Conservative Core Values
(We support these 100%, and we define what it means to be conservative)
(This list is secular, but very much a part of conservative theory)
Personal Responsibility
Love and defend your country
Value and defend the U.S. Constitution
Civics classes in school
Take pride in your community
Always vote
Know your neighbors
Do not litter, keep your own property clean and orderly
Support law and order in a broad sense, but
Shame and stigma are needed more than police and laws
Home ownership is needed to develop personal responsibility
Always be charitable and do favors for others
Do not hire a lawyer or litigate unless you have first tried to work out differences with others
Equity and reasonableness in contracts
No greed, no price gouging, no lengthy contracts bursting with legalese
Laws and regulations should be simple and straightforward
Fairness in all business dealings; no scams; no predatory business plans
There should never be a perspective in the business world in which whole groups of people (racial, ethnic, or religious groups) exist to serve the economic desires of any other group of people. All practices of "economic slavery" are effectively a form of racketeering, and need to be outlawed.
Do not smoke *
Do not drink *
Do not do recreational drugs, or abuse prescription drugs
Speak calmly but with strength; never raise one’s voice
Do not make trouble or confront others
No cursing *
No violence
No protesting *
No blasting music, no flamboyant lifestyles *
No gambling *
No prostitution
Dress modestly
Do not borrow money; never live in debt
Never rely on government
Place great value in education
Display a strong work ethic
Be a law-abiding citizen
Be paternalistic; raise your children well
Respect your in-laws and defend your family at all times
Respect authority
If you own firearms, be a responsible gun owner
* these items are not to be legislated, they are social values. Children are to be taught that this entire list, and the second list below, are the values of our society, whether all adults conform or not