This is a recipe' for extreme social and political conflict, and possibly the rise of Socialism. Capitalism isn't working for everything. Our goal is that it must work for everyone.

4. The more that people reject God, the more they vote Democrat. All of the social and cultural changes advocated through popular culture are moving in this direction. Our youth are taught that religion is ignorant and backwards, and that the true leaders of modern society are artists and entertainers. This is absolutely the focus of the Democratic Party. It's a War on God, and it's being conducted under the banner of sexual and gender freedom of every possible variety.

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Who do we want. In short, everyone.

Who do we want. In short, everyone.

1. IMMIGRANTS & MINORITIES As already described, people of all religions and ethnic and racial backgrounds

2. PEOPLE OF FAITH, as abundantly clear in all our writings

3. LIBERTARIANS and CONSTITUTIONALISTS. We are at least 90% in agreement. We are a bit more Faith-oriented, and we will not support the legalization of recreational drugs on the grounds that a lifestyle of substance abuse is the anti-thesis to personal and spiritual development.

4. ECONOMIC CONSERVATIVES. Some of our reforms (right column) will seem on the surface to be against their interests, but a deeper understanding is that the capitalist system is most safe from the rise of Socialism when the greatest number of people are prospering economically, and therefore valuing capitalism. We are philosophically behind capitalism 100%, and we believe that global prosperity means global peace. Capitalism is the key to ending global poverty, and eliminating war and terrorism. More people will have more disposable income to purchase more goods and services under our economic reforms. They will be happy, and the economy will boom in America and globally. Nobody will want war, terrorism, or violence.

Stay tuned, things will get real interesting......

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